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Sustainable Money Habits
Episode 113rd January 2022 • Wealth Witches • Katelyn Magnuson
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Today we’re going to talk about bridging the gap between personal and business finances and creating habits and systems that are sustainable across both, because they’re not completely separate things. 

  • What is your actual end goal? Hint: it’s different for everyone!
  • Are your offerings aligned with what you’re good at, what you like to do, and what is profitable?
  • What feelings come up around money? Is your energy calm and collected towards both your personal and business finances?

Having clarity, ease, and comfort with your personal and business finances are really important because they are so interconnected.  Once you’re all set up the way I’ve outlined here (and if you already have, I’m so proud of you!), there’s a constancy, predictability, and confidence that comes with that. 

I challenge you to go do one small thing, right now, that moves your finances forward. 

We cover ALL of this in the “Get Your Finance Sh*t Together” self-study course at!

Join our community at where we’ll share tips and resources, and you can suggest topics for future episodes.

Enter to win a free strategy session with me!  Leave a 5-star review and include your IG handle to enter. We draw the winner at the beginning of each month. 

FTC/Affiliate Disclaimer: By using some of these links, at no extra cost to you, I may earn a small commission or referral fee, which helps me continue to produce content like this, support my business, and my team.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. My podcast is for educational purposes and is my personal opinion only. To make the best financial decision for your situation, please do your own research and if needed, seek the advice of a fee-based, fiduciary.

Music credit: Neon Fairies by Wolves 

A Podcast Launch Bestie production


Katelyn Magnuson:

on today's episode, we're going to talk all about the

Katelyn Magnuson:

idea of bridging your business and personal finances and how we can set

Katelyn Magnuson:

these up so that you have money habits that integrate with one another.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Instead of looking at your business and looking at your personal

Katelyn Magnuson:

as two totally separate things.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Now I want you to understand that the way that we work, the way that I work

Katelyn Magnuson:

with our company, there's no shame.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So if you're listening to this podcast, you're already taking a massive step

Katelyn Magnuson:

towards improving your financial knowledge and your overall financial wellbeing.

Katelyn Magnuson:

But listening and learning willing to use so far.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So we need to talk about.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Getting the support, taking the steps, taking the action that you

Katelyn Magnuson:

need to actually implement these.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So we're going to chat in this episode about what that action can look like

Katelyn Magnuson:

and how to set up money habits that are sustainable for you personally,

Katelyn Magnuson:

and for your business systems, money, habits, and behaviors, and give you

Katelyn Magnuson:

some really good food for thought.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So if you're a note taker, I know that a lot of these have had.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Some pretty heavy notes, but if you're a note taker, get your notebook out

Katelyn Magnuson:

or your notes app on your phone and jot some of these down as we go.

Katelyn Magnuson:

But more importantly, writing all of these down is great.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You need to do something with them, whether it's working with me, whether

Katelyn Magnuson:

it's working with our team, whether it's buying one of our courses or more of our

Katelyn Magnuson:

courses, or whether it's working with someone completely differently, or putting

Katelyn Magnuson:

some of these into action yourself, maybe you have enough knowledge for what you

Katelyn Magnuson:

need to do, and you feel really confident.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I challenge you while you're listening to this episode, or

Katelyn Magnuson:

immediately after go do one thing.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Whether it's from this or something else that moves your finances forward.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Take action.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Even if it's small, even if it takes you, you know, five minutes and

Katelyn Magnuson:

it doesn't make a huge difference, those little tiny actions.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I know it's so cliche, those little tiny actions add up to make

Katelyn Magnuson:

such a big difference over a month, three months, six months, five years.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So take it now take a small step to do.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Literally when you're done listening to this, I don't care if it's moving

Katelyn Magnuson:

some money to a savings account.

Katelyn Magnuson:

If it's making an extra payment to some debt, if it's automating

Katelyn Magnuson:

a bill that you haven't had on autopay one small thing today.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

Again, we're going to rewind a little bit because you want to be taking

Katelyn Magnuson:

action, but do we want to just be shooting from the hip or taking

Katelyn Magnuson:

action that doesn't serve our highest.

