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Ask The Expert: Monica Ramirez Your Ego As A Tool To Overcome Limiting Beliefs-Ep.159
Episode 15920th August 2023 • She Coaches Coaches • Candy Motzek | Life & Business Coach
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Join my discussion with Monica Ramirez, Warrior of Love as we talk about overcoming limiting beliefs and how to use awareness, understanding, and remembering how far you’ve come so that you can use your ego as a tool instead of the enemy.

We discuss the societal programming that leads people to doubt themselves and lose touch with their true potential and emphasize the importance of unlearning these beliefs and reconnecting with your inner divine being.


1.    Many people don't believe in themselves due to societal programming and messages received from childhood and we can unlearn and rediscover our true identity and purpose.

2.    The ego is seen as a tool for self-awareness, providing insights into areas that require inner work.

3.    Working at the subconscious level is important to reprogram limiting beliefs that hinder personal growth. Personal growth occurs in layers, and each level presents new challenges and opportunities to learn.

4.    8. The ego can be viewed, not as an enemy but a part of oneself that can be harnessed for growth and self-improvement.

5.    9. Limiting beliefs often stem from external influences, and it's important to question their validity.

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About the Expert:

Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love, is a Transformational Belief Coach, she help healers, coaches and energy workers to connect to a higher consciousness and heal within, so that they can believe in themselves more deeply, take decisive action in their own lives and facilitate more profound transformations with their own clients. She use NLP, BQH, Channeling, and Quantum Healing Techniques to access and reprogram the 'motherboard' of your being so that you can shed the unhelpful beliefs that hold you back, connect to the higher realms, and fulfill your personal and business potential. She is the best seller author in Amazon. Founder of Path to the Heart a transformational System.



Podcast Soul Talk Episode: Ep 113 Shake Off Imposter Syndrome With Candy Motzek 


Candy Motzek:

Hey welcome to she coaches coaches, I'm your host Candy motzek. And I'm going to help you find the clarity, confidence and courage to become the coach that you are meant to be. If you're a new coach, or if you've always wanted to be a life coach, then this is the place for you. We're going to talk all about mindset and strategies and how to because step by step only works when you have the clarity, courage and confidence to take action. Let's get started. Hello, everyone, and welcome to this episode, I have a special guest, my friend Monica Ramirez, she is the warrior of love. Let me tell you a little bit about her. She is a transformational belief coach, and she helps healers, coaches and energy workers to connect to a higher consciousness and she helps them heal within. So they can believe more deeply in themselves, take that action in their life to make things happen and facilitate more profound transformation with their own clients. Now, I have been on Monica's podcast, it's called Soul talk. So make sure you check out that episode, I'll put the link to my episode in the Episode Notes as well. But she's got a big long grocery list of how she goes about helping people. She uses NLP she uses BQH uses channeling and quantum healing. And essentially what she does is she access and reprograms the motherboard of your being. So every coach, a new coach, a coach at any point in their business, we know we've got these unhelpful beliefs, no matter how much personal work we've done that are still holding us back. And Monica is going to talk with us about this today. And also, I want you to know that she is a best selling author on Amazon, founder of asked the heart, which is a transformational system. And she does a lot of speaking opportunities as well. I'll make sure to put all of her contact details in the Episode Notes. But let's get right into the episode. Hey, Monica, how are you today?

Monica Ramirez:

Oh, candy, thank you so much for inviting me to your show. And thank you for all the viewers too.

Candy Motzek:

You're welcome. So let's talk about these limiting beliefs and how how you approach them and how your work helps people to overcome them.

Monica Ramirez:

Yes, the majority of the human beings, they don't believe in ourselves. And that's the social programming that we have. The majority with since we were growing up, were parents and because those were our first teachers, and those that we have to tame our ego, that they will have to actually control our evil and not to believe in ourselves. So we're not that magical beings. We're not that magnificent beings that all the kids believe in themselves. So slowly we we forget who we are and why we came from. So whenever we're working in any job, it doesn't matter what it is, and mathematician, lawyer, whatever it is, or spiritual work. We self doubt ourselves constantly. And we don't feel good enough. And we don't feel that we deserve even to make amazing things that we that one of the programming it is we came here to suffer more with sulfur. That's the only way we're going to enjoy after life. The big waste only been in this plane, when we came in reality to learn, grow, expand, and leave and be happy. And guess we can have it all.

