Are you unknowingly heading down the path to becoming a "crap" physician leader - falling victim to Physician Leadership's Dirty Little Secrets? Discover the two hidden traps that are probably hurting your leadership and burning out your team.
In this episode, we reveal two blind spots in physician leadership that often lead to physician burnout — for both you and your team. Learn how to avoid becoming the kind of boss that drives good doctors to quit and what steps you can take to become a more effective and respected leader.
~~ Discover the common link between physician burnout and leadership roles—and why burnout is such a common path to leadership.
~~ Understand why poor leadership is the #1 reason doctors leave jobs and how you can avoid driving good doctors away with crap physician leadership skill.
~~ Learn the critical steps to becoming a much more effective, trusted leader who supports the performance, health and happiness of your teams.
Don’t miss this episode—listen now to uncover the two leadership traps every physician needs to avoid to be a maximally effective physician leader in these difficult times.
Episode 101 is Here:
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- Physician leaders often fall into leadership roles due to burnout, which isn't ideal.
- Many physicians take on leadership positions to escape patient care, leading to ineffective leadership.
- A significant number of physicians can recover from burnout by making small, consistent changes.
- Crap leaders often drive physician turnover, as people leave because of their bosses.
- To be an effective leader, invest time in developing your leadership skills and tools.
- If you’re not committed to leadership, consider stepping down for someone more passionate.