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How to grow your business with a sales funnel that goes against all the rules with Jennifer Spivak
Episode 13621st September 2020 • Your Dream Business • Teresa Heath-Wareing
00:00:00 01:10:55

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In this week’s podcast episode I’m speaking to the lovely Jennifer Spivak who is the CEO and founder of an all-female Facebook and Instagram Advertising agency, working with women entrepreneurs to make more money and smash the patriarchy! We talk all about why Jennifer does what she does, ad funnels, building connections with your audience and setting boundaries in your business.

  • Don’t get too creative with your ads, keep it simple.
  • Send cold audiences to a sales page with all the information they will need.
  • Price qualify to eliminate people who are not your target audience.
  • Tell people who you are and what you do, don’t make it too salesy.
  • It’s okay to put people off your service if they are not the right match for you.
  • Don’t be afraid to have boundaries with your lead generation.
  • Decide what your non-negotiables are - You are the business owner, it is your business.
  • Show your potential customers your credibility, your personality and also your vulnerability.
  • Talk about your story and the lessons you have learnt along the way – relatable to others.
  • We need to build connections.
  • Remarketing to a small audience isn’t too expensive.
  • You don’t have to add value every time you post, you can also talk about you and what you do.

Ads don’t always have to be salesy, give your audience an insight into who they are buying from and show off your personality, because no one else is you!

  • An Introduction to Jennifer – 10:27
  • Support for domestic violence – 16:20
  • Ad funnels explained – 25:00
  • Setting boundaries in your business – 32:45
  • Email marketing to a cold audience – 44:15
  • Remarketing – 58:50
  • Example ad content – 01:04:40

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Transcript Below


Teresa: Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the podcast. How are you doing this week? So I'm jumping straight in. I've got a great guest for you today. You know, one of the things I love about doing the podcast is that I get to learn from people and I particularly like it when it's a subject or it's a conversation, where I don't know, or it's different to how I think, or I learned something new because it's just really nice to have that opportunity to be the stupid person in the room, asking the questions and really kind of getting something new. So I love it. Now when I saw, or when I was approached, I should say for today's podcast guest, I,


I looked at what she was saying, and I looked at what she wanted to talk about, and it kind of, uh, I don't want to go as far as they triggered me cause it wasn't that bad, but it did make me go, "Oh, okay". Because her leading title was "Why you don't need lead magnets." Right. And if you listened to this podcast regularly you know, I am a big fan of a lead magnet. So I was like, you know, almost just a little bit defensive a little bit, like, "Come on then what, what you say in what's this about then?" And I decided that I needed to interview her. I needed to have a conversation with her and find out what her strategy was and why she did it.


And also like. As the interview went on, other things kept coming up when it was almost like take everything I've ever told you and turn it on its head. Like seriously. It was kind of crazy. Brilliant, amazing, funny, like all at once. So. Obviously we have particular strategies for doing things, and I have the kind of lead magnet way and loving them with emails and talking about the customer, not about yourself.


And that's the way, obviously I tend to work, but I love it when someone shows me something different or does something different and what I love even more is that she's got results to prove it. So what I think you're going to get from this episode is that. It's not a one size fits all it never, ever is.


In fact, if you're on my email list, you know, I had a little rant about this, not so long ago in the fact of. It really bothers me when someone is an expert because they got good at that one thing, like, say for instance, it's like someone who just does Instagram and teaches Instagram, cause their own account was really successful and it's like, that's cool.


That's brilliant. And if you wanted to be just like them in their industry with their customers, they are the perfect person to teach you that. However, if you're in a different industry, different customers, different business, then. Who says that's going to work. So the one size fits all is really kind of.


It does frustrate me in the sense of, I have got like a whole host of tools and tactics and strategies, but I have used for years on different things. And some things are work really well and others not so much. And what we talk about in this episode is her strategies and her tactics are very much geared to people who run marketing agencies, freelance consultants, those sorts of people who are trying to get clients to work with. So the done for you service. So if you have a done for you, I, you do someone's Facebook ads, or you do someone's social media. Then this episode is gold. It's so good. And there's so much good stuff in there, but also if you're not from that industry, then just still listen, just still listen to the facts of like, This is a different approach, a different way of doing things.


And I love how we get on. We, I had a scream and I've said I've never met her before. She was great fan. And, and it was a really, really good episode to record. We both really enjoyed it because it was almost like this really friendly, sparring. She would say something I'm like, hang on a minute here.


