I let my homebound 11-year-old name this episode, and I think he nailed it. That's what we're talking about in the special edition of the Work In Sports podcast, working from home like a boss! Hey It’s Brian -- we are in some crazy times right now. No one predicted a sports shutdown, or the education system being closed for business. But here we are. I have three kids at home right now, who should be in middle and elementary school! But you know what we are doing -- we’re continuing to keep them on a learning schedule...and you should do that too.Now is the chance to update your resume, work on your network, make sure you are ready for video interviews and more. And one way you can do that is through our Work In Sports Academy courses. We are 100% online, which is the appropriate distance - and you’ll learn incredible strategies tactics and techniques that will get you hired in sports -- once the world gets back to normal.Check out for more details. ---Hey everybody, I’m Brian Clapp VP of Content and Engaged Learning at and this is a special edition of the Work In Sports podcast.Our goal during the coronavirus outbreak and isolation is to provide additional content that will help you through this time. I, like you, am dying for content! I want fresh things to watch and listen to, that don’t involve Tom Brady leaving my beloved Patriots. I mean seriously, could this be a worse week?Anyway, the point is, we’re going to add a Friday podcast for the time being -- it may be a timely interview, like last week with Kenneth Shropshire CEO of the Global Sports Institute, or it may be insightful advice that is very specific to the times today. Today we’re going to share some tips on working from home. As many of you know, and many of you don’t, I’ve been working from home for the last 6 years. is based in Phoenix, I live in Philadelphia. It took me a long time to get comfortable with the change in normalcy, but you don’t have time… you have to get good at it now, so I’m going to share some things I have learned to make your transition easier. 1: You are saving time on your commute -- don’t just add that to your workday. The biggest mistake I see people make when they work from home is to add the time they saved in commuting onto their workday. They think to themselves -- I get an hour back each day, I’ll finally be able to get more done!Trust me, this is not how it works. Take the time you saved by not having to commute and sprinkle it into outside time. Here’s why -- when you work from home, especially during the transition to this new style, you go from being around people, noise, interaction, laughter, yelling... to being completely by yourself. It can feel lonely in a way, and the solution is NOT locking yourself in and working longer. This makes you a robot, you are not a robot. In fact, you need to remind yourself you are not a robot, by sprinkling that saved time back into your day. If you normally commute 30 minutes each way, you have an hour to sprinkle throughout your day to activate your mind in a different way. Every hour or two, take 15 minutes and walk around. Get out of your space, get off your computer screen. In a normal workday in the office, you don’t sit in front of your computer the whole time. Don’t start thinking you have to now. Trust me there is a negative return after a while… I think they call that the point of diminishing returns?2: Going deeper there -- Make yourself a schedule.I spend the first 30 minutes of each day building out my day. I prioritize what I want to get done and schedule it out amongst the video meetings and breaks I want to take. Every day is different, it’s not routine, there are different challenges and tasks… but by giving myself some structure helps me stay on task. When you are home there are easy distractions -- other parts of life you can get done -- laundry, cleaning, cooking -- First Take. OK, that’s a lie,