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Creating a rewarding employee experience through meaningful work
Episode 2426th April 2023 • Reimagining Work From Within • Within People
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In this week's episode, Nikki de Vet is joined by Covers Head of People and Culture, Meredith Buchanan. Together they explore how leaders can create a rewarding employee experience by leaning into meaningful work..

How can we help our teams to connect their personal drivers to the impact we make as an organisation?

How can we help them see the role they play in creating this impact?

Listen now to hear about the fun, creative ways Meredith and the team have embraced to recognise each other - from values’ awards to a Hall of Fame, and much more!

Learn more about Within People and the work we do here.


Nikki de Vett:

All right, shall

Meredith Buchanan:

we go?

Nikki de Vett:

Hello everyone.

Nikki de Vett:

Welcome to another episode of Re-Imagining Work From Within.

Nikki de Vett:

And today I'm so excited because I'm joined by a very awesome leader

Nikki de Vett:

that I've had the pleasure to work with for the last couple of years.

Nikki de Vett:

Meredith, I'm the head of people and culture at an organization called Covers.

Nikki de Vett:


Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

Hi, Nikki.

Meredith Buchanan:

It's great to be here.

Nikki de Vett:

Thank you for being with us.

Nikki de Vett:

I will give you a moment to introduce yourself shortly as well, but let's

Nikki de Vett:

just say a little bit more about covers.

Nikki de Vett:

Covers is an organization that is headquarted in Halifax, Nova Scotia in

Nikki de Vett:

Canada, and they're all about fueling thriving sports betting communities.

Nikki de Vett:

They are an organization that are natural.

Nikki de Vett:

Culture first and values driven, and they really see this as a

Nikki de Vett:

differentiator of putting themself out there in the marketplace.

Nikki de Vett:

They have an ambition to become the trusted partner to level up every

Nikki de Vett:

sports betting experience, and it's been wonderful to work alongside them

Nikki de Vett:

to really step into that ambition.

Nikki de Vett:

But I will pass to Meredith to share a bit more about herself and about covers.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

Thanks Nikki.

Meredith Buchanan:

So I joined covers a couple of years ago and it was an exciting opportunity to grow

Meredith Buchanan:

a business on the east coast of Canada.

Meredith Buchanan:

And you know, a great chance to be part of something really exciting in an

Meredith Buchanan:

industry that is growing exponentially.

Meredith Buchanan:

And as you said the fact that it is very much culture first and people

Meredith Buchanan:

driven was a big you know, motivator for me in terms of, you know,

Meredith Buchanan:

getting a chance to join this team.

Meredith Buchanan:

In terms of myself, I'm gonna tell you a little bit about the mug that I

Meredith Buchanan:

am drinking out of right now, Nikki.

Meredith Buchanan:

Yes, please do So, something that our team did.

Meredith Buchanan:

Year, which was a bit of a team builder and an opportunity to

Meredith Buchanan:

kind of recognize each other.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so we created personalized mugs with ways that we would describe each other.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so mine says number one.

Meredith Buchanan:

Aspiring Monk, and that is because I, over Covid connected with a

Meredith Buchanan:

number of Buddhist monks and actually started meditating with them.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so they've been a big part of my life over the last couple of years.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so that's something that's, you know, well known about me within my team.

Meredith Buchanan:

The next thing is frizzy hair wrangler.

Meredith Buchanan:

And that's cause I have naturally, naturally curly hair.

Meredith Buchanan:

And the struggle is real.

Meredith Buchanan:

The struggle is, is real to be able to keep it in check.

Meredith Buchanan:

And then the third is cat herder.

Meredith Buchanan:

Cat herter which is just the fact that we are often drawn in

Meredith Buchanan:

a bunch of different directions.

Meredith Buchanan:

And therefore, you know, my role is really to help bring everybody

Meredith Buchanan:

back to what's grounding us here.

Meredith Buchanan:

And the last is the positive.

Meredith Buchanan:

And that's really something that I try to bring to the team in terms

Meredith Buchanan:

of looking for the future and having an optimistic view and really seeing

Meredith Buchanan:

the bright side in every situation.

Meredith Buchanan:

So it's a little bit about me.

Nikki de Vett:

Thank you so much and thank you for sharing so personally

Nikki de Vett:

as well and giving a real in.

Nikki de Vett:

Side incu, I'm not sure if I knew all of that about you.

Nikki de Vett:

But the positive one I definitely recognize in you and you, you are, you

Nikki de Vett:

are a positive one and always championing.

Nikki de Vett:

That in others as well.

Nikki de Vett:

And you're so incredible at always looking at it also from the bright

Nikki de Vett:

side if it might not be so bright.

Nikki de Vett:

So thank you for, for bringing that to our work together.

Nikki de Vett:

And I love that idea of like, Hey, let's create a mug like that is

Nikki de Vett:

personalized and to recognize each other.

Nikki de Vett:

And I think that there's such a brilliant segue into what we're

Nikki de Vett:

actually talking about here.

Nikki de Vett:

So I really wanna touch in on employee experience and especially

Nikki de Vett:

around the kind of meaningful work.

Nikki de Vett:

What makes it rewarding, how do we value each other side of employee experience?

Nikki de Vett:

So when we were chatting before before we started recording around

Nikki de Vett:

what is important to you around the podcast, you mentioned that

Nikki de Vett:

you wanted to spark ideas and.

Nikki de Vett:

Give inspiration and some clear takeaways.

Nikki de Vett:

So I think that is exactly what we're going to try and do today.

Nikki de Vett:

So let me just start off with asking you a question.

Nikki de Vett:

What does meaningful work mean to you personally?

Meredith Buchanan:

So for me, I really, it comes back to the fact that we

Meredith Buchanan:

spend so much of our lives at work and you know, apart from sleeping,

Meredith Buchanan:

sleeping is a big part of our lives, very important part is very important.

Meredith Buchanan:

It is work.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so having an opportunity to really shape that work experience for

Meredith Buchanan:

people, it absolutely impacts lives.

Meredith Buchanan:

It makes such a difference in people's personal lives, in their you know,

Meredith Buchanan:

their work lives and in their own personal professional development.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so that's what brings me meaning,

Nikki de Vett:


Nikki de Vett:

Yeah, absolutely.

Nikki de Vett:

And I think, and also that answer for me goes right to the heart.