You know, you can't go tell them, them that type of thing. Um, because it was different. Maybe what I say, but, but different horses for different courses. You know what I mean? So your business might work brilliantly doing what she said, or it might work brilliantly doing what I say. But for me, this is a perfect timing in terms of, like I said, I, you know, I see lots of other groups.


I see lots of other people. I see lots of other conversations. I follow lots of people and I see people trying to like give the same advice and telling everybody, just put your prices up or just do this, or just do that. And it's like, it doesn't always work like that. Like one of the reasons I love doing the 90 day program so much is that I get into to your business.


I get to understand who you are and then I can give you proper advice. Based on years and years of marketing experience. Not here's the cookie cutter approach. This worked for me. And therefore this is going to work for you. There's so many different things. What stage of the business are you at? What you know, experienced, do you have who've you worked with, what do you love doing?


I remember talking to someone who was on the 90 day program once who would. Who'd taken some well, had been given some advice from another expert who had said, don't waste your time doing meetings. Don't waste your time having clients do a one to many thing. And I said to her, what do you like to do? And she's like, I love going to meet clients.


I love chatting with them. I love dealing with client. And I'm like, well, obviously that one too many things is not for you then. So carry on doing what you're doing. Obviously make it profitable. Obviously make sure that you have a constant sort of feed of people coming into that funnel. But if that's what you like, that's what you should do.


But this other expert who, who didn't know her as much, or didn't know that that's what she actually like was like no wasting money, wasted time wasted, you know, really kind of, you know, almost. Sort of belittled the thing that she liked the wanted to do. And it's like, just because that fits for me or someone else does not mean that it's going to fit for you.


So like I said, you know, I didn't mean to go into a little bit of a rant here, but it was just so perfect that I recorded this episode. That was a really kind of. Not against what I teach at all. It was just another viewpoint and it was a really interesting viewpoint. And when I sent my kind of slightly ranty email out to everyone the other week in my list, I decided to list all the industries that I'd worked with.


So I'd, I'd kind of talked about the fact. Well, one, I said, I don't normally sit, well, sorry. I normally sit on the fence about stuff like this, because I don't like to rock the boat, but I was just so passionate about this, that I was sort of saying, you know, that. Like I said, you know, if they've only had proven results in their own business and their own industry, it's really hard for them to say, I know how to market your business.


So I listed who I've worked with. And these are companies that I have physically done their marketing for. These aren't people who I've just stood in a room and talk, or they've been a member of the Academy. These are actual businesses over my 16 years where I have gone and understood their business and explained to them what they need to do.


And in most cases I've done it for them. So I have marketed cars, chicken medical supplies, clothing, banking, personal trainers, consultants, musicians, coaches, beauty products, childcare services, telescopic slides. Yeah. Who knew they need marketing vehicle conversions, food festivals, military museums, fire doors that was sexy.


A gym training programs, gift shop, renewable energy, tourist attractions, and some. Like seriously. That's where I get my experience from it's from having all of those different businesses, ask me how do we market our business and me having to work it out and find it out and testing things and, and doing one thing in one business, which works amazingly. And something else that doesn't, you know what I mean? It's it's through that experience anyway, I didn't mean to go on that little rant. Uh, if you're not in my email list, head over to the website, Get on the email list. It'd be great to see you over there and I better get on with today's interview. So today's interview is with the lovely Jennifer, who is CEO and founder of a high vibe.


Facebook ads squad. She's helped hundreds of businesses generate millions of dollars on Facebook and Instagram and seen that a thousand percent plus return on that ad campaigns. Her all female team enjoys crunching data and helping women owned businesses, making tons of money and smashing the patriarchy.


Jennifer has been featured in Forbes listed as one of top Facebook ads manager to watch in 2019 and has an inspiring story about how she escaped domestic violence left a successful company that she co founded and started her own all female agency. I hope you enjoy it. Here she is. So I am really excited today to welcome to the podcast, Jennifer Spivak. Jennifer.


Lovely to meet you. How are you doing?


Jennifer: I am doing amazingly lovely to meet you as well.


Teresa: Good, good stuff. And we were just chatting that Jennifer's in New York and I'm in rural structure. So we couldn't probably be two opposite places. If you try. And this is it. Nice weather in New York at the moment we're, we're recording this in September.


Jennifer: Beautiful. It is like, like breezy, but still like cool weather on the weekends. Like I'm living my best life right now in this moment.


