Artwork for podcast Two Echidnae Wound Care Podcast with Monika and Donna
Ep1 - Listen in as we kick off our prickly conversations
Episode 115th October 2024 • Two Echidnae Wound Care Podcast with Monika and Donna • Two Echidnae Wound Care Podcast
00:00:00 00:28:48

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Are you a clinician interested in wound care?

Maybe you're just starting or know a little about hard to heal wounds?

Or are you more seasoned in your career?

Perhaps you work in the community, aged care, a hospital or a subacute setting.

Join Monika and Donna, 2 advanced practice nurses and lymphoedema

practitioners, as we kick off and introduce our wound care podcast.

In our first episode, we discuss why we're here and why the name 'Two


We are so excited to be sharing with other clinicians (not just nurses), our

experience and frustrations inherent in the discipline of wounds.

Humour is essential.

We will be burrowing down into some prickly conversations, digging up myths and

chewing over real-world evidence.


00:00 Intro

00:40 Who we are

02:22 Why a wound podcast?

07:55 Why the name Two Echidnae?

10:20 Why a wound care nurse is like an Echidna?

24:50 What to expect from our podcast

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The views expressed in this podcast are our own.

This podcast is intended specifically for healthcare professionals.

Always follow your organisation's policies and procedures.

Please consult your own healthcare provider for individual wound advice.




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