Nikki de Vett:

I think why we enjoy working with you and why we enjoyed working with the

Nikki de Vett:

team at covers, because you hold also that as a fundamental belief and

Nikki de Vett:

the, that, that it's so important.

Nikki de Vett:

So what does it mean at covers then meaningful work?

Nikki de Vett:

Would you add anything else to that?

Meredith Buchanan:

Well, it's interesting because when we started

Meredith Buchanan:

kind of diving into this, we had a new leadership team in place and we

Meredith Buchanan:

wanted to kind of align around the broader purpose of our business.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so we went through an exercise to really, you know, question

Meredith Buchanan:

and probe, you know, what impact are we bringing to the community?

Meredith Buchanan:

And that's where we got to that place of saying, it's.

Meredith Buchanan:

Creating a thriving sports betting community, bringing it out of a stigma

Meredith Buchanan:

that once existed and making sure that people have great insight and tools and

Meredith Buchanan:

education around both how to bet and also where they can do and do that you

Meredith Buchanan:

know, go and bet with reputable partners.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so that became something that we really felt was important and meaningful.

Meredith Buchanan:

But at the end of the day, that's not necessarily going to

Meredith Buchanan:

be every individual's purpose.

Meredith Buchanan:

It's not necessarily going to bring everyone meaning to their work.

Meredith Buchanan:

And we recognize that it's not a one size fits all.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, and when it comes to meeting at work.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so, you know, one of the things that I noticed when I joined this business

Meredith Buchanan:

and started talking to people was.

Meredith Buchanan:

So many people actually said they were doing their dream jobs.

Meredith Buchanan:

And when I asked why, the themes were twofold.

Meredith Buchanan:

One was, I get to work in sports.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, I have loved sports my entire life.

Meredith Buchanan:

This has been a dream.

Meredith Buchanan:

This is what I get to work in.

Meredith Buchanan:

And the other was, This is an incredible team.

Meredith Buchanan:

I love the people that I work with.

Meredith Buchanan:

We really enjoy working together.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, there's such great talent here and that means everything to me.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so those two kind of themes have been really strong throughout.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so when we started to grow our team, you know, one of the things

Meredith Buchanan:

that we brought right up to the front in terms of our recruitment efforts

Meredith Buchanan:

was to talk both about the vision of the organization, but also the.

Meredith Buchanan:

And how important the team is here and how important you know, that

Meredith Buchanan:

desire to be part of an all-star team.

Meredith Buchanan:

That desire to build your game needs to be if you're gonna find

Meredith Buchanan:

meaning you know, in working here.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so that's helped us to really bake that into the team as we've gotten bigger

Meredith Buchanan:

and to make our culture stronger and more aligned around you know, those, those

Meredith Buchanan:

bits that are so fundamental and have been what has kind of set us apart up until.

Meredith Buchanan:


Nikki de Vett:

you for, for sharing that.

Nikki de Vett:

Meredith and I love that, that there were two clear things

Nikki de Vett:

that stood out for you, right?

Nikki de Vett:

It's one is about the industry.

Nikki de Vett:

Like I get to work in sports, right?

Nikki de Vett:

And that is what makes it meaningful.

Nikki de Vett:

And the other is around I get to work with an awesome team.

Nikki de Vett:

And that's the other thing that makes it, makes it meaningful because

Nikki de Vett:

you're right, like people join your organization and they might not.

Nikki de Vett:

Force, but they still very much love working at covers and find

Nikki de Vett:

a lot of meaning in their work.

Nikki de Vett:

And you have captured the essence of that, like the essence of how

Nikki de Vett:

you work together in your values.

Nikki de Vett:

So I'm not sure if you wanna say a little bit more about that or the importance

Nikki de Vett:

of the role of the values in your

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

I think, you know, as we were growing, what we wanted to make sure that we

Meredith Buchanan:

were doing was building a diverse team.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so we didn't want to just attract people who were fanatical about sports.

Meredith Buchanan:

We wanted to make sure that we were bringing on people who had different

Meredith Buchanan:

perspectives and different voices.

Meredith Buchanan:

And therefore you know, we really highlighted the fact that this is an

Meredith Buchanan:

organization where you can grow your.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, that really you can build your game essentially, and that we're

Meredith Buchanan:

gonna give you those opportunities.

Meredith Buchanan:

We're small enough that we're not too siloed, and therefore you can get exposure

Meredith Buchanan:

to different parts of the business.

Meredith Buchanan:

You can learn in different ways.

Meredith Buchanan:

You can have access to anyone in the business, and they encourage that.

Meredith Buchanan:

So that was a big part of, as we were kind of building out our team, was that

Meredith Buchanan:

that notion of growth and that being something that was really important.

Meredith Buchanan:

The other is around, you know, Caring about making things better, elevating

Meredith Buchanan:

the experience, whether we're, you know, serving up our internal

Meredith Buchanan:

customers or serving up the community externally, we are constantly trying

Meredith Buchanan:

to improve and trying to make things better and listening to feedback.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so that was something that we made sure that we were emphasizing and was

Meredith Buchanan:

important to people when they came in.

Meredith Buchanan:

And that has nothing necessarily to.

Meredith Buchanan:

Although if you're really good at sports, you know, you're building a muscle,

Meredith Buchanan:

you're training, you're practicing.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so there's a little bit of that that's, that's kind of baked

Meredith Buchanan:

into into how we work here for sure.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

The other is around playing with passion, and so we would ask people,

Meredith Buchanan:

What, what did you learn during covid?

Meredith Buchanan:

What new hobby did you take up?

Meredith Buchanan:

What's the, you know, kind of latest thing that you've gotten involved

Meredith Buchanan:

with, where you've gotten energy or you've learned something and,

Meredith Buchanan:

and you know, taken on a new hobby.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so that really helped to emphasize for people that that's something we encourage.

Meredith Buchanan:

It's not just about what you're doing at work.

Meredith Buchanan:

It's about your personal life and making sure that you make a priority to have, you

Meredith Buchanan:

know, that kind of balance or work life integration and wellness and focus on

Meredith Buchanan:

wellbeing that we really emphasize here.

Meredith Buchanan:

Again, kind of like sports important to, you know, be at the top of your game.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

And continually conditioning.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, and so that's something that, that we've,

Meredith Buchanan:

we've emphasized with people for.

