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GAYBC Happy Hour | Original Date: 21 Mar 2024
Episode 1121st March 2024 • GAYBC Happy Hour • Mutual Broadcasting System LLC
00:00:00 01:53:50

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Tune in to this week's episode of the GAYBC Happy Hour with Richie Roy and Johnny Mac for an interview with filmmaker Geoff Callan. Callan's 2005 film, Pursuit of Equality, is being shown nationwide to commemorate the 20th anniversary of California legalizing same-sex marriage. In other news, Arkansas GOP lawmakers are facing scrutiny over their decision to eliminate the "X" gender option on state IDs, impacting transgender and nonbinary residents. Planet Fitness bans an individual for harassing a transgender woman in the locker room, emphasizing their commitment to inclusivity. Bomb threats against a Wisconsin school followed a social media post featuring an LGBTQ+ assistant principal, showcasing the ongoing challenges faced by the community. Voters in Orange, California, recall school board members for pushing harmful policies for transgender students. Governor Jay Inslee signs a bill in Washington requiring schools to incorporate LGBTQ+ history and perspectives into curriculum. And in a Supreme Court decision, alleged abusive parents in Indiana lose their appeal to regain custody of their transgender child. Don't miss these important stories, our cocktail of the week, and product recommendations!





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