Katelyn Magnuson:

No, we want to be taking action that is moving us towards our end goal.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That end goal may look differently for each of us.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I would hope it kind of does look differently for each of us.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Maybe that's retiring a spouse, maybe that's leaving a day job.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And this is your side hustle right now.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Maybe it's working the bare minimum hours that you can work in a week

Katelyn Magnuson:

while providing the financial needs that you or your family needs to get.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Or maybe it's living your most luxurious yacht, you know,

Katelyn Magnuson:

Mediterranean Amalfi coast life.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I can't hate on any of those.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Um, I'm a little bit more of the latter.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I I'm, I'm combined re really with the last two.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Um, but think about for a minute, what you want, because if you don't

Katelyn Magnuson:

want to be climbing the ladder or making a ton of money, if you have a

Katelyn Magnuson:

smaller budget and if you can get by.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And fuck it.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Why like, why, why are you on a hamster wheel?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Why are you trying to put out new offering after new offering, after new offering, if

Katelyn Magnuson:

you have some really good core offerings.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I actually think this goes for established business owners as well,

Katelyn Magnuson:

find what you're really good at find what you really like to do, find

Katelyn Magnuson:

what sells, you know, there's that intersection on a Venn diagram, right?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Of like all of those things you like doing it, it sells well, it's profitable.

Katelyn Magnuson:

There's a need for.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Do that, do that thing.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And then as other things come up that you feel excited or inspired

Katelyn Magnuson:

about, then do them, but don't feel the need to do everything.

Katelyn Magnuson:

We don't at our firm.

Katelyn Magnuson:

We don't do everything.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You know, if someone wants us to, like, there are services we don't offer, um,

Katelyn Magnuson:

having boundaries standing your ground are really important for the long-term

Katelyn Magnuson:

not only for when it's just you, but if you hire team members for your

Katelyn Magnuson:

bottom line for your profitability, you cannot be everything to everyone.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That doesn't also mean that you have to niche or niche, whichever

Katelyn Magnuson:

down to, you know, the smallest.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I know the you'll hear all sorts of things thrown around by sales coaches.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And my whole thing is there's no one right way.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So you don't have to niche down to the smallest niche and you don't

Katelyn Magnuson:

have to serve, you know, every single client that comes your way.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You don't have to offer all of the service offerings.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You don't have to offer all of the products.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Remember my client earlier that we were talking about that was going to get rid

Katelyn Magnuson:

of her bestselling style simply because she was a little bit bored with it?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Everything that you've learned in this season has set you up to understand

Katelyn Magnuson:

your profitability, how your business should be being run so that you can

Katelyn Magnuson:

make decisions that will directly impact your personal finances.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So how you do one thing is how you do everything now.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Hold on.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Do you hide your head?

Katelyn Magnuson:

In the sand, when it comes to money, do you get a little bit sick to your stomach?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Do you find yourself with sort of an anxious attachment

Katelyn Magnuson:

style when it comes to money?

Katelyn Magnuson:

You're always wondering if it's going to be there, your excited

Katelyn Magnuson:

when it's here, but you're stressed out about it, about it leaving.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You feel like you need to control your money.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You aren't sure when it's going to be back.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I want you to identify the, some of the beliefs that you have about.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Because these will pop up again and again, in your business, in your personal

Katelyn Magnuson:

life, probably in your relationships, I'm not here to speak for that.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Um, that's a whole other season we could go and do as money in relationships.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So I want you to think about the energy that you're putting into your business.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

Is it calm?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Is it collected?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Is it empowering?

Katelyn Magnuson:

And compare that to the energy you're putting into your personal finances.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I mean, honestly, is it, non-existent the whole point of you listening to

Katelyn Magnuson:

this right now is probably so that you can make some better decisions

Katelyn Magnuson:

and have some better choices laid out in front of you because you didn't

Katelyn Magnuson:

know that they necessarily existed or you didn't know what you didn't know.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And there's no shame in that.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So where can we be improving?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Where can we be moving forward?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Where can we be establishing confidence?

Katelyn Magnuson:

So that our money doesn't feel out of control.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You don't need to have a vice grip on your money, but you do need to feel competent

Katelyn Magnuson:

that it's working for you and with you.

Katelyn Magnuson:

When you're the size as a business owner.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Even if you've separated out your finances, your checking account,

Katelyn Magnuson:

you know, you've done all the things that we've laid out in here, right?

Katelyn Magnuson:

You have a separate checking account, you have a separate business account, you

Katelyn Magnuson:

know what you need to be making, you know how to be paying yourself the right way.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

I'm I could not be more proud of you.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Like literally, if you take nothing else away from this, that will

Katelyn Magnuson:

be a game changer for you in your business and in your personal life.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

It's literally directly impacting your personal finances.