Nikki de Vett:


Nikki de Vett:


Nikki de Vett:

And it's been great to follow your journey with your values as well, like

Nikki de Vett:

from the very moment that we, we supported you with shaping those to

Nikki de Vett:

like the evolution of it as well more recently and how you really hone in on

Nikki de Vett:

the things that are really important, like really matter and sharpen up

Nikki de Vett:

the behaviors that sits with that.

Nikki de Vett:

And I also know that you're making certain promises around

Nikki de Vett:

what meaningful work is as covers.

Nikki de Vett:

So what are you saying in that space?

Nikki de Vett:

What are you promising as part of your employee experience?

Meredith Buchanan:

Well, and, and some of it I guess we've already

Meredith Buchanan:

touched on, but that being part of an All-Star team is part of our

Meredith Buchanan:

promise to the group, and so much goes into that from who we're attracting

Meredith Buchanan:

to, who's choosing to stay with us.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, that's what makes us an all-star team and making sure that we're all

Meredith Buchanan:

bringing as much as we can to the team.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, that's, that's been a big promise and one that.

Meredith Buchanan:

Continuously, you know, really, really care about.

Meredith Buchanan:

The other one is around taking care of each other and.

Meredith Buchanan:

I can't tell you the number of times we've actually said,

Meredith Buchanan:

you know, we have to do this.

Meredith Buchanan:

We have to look after each other.

Meredith Buchanan:

This is really important, you know, when people have had things that

Meredith Buchanan:

have come up in their personal lives, everyone rallies together.

Meredith Buchanan:

It is a real kind of family first sort of orientation within the team that says you.

Meredith Buchanan:

When your family needs you, when your personal life needs you, we

Meredith Buchanan:

need to support you in making sure that you can make that a priority so

Meredith Buchanan:

that we take care of each other.

Meredith Buchanan:

Promise is one that I think definitely sticks out for people.

Meredith Buchanan:

I've had lots of people come to me and say, that's everything.

Meredith Buchanan:

That's everything.

Meredith Buchanan:

Knowing yeah, that I have the support of my team, you know, that just allows

Meredith Buchanan:

me to be so much better at work.

Meredith Buchanan:

So that's, that's one that personally I've, I've, you know, really, really stood

Meredith Buchanan:

behind and seen it in action so much.

Meredith Buchanan:

The other is When you grow, we grow.

Meredith Buchanan:

Which again, comes back to some of what we were talking about around you know,

Meredith Buchanan:

building your game and giving people the opportunity to own their growth.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

You know, it's so in, it's so personalized, it's so individual you

Meredith Buchanan:

know, and it's, you know, lots of talk now about, it's not a ladder, right?

Meredith Buchanan:

It's, you know, your, your career growth.

Meredith Buchanan:

Is is meant to go in lots of different directions and what can

Meredith Buchanan:

we do to help you steer it in the way that's gonna be meaningful

Meredith Buchanan:

and gonna be motivating for you?

Meredith Buchanan:

So those are, those are some of the core promises.

Meredith Buchanan:

And then the last one is around getting an opportunity to do work that matters.

Meredith Buchanan:

And as we know coming out of the pandemic, there was so much

Meredith Buchanan:

self-reflection around purpose.

Meredith Buchanan:

And, you know, that's what led a lot of people to make decisions around changing

Meredith Buchanan:

careers or changing you know, businesses.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so being able to really hone in on what matters at an individual

Meredith Buchanan:

level and then giving people opportunity to work on that has

Meredith Buchanan:

been something that that has been.

Meredith Buchanan:

Really important.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, one example of that is having hackathons where people can

Meredith Buchanan:

stand up a team, they can form a team.

Meredith Buchanan:

Anyone e everyone is encouraged to participate.

Meredith Buchanan:

I joined a team even and, you know, realized that you know,

Meredith Buchanan:

there's a lot that goes into development and engineering and.

Meredith Buchanan:

Taking a product from the very beginning to, you know, that stage where you

Meredith Buchanan:

can actually demo it for the team.

Meredith Buchanan:

It was an incredible experience, a great way to get to learn the business, get

Meredith Buchanan:

people an opportunity to work on something that they would otherwise never work on.

Meredith Buchanan:

And through that, you know, we've actually been able to put

Meredith Buchanan:

things into production, right?

Meredith Buchanan:

That have been just these sort of passion projects for individuals on our team.

Meredith Buchanan:

So things like that where people can really do something

Meredith Buchanan:

that is exciting to them.

Meredith Buchanan:

Is aligns with their interests that makes it, that makes it so meaningful for them.

Meredith Buchanan:

The other is connecting you know, everyone's work to broader business

Meredith Buchanan:

goals and aspirations and just coming back to that on a regular basis has.

Meredith Buchanan:

Been you know, really, really something that we've tried to build a discipline

Meredith Buchanan:

around with the team so that they understand how important their work is

Meredith Buchanan:

and how it's connected to, you know, where we're trying to, where we're

Meredith Buchanan:

trying to head as a, as a broader team.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

I could go on and on, Nick.

Meredith Buchanan:

Yeah, I could go on.

Meredith Buchanan:

I know, I know.

Nikki de Vett:

Cause what I, what I love about what you're sharing is that those

Nikki de Vett:

are not empty promises that you're making.

Nikki de Vett:

Like those promises are being left through some of the examples

Nikki de Vett:

as you've just shared with us.

Nikki de Vett:


Nikki de Vett:

And they are really come, come to life in that way.

Nikki de Vett:

So there is a lot of kind of.

Nikki de Vett:

In the sis in your system as an organization that really shows that

Nikki de Vett:

you're practicing those promises in action, which is so wonderful to hear.

Nikki de Vett:

And I love how you actually sort of start to paint a picture of

Nikki de Vett:

like, okay, our values is how we, how we work together as a team.

Nikki de Vett:

Like we have our employee experience that's very much rooted in, in,

Nikki de Vett:

you know, being there for each other, caring for each other, doing

Nikki de Vett:

like work that matters and all of.

Nikki de Vett:

Comes together in how you are living your purpose around fueling thriving

Nikki de Vett:

sports betting communities, and you can see all these component pieces really

Nikki de Vett:

playing a, a role in your culture.

Nikki de Vett:

For us, part of meaningful work is, is all about feeling valued.

