A) We revisit 3 John, resuming at verse three. The elder Apostle expresses immense joy and satisfaction upon hearing the testimony of other brothers from the church where Gaius serves. Their testimonies affirm Gaius's unwavering devotion to the truth.
B) The importance of our commitment to the truth cannot be overstated. Cultures, kingdoms, opinions, politics, Hollywood, and especially the MEDIA may change, but the truth remains constant. We need to have an unwavering commitment to the truth. It is through the truth (Biblical Truth) that we understand the genuine definition of love, not the distorted worldly interpretation. Hebrews 12:5-6 and Revelation 3:19 teach "no hippy love" allowed.
C) John emphatically states, "I have no greater joy than to hear my children are walking in the truth." This statement, one of his last before the Book of Revelation, reveals his greatest blessing: seeing those who follow Lord Jesus Christ walking in the truth. They are walking in the way, the truth, and the light, which is Jesus Christ. They are walking in the truth, which is the Word of God. "Sanctify them in thy truth. Thy word is truth."