Katelyn Magnuson:

If your business is, you know, one of your main sources of income, or maybe

Katelyn Magnuson:

it is your only source of income.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So how does this play into our personal finances?

Katelyn Magnuson:

And especially when it comes to things like automating bills, which

Katelyn Magnuson:

we're going to talk a lot about.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And next season, I can't believe we're already almost in season two.

Katelyn Magnuson:

but I want to touch on it.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Because having clarity, having ease and having comfort in your personal and your

Katelyn Magnuson:

business, finances are really important because they are so interconnected.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So you've done your pricing work, you know how you need to be pricing yourself.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You know what your bottom line is for what you need to be making.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You're making that relatively regularly.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Maybe some months you're over, maybe some months you're under, you're

Katelyn Magnuson:

not quite sure how to handle the seasonality or the fluctuation.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Keeping those initial ratios that you'd set up, assuming that you're

Katelyn Magnuson:

making what you need to be making will allow you to start to build

Katelyn Magnuson:

a buffer in your business account.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So great.

Katelyn Magnuson:

We're building a buffer in our business account.

Katelyn Magnuson:

We're not taking more on the months that we make more.

Katelyn Magnuson:

We're not taking less on the months that we may make less because you've

Katelyn Magnuson:

gotten this buffer established.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So you have constancy or predictable.

Katelyn Magnuson:

In your personal finances, which is one of the most peaceful things

Katelyn Magnuson:

I think we can give ourselves as self-employed individuals.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That doesn't mean it's boring.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That doesn't mean our income is capped.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That doesn't mean we don't take bonuses.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That doesn't mean we don't treat ourselves and do the trips and do

Katelyn Magnuson:

whatever you know is meaningful to us.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Do the trips, take a day, go somewhere, treat ourselves, do a spa day.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Throw a ton of it in retirement, you know, whatever makes you feel alive,

Katelyn Magnuson:

there's a time and a place for that.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So you're going along, you're living your life.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You're moving money into your account.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You have that baseline established, everything's going relatively well.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And you get to the end of the year.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And you're like, okay, I made $30,000 more than I needed to to make my bills.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Like I have extra, I want to treat myself, what do we do?

Katelyn Magnuson:

How do you do that?

Katelyn Magnuson:

How do you know that you actually have the money to do that?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Well, one you've been using the quarterly estimated tax calculator.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So you have an idea of either what you have left to owe

Katelyn Magnuson:

or what you've paid so far.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And you, you just, you know, where you're sitting number two.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You wait until your taxes get prepped for that year.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I really recommend so like we prep most of our client's taxes in February and March.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So they have an idea and normally a pretty firm idea of what they're

Katelyn Magnuson:

going to owe around that time.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Then you can take a distribution, you can pay yourself out a bonus,

Katelyn Magnuson:

whatever you want to call it.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That's the time to do.

Katelyn Magnuson:

From that money that was set aside or earmarked for the prior year.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Take it go wild.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Now, if you're getting to the point where your business is growing,

Katelyn Magnuson:

and it's really, really profitable.

Katelyn Magnuson:

If we have some clients that are in like a 70 to 80% profit margin

Katelyn Magnuson:

range, which is not the norm 50%, which is what we base all of this

Katelyn Magnuson:

around 50% is really much more normal.

Katelyn Magnuson:

But they take quarterly distributions because they know that they have

Katelyn Magnuson:

the additional buffer in there.

Katelyn Magnuson:

There's no reason you can't be doing that.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I just caution you to be really careful because nothing can make you feel

Katelyn Magnuson:

so out of, or more out of control, I should say, then getting to the

Katelyn Magnuson:

end of the year and owing money when you had extra money during the year.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I think that's where so many of us.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Stuck in this hamster wheel.

Katelyn Magnuson:

If you want to be able to take money out of your business account, it's

Katelyn Magnuson:

yours, you've earned it, but you don't know if you've paid your taxes and

Katelyn Magnuson:

that just causes this constant loop of like, can I take it, can I spend it?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Is it money that's mine?

Katelyn Magnuson:

That plays over into your.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So again, making sure you're not shortchanging yourself in what you

Katelyn Magnuson:

need to be making personally is really important because if you were

Katelyn Magnuson:

constantly looking to your business to fund your personal and looking at

Katelyn Magnuson:

your business to be your personal piggy bank, it's going to be exhausting.