Nikki de Vett:

And you, you already touched on that briefly around the

Nikki de Vett:

impact that people make in.

Nikki de Vett:

In the business and how that's how that is showing up or how

Nikki de Vett:

they are able to make an impact.

Nikki de Vett:

What are other ways that you celebrate the impact that people make or the

Nikki de Vett:

value that they bring to the team?

Meredith Buchanan:

So I have to tell you about one of my first experiences, okay.

Meredith Buchanan:

In joining the Please Do Team, and it was in the heart of the pandemic and therefore

Meredith Buchanan:

everything was virtual, which is, you know, challenging when you're coming in as

Meredith Buchanan:

the head of people and culture to really get to know people and to get a sense of

Meredith Buchanan:

how things work and how people connect.

Meredith Buchanan:

And they had organized a holiday year end celebration and.

Meredith Buchanan:

This, I was, you know, brand new into the organization.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so this was sort of my first real observation of how this team, you

Meredith Buchanan:

know, gelled and really connected.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so part of that celebration, first of all, was a ton of banter.

Meredith Buchanan:

So much banter within this group that, and it was hilarious.

Meredith Buchanan:

Like they were just feeding off each other in the chat and poking fun at each other.

Meredith Buchanan:

And you could see there was such a.

Meredith Buchanan:

Built that just made for a really, really fun vibe, even

Meredith Buchanan:

in this kind of virtual world.

Meredith Buchanan:

And then there was a ceremony around inducting two of our longer standing

Meredith Buchanan:

employees into the Hall of Fame.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so with that, I know it's it's quite, it's quite a significant milestone.

Meredith Buchanan:

It's for people who have been with the business for around 15 years

Meredith Buchanan:

which pretty amazing that we had.

Meredith Buchanan:

Yes, a couple of people who were being inducted into the

Meredith Buchanan:

Hall of Fame at that time.

Meredith Buchanan:

And it was so heartfelt.

Meredith Buchanan:

Someone was identified who had a personal connection with them, who

Meredith Buchanan:

had worked with them for a period of time to do the speech and.

Meredith Buchanan:

Teared up.

Meredith Buchanan:

They told stories, they celebrated achievements.

Meredith Buchanan:

And then the people who received you know, their induction you know,

Meredith Buchanan:

also said a few words about what the experience has been like for them

Meredith Buchanan:

and how meaningful it has been and how much the team means to them.

Meredith Buchanan:

And I cried.

Meredith Buchanan:

It was so real.

Meredith Buchanan:

It was so authentic.

Meredith Buchanan:

It was no.

Meredith Buchanan:

There wasn't, there wasn't a monetary value attached to it.

Meredith Buchanan:

It was all about just the heart of this team.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

And recognizing that, and it was, it was an incredible

Meredith Buchanan:

moment for me going, okay, this.

Meredith Buchanan:

Culture is special, you know, to see that kind of ceremony and see

Meredith Buchanan:

that kind of reaction and just everyone celebrating together.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so we've tr we've really made an intentional effort to incorporate

Meredith Buchanan:

that into all of our team connect.

Meredith Buchanan:

So we do what we call a monthly opening pitch which is just

Meredith Buchanan:

to set us up for the month.

Meredith Buchanan:

Oh yeah.

Meredith Buchanan:

It's to do a check-in on how we're doing against our goals.

Meredith Buchanan:

To you know, bring people together for a bit of fun, a bit of camaraderie.

Meredith Buchanan:

We now have introduced something we call home runs.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so as part of it, we're recognizing people against our values.

Meredith Buchanan:

So anyone can nominate someone on the team for a home run for that month.

Meredith Buchanan:

And then they get highlighted.

Meredith Buchanan:

They get their own sort of special kind of recognition in the meeting, and we did

Meredith Buchanan:

it this past month and the person who was recognized was so blown away Aw, and so

Meredith Buchanan:

grateful, and it meant the world to them.

Meredith Buchanan:

And it's just, there's.

Meredith Buchanan:

You can't, you can't it's hard to describe unless you're part of it.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

The value that people receive from that kind of recognition, and it's just their

Meredith Buchanan:

peers, you know, who are putting their name forward and saying why, you know,

Meredith Buchanan:

the, the work that they've done or the contributions they've made has mattered

Meredith Buchanan:

and how it connects to the values and the things that we really care about here.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so it has gone a long way in terms of, you know, just highlighting people also,

Meredith Buchanan:

Sometimes maybe fly under the radar, even though their work is really important.

Meredith Buchanan:

It may not have the same profile as, you know, some of the other team members.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so it's a great chance to to really profile different

Meredith Buchanan:

people across the business.

Meredith Buchanan:

We also are so fortunate in that this year we're gonna be having our second all-Star

Meredith Buchanan:

Week, which involves bringing our entire team together from across the country.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

For about three days we're, we're taking over a resort here

Meredith Buchanan:

in, in outside of Halifax.

Meredith Buchanan:

And at that event, we're going to be actually giving out awards.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so we have awards for each of our values.

Meredith Buchanan:

And we also have an MVP award for someone who really has demonstrated all of

Meredith Buchanan:

the values throughout the prior year.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so this is again, nominated you know, for, for work that has happened,

Meredith Buchanan:

you know, contributions that have been made over the prior year.

Meredith Buchanan:

And they get to have a very personalized caricature created Oh, that has.

Meredith Buchanan:

All kinds of creative.

Meredith Buchanan:

Just reference, yeah.

Meredith Buchanan:

Just references to their favorite sports team, their favorite food, something

Meredith Buchanan:

funny that has happened you know, where they're from, things they care about.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so it's, you know, the amount of detail that goes into that.

Meredith Buchanan:

That just shows again how much we know.

Meredith Buchanan:

Each other and how much we value.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

Not just the role that you bring in the business, but who you are and you

Meredith Buchanan:

know who you are in your personal life and we know that all of that matters

Meredith Buchanan:

in terms of what you bring to the team.

Meredith Buchanan:

We also have participation awards, which are meant to be purely.

Meredith Buchanan:

Really funny awards.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, anybody can nominate anyone you know, based on something funny

Meredith Buchanan:

that's happened based on maybe a quirk that they have that they're known for.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so that I think might have been you know, one of the, one of the highlights

Meredith Buchanan:

from last year's All, all-Star Week for sure, because there were so many laughs.

