25 Do not lust after her beauty in your heart . . .
26 For by means of a harlot
A man is reduced to a crust of bread;
And an adulteress will prey upon his precious life.
Solomon. Proverbs 6:23-26. Hi, it’s Nathan, and this is Day 7 of 30 Days of Wisdom. It’s everywhere. In the supermarket checkout. The workplace. The local hangouts. School. TV. All over the web. Our phones. That nearly-everywhere invitation to sexual indiscretion. In our hyper-sexualized culture we’re in the throws of a righteous war defending the victims and convicting the perpetrators—all the while searching for ways to feed our societies insatiable appetite for sexual pleasure. Solomon’s pointed warning screams urgently from the pages of history—satisfying sexual pleasure at the cost of moral integrity—will gut the soul. We no longer have to enjoy an illicit evening in a dark room—or an alley apartment. Our souls can be gutted in the middle of the day on a bench, with just our phones. Resist. Run away. Get help. You were made for more. So much more. Selling your soul for temporary sexual gratification will decimate you—and quite literally tear apart your very life. Millions of souls litter the alley ways of illicit sex. Don’t sell yours. If you’re in the process of making a deal with the devil—get help. Jesus can help. Others can help.