Episode 183 Show Notes for Roger Lambert Interview
Today, I want to introduce to you a subject that is thought provoking – and talked about “around the fringes” – but rarely confronted head on. If it is confronted head on – then it is usually considered “too pushy” on behalf of Christianity…
But our guest today has written a book that will provide a “nice” way to introduce the topic…it will provide the reader some of the answers to their questions…and that topic is:
Are you Going to Heaven or Hell? It’s a pretty straight forward type of question…but one that many Christians have a hard time engaging in a forthright discussion about. Mainly, because they are not “comfortable” in their own salvation…let alone being able to defend it from questions others may have…
Roger Lambert has written a book called, “7 Reasons People Miss Out on Heaven” and this book will give the answers to these questions…questions many Christians struggle with themselves…in addition to the vast majority of people out there that ARE missing out on going to Heaven because they do not believe…
Roger’s book will go into questions like: Does everyone go to Heaven? Why was hell created in the first place? Why were the borders of hell expanded? And – this is a needful question – How should we handle hypocrites in the church? Amen!
Now, let me tell you a little bit about our guest, Roger Lambert… Roger has been legally blind for over forty years, yet he has been a basketball coach, an ordained minister, a motivational speaker, and an avid student of the Bible.
He loves to teach, whether it is fundamentals of basketball, or biblical principles. For 27 years, he has coached various levels of boys and girls basketball, from elementary to high school, in his hometown of Allegan, Michigan.
Roger is passionate about showing others how to inherit everlasting life. AMEN. He studied the Bible at Southwestern Assembly of God, and Grand Rapids Baptist College…and he is with us today on the broadcast!
Join me in welcoming to the program – Roger Lambert! Roger, thank you taking the time out of your busy schedule to join us today…
Roger, other than that brief bio I just read…tell us…”Who Is Roger Lambert?”
Now, Roger…Why did you feel the need to write “7 Reasons People Miss Out on Heaven?”
In your opinion, what do feel is the most misunderstood concepts in church today…especially the “modern church?”
Is all forms of Worship acceptable to God? Why is that?
In your book, as I mentioned in my opening remarks, the question, “Why was hell created?” Hell is a real place, correct? I often ask my guest…”How can we know for sure there IS a hell? How do you respond to that?
Can you explain “Why were the borders of hell were expanded?” Can you expound on that?
There is a very clear danger in judging others, correct? Well then, how SHOULD we handle hypocrites in Church?
Roger, if anyone would like to reach out to you, ask a question, maybe do an interview like this with you…how can they contact you?