Meredith Buchanan:

And again, it's all about, you know, just the fact that people really

Meredith Buchanan:

know each other and celebrate.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, a lot of the things that we do that, that make us unique and the the

Meredith Buchanan:

funny moments that happen throughout the year that people can never live down,

Meredith Buchanan:

oftentimes that's, you know, that's gonna be surfacing up in the, in the

Meredith Buchanan:

participation awards this year as well.

Nikki de Vett:

That sounds so fun.

Nikki de Vett:

And like, I'm, I love, love everything that.

Nikki de Vett:

Shared, like a few things really stand out for me.

Nikki de Vett:

First of all, the passion on your face when you speak to

Nikki de Vett:

this Meredith, like it's just so inspiring and I, I love seeing that.

Nikki de Vett:

Obviously our listeners won't be able to see your face, but in that way.

Nikki de Vett:

But I, I can truly see that you're speaking from the heart.

Nikki de Vett:

You know that.

Nikki de Vett:

I think that brings me to the next kind of thing that really stands

Nikki de Vett:

out to me is that humanity that you all bring to your workplace.

Nikki de Vett:

It really is super authentic.

Nikki de Vett:

You really are so, Like in it together, I'd say, and like how you back each

Nikki de Vett:

other and how you celebrate each other, like from working with you.

Nikki de Vett:

I, I know that I know that to be true and know that to be very

Nikki de Vett:

authentic and that humanity is yeah.

Nikki de Vett:

Is so important and I'm really in awe.

Nikki de Vett:

How you, you do that as an organization, because I think this

Nikki de Vett:

exact thing is where, where many, where many organizations sometimes

Nikki de Vett:

struggle, how do we bring this about?

Nikki de Vett:

Especially if it's maybe more hybrid workforce and there's

Nikki de Vett:

some remote work in there.

Nikki de Vett:

How do we, how do we do that?

Nikki de Vett:

So thank you for, for sharing that.

Nikki de Vett:

The other thing that stands out is the creativity that you bring to it, right?

Nikki de Vett:

Like as an organization, you have fun with it and you bring creativity.

Nikki de Vett:

Like obviously you're in the world of sports, so sports references are quite

Nikki de Vett:

easy for you to hook things on, but how you bring that to life with things like

Nikki de Vett:

a personalized mug like you were sharing earlier, or the kind of character.

Nikki de Vett:

Caricatures and the awards, that's just, you know, you can have fun with

Nikki de Vett:

it, like, you know, so it doesn't have to become this thing that is like, oh,

Nikki de Vett:

we need to do this as an organization.

Nikki de Vett:

How are we going to organize awards or like a celebration around our values?

Nikki de Vett:

No, for you, for you all by, from what I can tell is that it's just a natural way

Nikki de Vett:

of doing it to bring you creativity to it.

Nikki de Vett:

Which is yeah.

Nikki de Vett:

So wonderful, and I think there is a clear takeaway here from me around how

Nikki de Vett:

you bake this into your organization.

Nikki de Vett:

And I, I wonder if you have any other thoughts around that, like the

Nikki de Vett:

importance of being intentional about it?

Nikki de Vett:


Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

I, I think the, the discipline around having these touchpoints with the

Meredith Buchanan:

business in terms of the monthly opening pitch, for example, We

Meredith Buchanan:

started it and we stayed consistent so that everyone could expect it.

Meredith Buchanan:

They knew it was coming, they could look forward to it.

Meredith Buchanan:

They knew there was going to be an opportunity to connect with each other.

Meredith Buchanan:

There would be an opportunity to be highlighted or You know, to be profiled

Meredith Buchanan:

a little bit for the rest of the team.

Meredith Buchanan:

And we also give different voices.

Meredith Buchanan:

So we have various people present in those sessions too, to give just again, to

Meredith Buchanan:

give others opportunity to kind of share their own stories and talk about the work

Meredith Buchanan:

that they're doing that matters to them.

Meredith Buchanan:

So I do think the discipline and the muscle of, of creating those rituals

Meredith Buchanan:

or those practices that you just.

Meredith Buchanan:

Over and over again.

Meredith Buchanan:

We also, another one is we do a weekly bottom of the ninth.

Meredith Buchanan:

Oh yes.

Meredith Buchanan:

Social with you know, that people, I, I think they'd be up in arms

Meredith Buchanan:

if we didn't have it one week.

Meredith Buchanan:

Like it is, we have the same people show up every week.

Meredith Buchanan:

They play games, they make fun of each other in a very kindhearted

Meredith Buchanan:

way, and they just have a blast.

Meredith Buchanan:

And it's that, you know, again, it's just that.

Meredith Buchanan:

To, you know, have some fun together, decompress.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, we are in a very fast-paced industry.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, everyone will say, sports never stops.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

There's always something happening.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

And so equally important for us to make space for people to, you know, recharge

Meredith Buchanan:

and you know, and to, and to have a.

Meredith Buchanan:

Like there is, there is so much value in that.

Meredith Buchanan:

Something else that we do is we have a monthly newsletter and one thing that we

Meredith Buchanan:

did is we recognized that we needed to increase the comfort levels with talking

Meredith Buchanan:

about mental wellbeing across our team.

Meredith Buchanan:

We had done a survey and that was probably one of our lower.

Meredith Buchanan:

And when you think about, you know, again, what I had just said about it being fast

Meredith Buchanan:

paced and there's so much happening, you know, we have to get to a place where you

Meredith Buchanan:

know it's okay to say, Hey, you know what?

Meredith Buchanan:

I need to take a break.

Meredith Buchanan:

I need to go and recharge, or I'm struggling right now and you

Meredith Buchanan:

know, I need someone to talk to.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so one thing that we did in our newsletter that also served the purpose of

Meredith Buchanan:

creating connection within the team is we asked people to share their mental health.

Meredith Buchanan:

And it was so powerful.

Meredith Buchanan:

We really weren't sure who would be comfortable.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, it's, it's obviously a very sensitive topic for many and one that,

Meredith Buchanan:

you know, there's so much work being done to, to kind of get over, you know,

Meredith Buchanan:

that sense of stigma that may have been part of it in the past and the raw.

Meredith Buchanan:

Personal stories that came through that, that then created

Meredith Buchanan:

opportunities for conversation and opportunities for connection.