Katelyn Magnuson:

It's going to be unsustainable.

Katelyn Magnuson:

It's going to be stressful and it's going to cause a lot of additional work.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Now, is there a time and a place?

Katelyn Magnuson:

We are still living through a pandemic and incomes can be really unpredictable

Katelyn Magnuson:

at times, especially during all of this.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That's why we have some of these savings options set up because in a pinch, you do.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You have extra savings in your business or you should you'll have some savings

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

All of these are to set you up to feel safer, to be more secure and to

Katelyn Magnuson:

have a better buffer for when you have fluctuations, because as a business owner,

Katelyn Magnuson:

you may absolutely have fluctuations.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You may want to take time away.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You may need to take unplanned time away, maternity leave, paternity,

Katelyn Magnuson:

leave, parental leave, you know, vacation, burnout, exhaustion.

Katelyn Magnuson:

All of these things are things that come up for entrepreneurs.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So getting your business finances together, getting them

Katelyn Magnuson:

organized will directly impact your personal and vice versa.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Having an idea of, you know, every Friday, you're moving a thousand dollars

Katelyn Magnuson:

from your business to your personal.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You have that to count on fantastic.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That's your system.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That's getting you into a money groove, and then it lets you go and

Katelyn Magnuson:

tackle your personal finances because.

Katelyn Magnuson:

There's no reason that you need to have all of your bills at

Katelyn Magnuson:

the beginning of the month.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You can, and you may not know this.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And again, we're going to go into it a lot more in season two, you

Katelyn Magnuson:

can actually call the majority of your bill providers and you can

Katelyn Magnuson:

move your bills around accordingly.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So for example, I've moved a bunch of mine, my mortgage and utilities,

Katelyn Magnuson:

and a few other payments come out in the first half of the month.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And my credit card tractor cause we have a tractor payment because we live

Katelyn Magnuson:

in the woods, credit card, tractor and car payment come out the second half of

Katelyn Magnuson:

the month and I have other miscellaneous bills in there, but I called and actually

Katelyn Magnuson:

moved several of those so that I had more predictable expenses for cashflow.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So that will, you don't have to have $4,000 at the beginning

Katelyn Magnuson:

of the month, getting it every week will be totally sufficient.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And again, establishing a buffer in your checking account for the business and

Katelyn Magnuson:

for your personal is super beneficial.

Katelyn Magnuson:

But that starts to give you a system.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You get into a rhythm, you know, money's coming in, you know, money's going out

Katelyn Magnuson:

and you've gotten it set up so that you constantly have this ebb and flow

Katelyn Magnuson:

in a good way, in a way that's filled with ease, which it feels really nice.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Um, having been in multiple different situations over the years, it's a

Katelyn Magnuson:

good feeling to know that the money is there, that the money is coming in.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And that your bills have been spread out to work for you and with your

Katelyn Magnuson:

lifestyle which can make a really big difference because a lot of people that

Katelyn Magnuson:

I work with don't know that you can move your bills to make things easier.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Now, I want you, we're going to get just a little bit into the Wu on this.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I want you to think for a minute about your buying or your spending habits,

Katelyn Magnuson:

when your thinking about a big purchase.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And that can be totally different for all of us.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That might be $500.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That might be a hundred dollars.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That might be $5,000.

Katelyn Magnuson:

It might be more, what do you do?

Katelyn Magnuson:

How do you think, like what process do you go through before you buy a large

Katelyn Magnuson:

purchase or make a large purchase?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Now I'm going to walk you through mine for a minute and some thoughts.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So, and again, we're going to go into this a lot in season two, but because

Katelyn Magnuson:

we're going to, we're going to dip a little bit into, I think, spousal or

Katelyn Magnuson:

partnered relationships with money and responsibility that comes along with that.

Katelyn Magnuson:

But my spouse and I have separate finances.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So there are things that we'll touch base with each other on, but at the end

Katelyn Magnuson:

of the day, we're autonomous adults.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And if there's something that we want to buy, that we are able to finance a for.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Pay for we're going to do it.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Which might be a little bit novel to people sometimes.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And there's there's input taken, but before I make a big

Katelyn Magnuson:

purchase and in my business, it's sitting with it for a minute.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I don't care if there's a fast action bonus.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I don't care if there's a massive pay-in-full discount.

