Artwork for podcast Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs"  Mabe
ASK THE BOSS - Episode 6
Episode 69th January 2020 • Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs" Mabe • Core Nutritionals LLC
00:00:00 01:03:29

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20:46 - One legged exercise to do for the rest

of your life?

21:45 - What would be each HQ person’s

signature flavor way?

22:32 - What is the next major endeavor for the


23:47 - Best Core supplement stack for

gaining back muscle after being off

for a month?

24:52 - Why is HMB so misunderstood

among the science community?

26:06 - Can we go into the details of

Core Intra?

30:26 - One flavor of ABC you would recommend

for first tub?

31:16 - What would you like to see change

in the fitness industry in 2020?

31:27 - What are you most excited for in 2020?

33:21 - Why was coQ10 put in Vigor?

33:42 - What products would you recommend

for female NPC competitors who are

cutting during show prep?

34:28 - If you were a taller person (6.5)

is it better to pull sumo or conventional?

34:44 - What is the 1 flavor you would love to

make but is hard to replicate?

35:31 - Current postworkout setup?

36:44 - Update on Redskins flavor?

37:24 - Have you ever considered making seperate

websties for Core?

37:44 - What do you think about salt before

training added in the preworkout?

38:42 - What supps/food can increase

erection strength and duration?

40:25 - What are your plans for a Crush It

Fitness Facility and in what area?

41:11 - What are your thoughts on 4 month bulk

followed by a 4 week cut repeat vs.

long bulk long cut?

43:38 - What would you have you done in your

20/30s that you maybe regret not doing?

47:49 - What have you found to be the best weekly

split for gaining muscle as a natural?

51:57 - What do your supplements and meals

look like on a rest day?

52:40 - Since you get regular blood panels

done, how are your liver enzymes?

53:07 - If your liver enzymes are high,

is it due to the high protein?

54:45 - what would it take to get a workout in

with Mr. Douglas Miller Pro?

57:03 - What is your favorite color?

57:57 - If you could be a box of cereal what

would you be?

59:02 - Cardio first or weights if you are

trying to lose weight?

1:00:30 - Best Gym you have trained at and why?

1:01:33 - What is your favorite slang term?

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