Meredith Buchanan:

We had someone share, you know, a story about a personal loss and how that so

Meredith Buchanan:

profoundly impacted them, and someone else on our team had gone through a

Meredith Buchanan:

very similar loss and suddenly they knew that they both had something

Meredith Buchanan:

in common and could connect on a completely different level together.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so that was something that, you know, I really felt proud of for our team

Meredith Buchanan:

because it just, you could see that it, it started to normalize the fact that

Meredith Buchanan:

it's okay to not be okay and to share that with the team and to talk about that.

Meredith Buchanan:

And then through that you get real connections.

Meredith Buchanan:

Right when you aren't pretending anymore and when you feel safe to share that, and

Meredith Buchanan:

then you also, you know, are more likely to get the help and support you need.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so that's been a big focus for us as well in terms of, you

Meredith Buchanan:

know, connection building and just creating that safe space for people.

Nikki de Vett:

Yeah, absolutely.

Nikki de Vett:

And through that, like again, the humanity.

Nikki de Vett:

Shines through, right?

Nikki de Vett:


Nikki de Vett:

How, how do we connect people by being humans and allowing like ourselves to,

Nikki de Vett:

to be humans in a way where we don't have to be perfect the whole time.

Nikki de Vett:

And, you know, recognize the importance of speaking to, to our mental

Nikki de Vett:

health and the things we might be struggling with, and that's actually

Nikki de Vett:

forming connection with each other.

Nikki de Vett:

So thank you for sharing that example.

Nikki de Vett:

And also thank you for being such a fan of ritual.

Nikki de Vett:

And championing the power of rituals alongside us like we at within.

Nikki de Vett:

That is, that is so important to our own culture as well, and we are on a

Nikki de Vett:

mission to help other organizations also see the power of it and what

Nikki de Vett:

it can unlock in your organization.

Nikki de Vett:

So thank you for championing that alongside us.

Nikki de Vett:

Like many businesses covers is also a growing business, whatever growth might

Nikki de Vett:

mean to you as in your organization.

Nikki de Vett:

And I, I wonder like, what, how do you keep this alive?

Nikki de Vett:

How do you keep some of this going as you develop, as an organization

Nikki de Vett:

and as you skill the business?

Nikki de Vett:

How do you keep it Yeah.

Nikki de Vett:

This culture alive?

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

And I think your point, the point you just made around ritual is something

Meredith Buchanan:

that that is scalable, right?

Meredith Buchanan:

So if you're already in a practice, it doesn't feel overwhelming, it

Meredith Buchanan:

doesn't feel like something new.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so as you add additional people into the team, it feels natural.

Meredith Buchanan:

To be able to continue some of those practices.

Meredith Buchanan:

So I do think that that is a, is really, really helpful when

Meredith Buchanan:

you're, when you're scaling.

Meredith Buchanan:

The other thing I had mentioned was around, you know, baking this into

Meredith Buchanan:

the recruitment process so that people know when they're joining.

Meredith Buchanan:

That this is something that we believe in, in terms of, you know, recognition

Meredith Buchanan:

and the strength of the team and the values that we care about.

Meredith Buchanan:

So putting that right up in front, as we were doing a lot of hiring over the

Meredith Buchanan:

last couple of years, you know, the feedback has been, you know, the way that

Meredith Buchanan:

we incorporated the values and the, and the Emphasis that we placed on that.

Meredith Buchanan:

It wasn't just a checking the box at the end of the recruitment cycle, you know,

Meredith Buchanan:

it was very much a, this is who we are.

Meredith Buchanan:

This is just as important as, you know, the expert, the technical expertise that

Meredith Buchanan:

you might be bringing to the business.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so at the outset, for any business that is scaling, being really rock

Meredith Buchanan:

solid, On what matters to the business.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

And making sure that you are transparent with people who are coming in so that

Meredith Buchanan:

they know what they're signing up for.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, at the end of the day that's in the best interest of the business and also

Meredith Buchanan:

in the best interest of the individual.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so that has been really helpful for us.

Meredith Buchanan:

The greatest feedback that I got last year at our conference.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, someone who'd been in the business for quite some time and

Meredith Buchanan:

they said, you know, I was worried when we were going through this

Meredith Buchanan:

significant growth that maybe we would lose some of what has made us Yeah.

Meredith Buchanan:

So special.

Meredith Buchanan:

Of course.

Meredith Buchanan:

And made us such a great place to work.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

And they said it, we've only gotten stronger.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, the people that we've brought on are so amazing and they've just added

Meredith Buchanan:

more yes to the team that we had in place before, which is the goal, right?

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

That's the goal is to, is to, as you grow, just add and strengthen and not

Meredith Buchanan:

dilute, which was of course my fear as we were starting on that path to scaling.

Nikki de Vett:


Nikki de Vett:

And that's, that's a wonderful example of how, like, you've

Nikki de Vett:

actually been through this, right?

Nikki de Vett:

Like you've, you've experienced a period of quite significant

Nikki de Vett:

growth and you as a result, you are stronger and you're, you're getting,

Nikki de Vett:

you're getting that feedback.

Nikki de Vett:

So there's some firsthand experience of how to do that right there.

Nikki de Vett:

Some great examples already or some great takeaways already given to everyone

Nikki de Vett:

listening and hopefully people can really take some inspiration from this

Nikki de Vett:

and try to implement some of this also in their, in their own organizations.

Nikki de Vett:

What kind final piece of advice do you, do you have for people or for

Nikki de Vett:

leaders in similar spaces as yourself?

Meredith Buchanan:

Yeah, I would say, you know, it's really easy to focus on

Meredith Buchanan:

the numbers and focus on the metrics and focus on the harder you know, firmer

Meredith Buchanan:

aspects of business and making the space and prioritizing those personal

Meredith Buchanan:

connections is so, The investment and yet you need to be intentional about

Meredith Buchanan:

it or it won't happen, particularly in hybrid and virtual environments where

Meredith Buchanan:

meetings start on time, they end on time.

Meredith Buchanan:

There isn't that lingering afterwards where people chat.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

Does not happen.