Katelyn Magnuson:

If I still want it tomorrow.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That's okay.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Even if the price has changed.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So for me in my business, because this comes up a lot, I spend a

Katelyn Magnuson:

lot more in my business generally than I do in my personal life.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I will sit on it for a day, maybe longer and think about it.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Is this coming from a place of insecurity?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Is this coming from a place of imposter syndrome?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Is this coming from a place of.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I feel like I need this, but I need this because there's

Katelyn Magnuson:

something that feels inadequate.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Or I feel like I need this or someone on our team would really benefit

Katelyn Magnuson:

from this because this is something I've been actively thinking about and

Katelyn Magnuson:

this would move our goals forward.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And sometimes the answer is the first one.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Sometimes, you know, it's something that's triggering.

Katelyn Magnuson:

It's something that I'm like, oh, that's, that's the thing.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Other times it's something that's like, oh my God, this is so perfectly aligned.

Katelyn Magnuson:

For what we were wanting, what we were looking for, this is so fortuitous.

Katelyn Magnuson:

This is exactly what we wanted and I'll move forward if it's the second one.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And if it's the first one or I don't have a really strong feeling

Katelyn Magnuson:

that it's the second one, or that I'll really benefit from it.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I don't do it.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Chances are it'll launch again.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And if I want it then great, nine times out of 10, I don't end up buying it.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Even if it's a higher price, like none of, none of that factors in for me, because

Katelyn Magnuson:

if the value is there and I'm not saying that these are not invaluable, I'm just

Katelyn Magnuson:

saying that they may not be as valuable to me at the time because of the intention.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I use something similar in my personal life.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So Thinking about buying clothes.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So not a big shop.

Katelyn Magnuson:

But I love really nice clothes, really nice statement pieces.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I will absolutely buy quality over quantity.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And a few years ago I started paying attention to how my clothes felt.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So I'd get, you know, a shipment from revolve or Nordstrom or

Katelyn Magnuson:

something, and I'd try everything.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And then I give it a day or two.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I had sort of winnow it down.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I go, yep.

Katelyn Magnuson:

These are absolutely keeps.

Katelyn Magnuson:

These are maybe for keeping these are nos.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And then I try the keeping and the maybe for keeping again a day or two later, and

Katelyn Magnuson:

then I'd make my final call and I'd return everything that I didn't absolutely love.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I think that we should be using that a lot more in our spending in our personal

Katelyn Magnuson:

lives and really not even just in our spending, but in how we're doing things.

Katelyn Magnuson:

If you don't really love what you're doing, where can we make some changes,

Katelyn Magnuson:

even if you're not, you know, leaving the industry or totally uprooting your life,

Katelyn Magnuson:

where can you be making changes so that you can be enjoying what you're doing more

Katelyn Magnuson:

or doing less of what you don't enjoy.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So sitting with that intention.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And understanding that when you've made your decision, you can feel really

Katelyn Magnuson:

good, really rooted, really grounded in that decision in your business and

Katelyn Magnuson:

your personal life will bring you so much peace and a sense of wellbeing.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I've told you, we were going to get a little bit woo on this, but.

Katelyn Magnuson:

It's so nice.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And now when I go look at my closet, or when I look at what I've purchased

Katelyn Magnuson:

for my business, I feel really good.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I feel that I can trust my intuition.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I can trust my gut.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I'm making with each passing year.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I'm making decisions that are a little bit more ruthless, but ruthless in their

Katelyn Magnuson:

importance, ruthless in their quality for where I'm currently at in my life.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And my.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So just to recap your business and your personal finances are generally going to

Katelyn Magnuson:

be a direct reflection of one another.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So I want you to.

Katelyn Magnuson:

As you're getting your business finances together to understand that it's

Katelyn Magnuson:

not going to be just your business, finances that are getting together.

Katelyn Magnuson:

We might want to be working, or at least looking into our personal

Katelyn Magnuson:

finances where some things aren't great there, an understanding that the

Katelyn Magnuson:

two of these together can be such a powerhouse or they can be such a source

Katelyn Magnuson:

of dysfunction, stress, and anxiety.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I really want the first for all of.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I want you to feel aligned in the purchases that you're making.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I want you to feel excited for the choices that you're making, and I want you to feel

Katelyn Magnuson:

empowered that all of these are working for your highest good and moving forward

Katelyn Magnuson:

towards your purpose, towards your goals, towards what matters to you in your life.



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