Candy Motzek:

Ah, so this really, this really speaks to me this idea that, you know, this life that we have is not just a life of struggle and strife, but a life where we grow and essentially just become more of who we are. And we are those divine beings. And so that spark of light and joy and bliss is who we are at the core. And so there is this unlearning that we have to do to go back there. And do you find that that's part of the part of the work that you do? Is this unlearning?

Monica Ramirez:

Does I have to learn many things to be where I am and I'm still in the process. I believe every single human being anywhere in this plane is because we still have to relearn things that we have to remove from our our so our subconscious, so I don't work with people consciously. Like we're reframing ideas, reframing thoughts, but I We do like a lot to work in the title level, that's where I call it the, the motherboard, because that's where a lot of the things that we cannot observe on See, they still there to center a lot of our limitations still there. So when I work with my clients, if I see that reframing is not working, I go to the subconscious. And in there, we reprogram and remove programs that are not helping us to reprogram others. That doesn't mean that when you say oh, now you're going to believe in yourself and remove the other one. magic wand and have no because he goes in layers. And we have to do the inner work. No coach, healer, or whatever it is, have a magic wand, the inner work, it is important to do. So even we're programming and we go to the next level and so forth, we still need to do different exercises, different practice different homeworks ourselves. So light, actually, we we start believing more deeply, more deeply, more deeply, more deeply in ourselves. Because we have different levels, believing in ourselves,

Candy Motzek:

right? It reminds me as well, that it you know, it's kind of like the purpose of our life is not one spot. But the purpose of our life is like the mountain. And we're always on the mountain, like we're always walking that path, up the mountain and just being on that path is being on purpose. And that's what reminds me about, like, as you're describing how you do the reprogramming, it is a continual thing. So the subconscious is always there. And there's always another layer, as you've described it, it doesn't mean that the work isn't happening, it doesn't mean that you're not making progress. It's not the magic wand like some people would like. But that makes it even better in a way because as we continue to shed those layers, it's that it's that sort of that ever growing process, right?

Monica Ramirez:

Does because we when we let's say we're working with building ourselves, we say okay, in this level where I am at in this moment, I believe in myself enough, yes. But then it comes in next experience, that we get tested all the time, that come on the planet Earth is a school, and you go through your past first grade, and you go to the second grade, even you already knew your maths from first grade, the second grade is going to have more complicated math, though, we have to learn different things and many things, they're going to help us to grow. That we already know that let's say the math of the first grader is going to help us to grow to the second grade, or that gets more complicated. And we have to relearn another level of our own selves. Right? Right. And something that I have helped me and I do a lot of my clients it is is you observe, where do you start it your work. That's how you see how much you can grow. But if we don't compare ourselves like ourselves to our old self, we're never gonna see that growth. So we're gonna feel, Oh, I'm stuck. I'm not growing and, and that's when we it comes imposter syndrome. Oh, I'm not good enough. And this and that, because we're not observing all our work that we have already done. And we already mastered ourselves.

Candy Motzek:

Right? That and that really, that really speaks to me, it's interesting, because there's this thing, when I talk with my clients, it's the forgetting, you know, we forget that the challenge that you're working through right now feels like everything. And it's the biggest challenge, but you forget all those challenges that you have been through. And when I think of a newer coach, and I think about some of the levels that they go through, you know, their first is, do they remember the day that they even considered they might be a coach? Well, now they actually feel like a coach. So that's a that's a growth level that maybe they've forgotten. When they first wanted their first free pro bono clients to practice on. Well, they got those and they coached them. But now they want to charge money for their coaching program. And they forget those other two levels. So no matter where you're at, if you're a new coach, and you've never coached anyone, or you if you have a coaching business, and you're ready to go to that next level, maybe it's time to raise your prices, maybe it's time to go from solo one on one coaching to group coaching. Every single time is this layer that you're talking about. And so we're remembering, you know, going back and remembering how far you've come. Yeah, really makes you feel so much better. It's like, oh, look at this, I've already done all this great stuff.

Monica Ramirez:

And that will help you get out also have the mentality that you're an impostor. Because you realize how much you have worked for that, and how much you have let go, or your understanding and do understand is so much different than it used to be, like when you were as you're starting to think, shall I be coaching or what I should be doing with my life? That can make a big game changer, eg just think, what is you have overcome already. Right.