Meredith Buchanan:

I mean, sadly, no, I miss that.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

And so, you know, if you're not intentional, if you don't incorporate

Meredith Buchanan:

it, one thing that we've done in meetings is start every meeting with

Meredith Buchanan:

a personal and a professional win.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so, you know, that just a, it's, it's, it's bringing some positive

Meredith Buchanan:

psychology into, you know, into the meeting right out of the gate.

Meredith Buchanan:

But it also just opens.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, the whole team to seeing deeper into what's happening in people's lives.

Meredith Buchanan:

And it's quick.

Meredith Buchanan:

Doesn't take a lot of time, but that's, that's a really simple practice

Meredith Buchanan:

that has worked well for us and, you know, is so easy to implement for,

Meredith Buchanan:

you know, especially for virtual teams who just don't have that casual

Meredith Buchanan:

chi chat that we used to have when we were all in office together.

Meredith Buchanan:

The other advice I'd say is again, creating space for

Meredith Buchanan:

appreciation and recognition.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, just having those shout outs.

Meredith Buchanan:

You don't have to have, you know, the, the tools or the systems necessarily

Meredith Buchanan:

for, you know, to have everyone being able to contribute to a praise board.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, we do have that, which is wonderful, but you don't need that.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

Just baking it into regular meeting.

Meredith Buchanan:

All hands sentence with the team.

Meredith Buchanan:

People know that they have an opportunity to nominate their peers.

Meredith Buchanan:

That is the best investment you can really make in terms of making sure

Meredith Buchanan:

that people are getting meaning out of their work because they're feeling

Meredith Buchanan:

recognized, they're feeling appreciated.

Meredith Buchanan:

And I guess the last would be, you know, we talked a lot about purpose and the

Meredith Buchanan:

fact that it is just, A one size fits all.

Meredith Buchanan:

And so, you know, the advice I would give is just, you know, beware of the

Meredith Buchanan:

cult and culture in that, you know, you can't expect everyone to come

Meredith Buchanan:

into the business and necessarily relate directly to the mission of the

Meredith Buchanan:

business as being their be all and end all in terms of meaning and purpose.

Meredith Buchanan:

We are all unique.

Meredith Buchanan:

We all bring different motivations to the table and you know,

Meredith Buchanan:

businesses, we just need to.

Meredith Buchanan:

That and kind of lean into that and encourage that and find out

Meredith Buchanan:

what matters, you know, for, for people at an individual.

Meredith Buchanan:

Great advice.

Nikki de Vett:

Thank you.

Nikki de Vett:

Thank you so much.

Nikki de Vett:

There's two, two things in particular that I love.

Nikki de Vett:

It's, it's that idea of like, let's share personal and professional wins, right?

Nikki de Vett:

Like, let's make space for that in terms of human connection.

Nikki de Vett:

And it's something actually I've recently implemented as well in our, in our.

Nikki de Vett:

Kind of UK team here around let's make sure that in our, when we

Nikki de Vett:

get together on our team calls, we open with some celebrations.

Nikki de Vett:

And I, I really find that that sets the, the tone for the, for the call and really,

Nikki de Vett:

you know, making space for it as you, as you're saying, is super important.

Nikki de Vett:

The other thing is around purpose, because you're right, right.

Nikki de Vett:

People what.

Nikki de Vett:

Purposeful to one person might not be purposeful to another, but I think

Nikki de Vett:

it's kind of how do you help your, your people in your organization to,

Nikki de Vett:

to find their own connection to the purpose of the organization, right?

Nikki de Vett:

And people do that in different ways and allow space for that.

Nikki de Vett:

As you're saying around that, people might need to fill in for it, to

Nikki de Vett:

it a little bit of like what, what this means, what this means to them.

Nikki de Vett:

And yeah, being okay with that as an organization is very important.

Nikki de Vett:

I'd love to ask some rapid fire questions to close us out, if that's okay with you.

Nikki de Vett:

Are you up for that?

Nikki de Vett:

Yeah, I, I am.

Nikki de Vett:

All right.

Nikki de Vett:

So what three words would you use to describe the workplace

Nikki de Vett:

culture you'd like to lead?

Meredith Buchanan:

So that's a tough one.

Meredith Buchanan:

That's hard to get down to three words.

Meredith Buchanan:

Nikki, we've, sorry.

Meredith Buchanan:

We've said so many of them throughout this last conversation, but you know, the ones

Meredith Buchanan:

that kind of surface to the top are open.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, just that openness I think is really important.

Meredith Buchanan:

Caring, we've talked a lot about that and definitely fun.

Nikki de Vett:


Nikki de Vett:

Open, caring, and fun.

Nikki de Vett:

And yes.

Nikki de Vett:

Your, your fun is such a big part of, of the world.

Nikki de Vett:

That covers, I feel we've had many conversations around

Nikki de Vett:

that throughout the years.

Nikki de Vett:

What three words would you use to define the future of work?

Meredith Buchanan:

So I'd love to start with unknown but I guess that's, you

Meredith Buchanan:

know, that about the future of work.

Meredith Buchanan:

For sure.

Meredith Buchanan:

I would say purposeful.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, certainly on the theme of our conversation today, elevated

Meredith Buchanan:

you know, when you think about the influence of technology and ai, it

Meredith Buchanan:

just means we're all going to be going to a new level and connected.

Meredith Buchanan:

I think also with the introduction and, and true adoption of some of

Meredith Buchanan:

these technologies, that importance of connection is actually not gonna go away.

Meredith Buchanan:

It's gonna become.

Meredith Buchanan:

So much, so much more important.

Meredith Buchanan:


Nikki de Vett:


Nikki de Vett:

And how can we use some of that elevation in, in the AI space to

Nikki de Vett:

make us more connected, right.

Nikki de Vett:

And not less so.

Nikki de Vett:

Love, love that you're bringing that.

Nikki de Vett:

Which one quality is your

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

It has to be the one on my coffee mug.

Meredith Buchanan:

It has to be.

Meredith Buchanan:

So I'm gonna have to go with positivity, Vicky.

Meredith Buchanan:

For sure.

Nikki de Vett:

For sure.

Nikki de Vett:

And which one quality would you say is your area of development?

Meredith Buchanan:

That I would say is patience.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

Patience is definitely an area that I am always working on.

Meredith Buchanan:

And just taking a breath and really, you know, slowing down and being aware

Meredith Buchanan:

of just what's right here, right now and being patient with getting to the.

Nikki de Vett:


Nikki de Vett:

I very much relate to that.

Nikki de Vett:

It's an, it's an ongoing journey to work on my patience.

Nikki de Vett:

What is your most treasured spot outside of work?

Meredith Buchanan:

The beach, being by the ocean every chance I can get.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:


Nikki de Vett:

any particular.

Meredith Buchanan:

Well close to here is a beach called Bayswater that I absolutely

Meredith Buchanan:

love and go there and go swimming.

Meredith Buchanan:

There's one in New Brunswick called Parley Beach that I grew up actually going to

Meredith Buchanan:

every summer and walked the beach and actually met my husband there, so I, oh, I

Meredith Buchanan:

probably shoulda have said that one first.

Meredith Buchanan:

I should have said that one first.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

Parley Beach, that's the first one.

Nikki de Vett:

Oh, that is lovely.

Nikki de Vett:

Thank you for sharing.

Nikki de Vett:

I know it was supposed to be rapid fire.

Nikki de Vett:

Sorry, I'm going off script here myself.

Nikki de Vett:

Is there a person or a brand you'd like to shine a light on today?

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

I'd love to mention Janice Morano.

Meredith Buchanan:

She's the founder of the Institute for Mindful Leadership.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

And several years back I went to one of her retreats on Mindful Leadership.

Meredith Buchanan:

It was a five day retreat and it was.

Meredith Buchanan:

Absolutely life changing.

Meredith Buchanan:

She has such an interesting story in that she was a VP with General Mills and just.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, incredible career, incredible contribution to that business, and just

Meredith Buchanan:

worked to a place where she was really on the verge of burnout and discovered

Meredith Buchanan:

mindfulness and actually brought it to Gen General Mills as an entire program,

Meredith Buchanan:

and it got so much traction and did so much good that she actually spun it.

Meredith Buchanan:

Into this institute that has brought this practice to businesses

Meredith Buchanan:

and individuals around the world.

Meredith Buchanan:

When I was there, there were people from absolutely everywhere

Meredith Buchanan:

that had come to this retreat.

Meredith Buchanan:

You know, with that shared kind of, you know, desire to understand mindfulness

Meredith Buchanan:

and to incorporate it into their lives.

Meredith Buchanan:

And I would recommend for anyone to be able to attend one of these

Meredith Buchanan:

retreats if they're able to in.

Nikki de Vett:


Nikki de Vett:


Nikki de Vett:

Thank you for sharing that.

Nikki de Vett:

Like, as a group of people, that's also very much in the

Nikki de Vett:

space of leadership development.

Nikki de Vett:

This is a great one I think for us to check out and see.

Nikki de Vett:

Yeah, what is so special about it.

Nikki de Vett:

Thank you.

Nikki de Vett:

If you had to pick one song that represented who you are

Nikki de Vett:

as a leader, what would it.

Meredith Buchanan:

It's gonna be a bit of a throwback.

Meredith Buchanan:

It's gonna be a bit of a throwback to like the early two thousands.

Meredith Buchanan:

Oh, yes.

Meredith Buchanan:

But beautiful day.

Meredith Buchanan:

Beautiful day by you too.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

Do you know that one, Nick?

Meredith Buchanan:

Yes, I know that one.

Meredith Buchanan:

It's, you know, it's still on my playlist.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

I still.

Meredith Buchanan:


Nikki de Vett:

Emily gonna cut that

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

It's, don't cut it out, Emily.

Meredith Buchanan:

It's perfect.

Meredith Buchanan:

It's perfect.

Meredith Buchanan:

Bono, are you listening?

Meredith Buchanan:

Nikki's here for backup.

Meredith Buchanan:

Let's meet her.

Meredith Buchanan:

Yeah, so that, I mean, it's just a song about being in the moment and

Meredith Buchanan:

appreciating what's what's there.

Meredith Buchanan:

So I love that song.

Nikki de Vett:


Nikki de Vett:


Nikki de Vett:

Thank you.

Nikki de Vett:

And knowing that you went to the Institute for Mindful Leadership,

Nikki de Vett:

that's a very beautiful connection there with that song too.

Nikki de Vett:

Okay, well I think we've come to the end of our recording.

Nikki de Vett:

Meredith, thank you so much for being with us here on the podcast

Nikki de Vett:

today and for sharing your wisdom.

Nikki de Vett:

It's been an absolute pleasure to be in conversation with.

Meredith Buchanan:

Thank you so much Nikki, and I always

Meredith Buchanan:

enjoy spending time with you.

Meredith Buchanan:

It has been so wonderful working with you over the last couple of

Meredith Buchanan:

years and we'll definitely be working together into the future for sure.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

Thanks so much for this conversation.

Meredith Buchanan:

It was a ton of fun.

Meredith Buchanan:


Meredith Buchanan:

So much

Nikki de Vett:

fun and yeah, great insights into you and your leadership

Nikki de Vett:

and yeah, the great team that.

Nikki de Vett:

Continue to build at covers.

Nikki de Vett:

And thank you for listening everyone.

Nikki de Vett:

We hope you enjoyed learning about meaningful work and how to really

Nikki de Vett:

bring that to life in your organization and make, make people feel really

Nikki de Vett:

rewarded for the work that they do and the impact that they have.

Nikki de Vett:

Beyond what usually is called reward in the more monetary sense of that word.

Nikki de Vett:


Nikki de Vett:

So take the learnings from Meredith and the team at covers and use

Nikki de Vett:

it as, as inspiration to maybe implement it in your organization.

Nikki de Vett:

I wanna do a big shout out to our podcast producer Emily.

Nikki de Vett:

She is behind the scenes, but you never get to hear her, but she's very much here.

Nikki de Vett:

So thank you Emily, for being with us today.

Nikki de Vett:

And if you wanna find out more about covers the organizations that we've

Nikki de Vett:

been speaking about today, you can go to and we will also link

Nikki de Vett:

Meredith Meredith LinkedIn to the podcast.

Nikki de Vett:


Nikki de Vett:

Tune in to our podcast every other week for more episodes on what's happening

Nikki de Vett:

in the culture and leadership space.

Nikki de Vett:

What's on the minds of the leaders committed to change in our

Nikki de Vett:

community and other future of work.

Nikki de Vett:

Content you crave.

Nikki de Vett:

Reimagining work from Within is available wherever you listen to podcast.




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