Candy Motzek:

And one of the things that I think is interesting about imposter syndrome, that I heard quite recently, is that it's one of the quickest fixes to that imposter syndrome, is to stop looking in the mirror, you know, when you experience imposter syndrome, you're looking in the mirror at yourself, and you're saying, Oh, I must be fake, I must be a fraud, I'm not as good as they think I am, you're so busy looking in the mirror at yourself. But when you turn that mirror into a window, and you start looking out the window at the people around you and the people that you're helping, so you change your focus, instead of looking at yourself to looking at those people that could use your help you forget all about that impostor syndrome, because now you're on purpose, you're like, Oh, that would be fun. Let's go and talk to that person. That was such a great coaching session, I can really see how they grew. You know, it's like, look out to the people around you, instead of looking at yourself in the mirror all day long. That'll fix that impostor syndrome. And another

Monica Ramirez:

thing though, so that we we are programmed, it is to be to make the ego as our enemy. And many of my clients comes in, like, Oh, can you do something to banish the ego, like, we forget that that is part of us, like having a our hand, we're not going to cut it off. Because it doesn't look so pretty, this is not our word. But Aubrey, who's our best to that we can have, because your ego is telling us what it is triggering us. And that's where it's going to be our guide, whether we have to work with ourselves. So we take our ego as a tool for us to know where we have to do the inner work, because probably your ego is telling you, oh, you're not you're not good enough? Or you're not worthy enough? Or how you're going to charge that much. What do you think you are, that's the voice of the ego that is telling you all this. So what I do, and I always advise to my clients is, you hear that little voice that is making you self doubt, though that little voice that is your ego to go and sit down in the next bedroom or the next room or, or something like that, and always work goes your ego is obedient enough, then God that it goes to and somewhere else. So like that you can think and you can believe in you can have the thoughts Oh, I can create this, or I believe in myself, or I know I'm good enough and so forth. So like that. Do you know where you're working? You're ready here. Jerry goes, that's why you sent him into another room. But at least you know, you're working on those things, but the self doubt, it is no so active. And that voice is not so loud in your head. And that's something because we have to integrate and use the ego as our to, to grow and to work with ourselves. But not necessarily. We have to be listened to it when we're trying to believe in us.

Candy Motzek:

Right. I love that. You know, so just to sort of, you know, paraphrase what you said is to recognize the voice of self doubt. Those that voice of the inner critic, the voice that talks in your head and instead of fighting against it, use it as a tool. And the tool sounds like I acknowledge you, I heard you, I'm aware that you're saying that. Now you can go sit somewhere else. It's like turning down the volume. That's like turning down the volume on the inner critic. And so instead of spending your energy fighting it, then you can use that energy to do the work. Right. So much more powerful. What a great what a great tool. Thank you. And I And there's something else here about that shift in perspective, the shift in perspective that the ego is part of who we are, and always will be and to use it as a tool instead of an enemy. Yes, that's worth everything.

Monica Ramirez:

Yes. And when this marking isn't thing you say me Are you serious? too, that is making you self doubt. In the moment we understand, Okay, where is this thought is coming from. And that's when we understand that those are beliefs. And those are beliefs that we have accepted from others people, other people from the outside. It can be from your teachers, your parents, from someone else, your husband or ex husband or whoever it is that it is that we accept those programs that we are not good enough that we're not going to make it doesn't. When I came to United States, Maitlis was not as good as right now. Forget about my writing. So everybody tell me, because my first language is Spanish. So everybody told me, You're never going to be a speaker, you're never going to be a writer. Who do you think you are that you Mexican woman, you're going to be doing the kind of work that I'm doing now. But every time i ego started reminding me those boys, even with the same boys, that they used to use my ex husband, so my parents or whoever it was, I can hear that boys. And this is okay, that's a programming. Because I remember the boys that my Eagle present, Oh, it came from so and so. Or it came from my ex husband, we came from whatever it is, it wasn't just a programming that I accept. That is wrong. That's not who I am. The limitations, I'm not gonna sit the limitations of others can impose on me. Those are the limitations that I'm not gonna sit anymore. So that's how you can reprogram your brain, your own your own mind your own thoughts, they won't be in the you have accepted. So like that you can still believe in monitoring yourself.

Candy Motzek:

Right? So there's awareness, listen to it. It's not an enemy. It's a tool. And then when you hear the voice, where did that voice come from. And in some cases, like we've talked, we're talking about the limiting beliefs, the ones that are holding us back, but some of those beliefs are actually helpful. You're a kind person, you're a kind and loving person, you know, all the nice things that we also hear also our ego. So listen, where did that voice come from? And then decide, is this Do I want to accept this belief? Or have have I had enough of this belief? And the other thing that you haven't really said a lot of, but I think is implicit here? Is that you can ask, Is this really true? You know, like, at is this really true? And ask the question from an honest and curious perspective. And more often than not, you'll be like, oh, wait a minute. It's just some thoughts that I just keep replaying in my head I heard it from somebody and it just replays but I can actually see that that's not true. So then you can choose to think differently, right? It's so powerful, I love it. So could you talk a little bit about that you know, I know this this may sound like a bit of a left turn but I know that a lot of the work that you do is the spiritual channeling work layer that on with this limiting beliefs

Monica Ramirez:

but the majority of the human beings not all discovered not all we have these voices in our head and that is because there is some some percentage of humanity that they do have the senior boys that's why I mentioned that

Candy Motzek:

if you're on video you'll see my face I'm shot

Monica Ramirez:

I just discovered this when so it was like I wasn't shocked to when I discovered that but the majority the human beings we have this inner voices and one is gonna uplift us and the other ones are gonna bring us down they use the one they usually bring those down but when you hear the other voice that is uplifting you that you're with the Sir You can do this and it's always your cheerleader or out you seen those all those perspectives and so forth. That's our higher self the difference between both of them that's what I teach about channeling it is because it is important that right now the human beings understand this the from the two voices they the egos gonna try to control you manipulate you instigate and fears and Morgan is change is about to occur because the ego do not like changes is stuck in the old ways. But the your Higher Self are your guides your angels, etc. We all have that are gonna go always going to try to send you new love advices they never gonna We seek to do anything that you don't want, they are going to give you different perspectives. So like that you can choose because they're never going to interfere in our freewill. So they're going to show you different perspectives like that. You choose this, this can happen, did you choose this, this can happen if you choose this, and so on, and so on. So like that you make the choice, whatever you want, because you also have the choice to listen to your ego. And that's why I teach channeling. Because we all have is a tool that we are all have the right to use is our GPS system to guide us to wherever we want to go. And if we ask them, okay, I wanted to became a public speaker, or, or a writer, something like that, you just throw it to the universe in that moment. And then you're going to have the two voices, necessarily, the voice of the of your guides, is going to be only one voice because sometimes it can be your angels, it can be your main guy become your higher self, it can be even same source. So that's why so many voices in there. So it is up to you, which boys, you're going to feed, which boys, you're going to pay attention because whatever we're going to set our we're going to put our attention, it is what is going to grow. And this is a lot of work our inner work about learning to observe. Because when we learn to observe, which boys, I want to put our attention, that is completely our freewill to what what do we want to have in our lives, and we want to become a public speaker or, or a podcast or whatever it is, we can have that guidance to help us and the doors will open easier without trying to force it.

Candy Motzek:

That's so great, because we started talking about limiting beliefs. And so you gave us a really great perspective on the limiting beliefs and how to like in the day to day how to manage that. But then it's not just about the limiting beliefs, it's about so what's next, you know, so the terms that I use is inner mentor. But that is a collection, you know, that is a collective of people, beings voice. And so to use that instead of thinking of channeling is something that's very woowoo that only a certain few people can do to say that, I can do that. And it's me just listening to my higher self, me that's listening to the voice that is providing me with choice that I get to choose, and options that will make my life easier. The more we choose that voice, the less time we have to spend focused on the limiting beliefs. And almost the limiting beliefs become sort of there, they go by the wayside. They're just kind of sitting there, they're no big deal. Because now we're focused forward, right. So what you find too,

Monica Ramirez:

is unfortunately, the the name just channeling people closed themselves up to the name of channeling, when we all have the capacity is not about the gifts of a few. That's part of our human condition, the majority of the human beings can see or can hear, we already we already know that there is a percentage that they can for any other any reason physical illness or whatever it is. But the majority of the human beings, they can channel and we do it consciously or subconsciously, right. We can name a channeling we can emit or I was guided, or whatever it was because there's me friend names they can we can use the technical name, it is generally but that's a right that we all have. That is once we master it, we have that GPS integrated that we were born to, that we can use in our advantage.

Candy Motzek:

I love that. Oh Monica. So we've talked about so many different things. And really and also it's such a such a gentle, warm approach to spirituality and to people who are looking for a different way. So for the people who are interested in finding out more about you, how can I find out more about you? Where can they find you?

Monica Ramirez:

They can look for me in a website is Monica Ramirez worry of and and that will be teaching in June June 15. If I'm not right, if I'm comfortable, right, it is a channeling class. There it is precisely for the people learn to understand how They can work with their inner self, or their inner voices. So like that they can use their own GPS, so they can make the next move they need to do.



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