Teresa: Nice, nice. Well, with, even though it's summer here in the UK, we're having. We had an early nice summer, but now it's like, no, we're done. We're done that spring back the rain.


I know. So sad, so sad. So Jennifer, for my audience, if you can tell them, let's just kick off with a little bit about who you are and why you got doing what you're doing today.


Jennifer: So, um, I own an all female Facebook and Instagram advertising agency. We work primarily with other women entrepreneurs. Um, and you know, something, I find myself saying a lot.


Is it. Yes, we're an ad agency, but that isn't the point, right? That's like, that's the means to the end of putting more money in the hands of more women, that's actually, what's behind everything that we do. It's why I have an all female team. It's why we mostly do work with other women entrepreneurs. And it's also why we donate a percentage of everything that we make to an organization that helps survivors of domestic violence achieve financial autonomy and independence through entrepreneurship and, um, other aspects of their programs. So. Money for more women is the goal and it's behind everything.


Teresa: I love it. I love it. And actually, I think you're probably one of the first people I've interviewed. I've interviewed people that have, who are very, I'm going to try and say, philanthropic. That's the right word. Isn't it? That do give money, but not in the sense of it's a structured thing.


So two, two questions really, first, why women, and then why that charity?


Jennifer: Why not women? I mean, isn't it. Like I'm okay. Let me try and not push right now


Teresa: to take me down.


Jennifer: Isn't it, our time, like, come on, you know, and I don't know, I kind of have this experience of just like the world and the planet that there's a incredibly large amount of unfulfilled women, like walking around in our world. Now money is certainly not the only path to making people more fulfilled.


Right. And I'm certainly not saying that. But when somebody is able to, you know, and you have, you would, you would know about this too, right? Like entrepreneurship is potentially one of the most fulfilling things in the world. I think you get to create your own life, your own story, your own schedule, your own, everything.


And then to be able to be successful in that, which is the money coming back to you, like gives you control and autonomy over your life. And I believe that when you feel you have control and autonomy over your life, that is what creates fulfillment. And so on a really macro level, we need this and I'm going to like do my part to create it in my own small way, through a skill that I happen to have, which is Facebook ads.


Teresa: Yeah. Yeah. And I think one thing that's really interesting with this is. There's not only historic, the women have played a very different role and we had very different careers and very different looking lives and that sort of thing. But also the money thing in particular is really interesting in the fact of I've always, you know, when I was with my ex husband, I've always earned a good amount of money and more than he has.


And that is a really, sensitive subject. So you sent over, it was like, Oh, I've just set the light on the podcast, but it is not only for us, but males in our lives. And also, almost as if like we shouldn't that we're the breadwinner is the man. And it's a ridiculous concept that we're still, that is still a range, but.


But it is, you know, that is still most generation and other people's generation and some people today, that's still the, what they think. So even getting that confidence around, no, this is okay, this isn't about, that's your role and you should sit in that and earn whatever it is a case of you can do and be anything that you want to be.


Jennifer: Absolutely. I mean, it's, you know, one small thing inside of that, that I always feel really passionate about is I am incredibly vocal with my family, my friends, and my online world with like about how much money I'm making. I actually think it's really to each their own. Right. I'm not saying anyone has to.


Um, but for me that feels like a really good way of saying, Hey, y'all this is okay. Like, watch me look at me and let me be like the North star of, like we can have desires.


Teresa: Yeah.


Jennifer: Right around all things, but money and growth and our own like personal journeys. And, um, yeah, I just, I really look to like, be that example as much as possible.


Teresa: And that's the other thing as well that people in general, but particularly women, they don't want to have that money conversation. Like I am really open and I do, um, I have programs that, that obviously I work with business owners and, and there's one program that I have, which is a 90 day program, much more in depth, much more kind of.


You know, you're making a shift, this is going to move you. And one of the questions I'd get them to fill in this big, long questionnaire which is a pain, but it's important. And there are probably two or three questions actually in there that are directly ask them the money question. Literally. How much do you charge?


What do you earn? What do you spend? And it's like, and I know for some of them. Having to write that dime makes them feel really uncomfortable. And it's like, there's no judgment. I'm not here to go. Ooh. Is that all? Wow. It's it's. I need to understand these things in order to help you move forward. And do you know what inevitably, like there's a lady that I just started working with, uh, on the last 90 day, her, what she's charging, literally makes me on a week, but like it's ridiculous, and, and it's having that confidence to go. You know how good you are and what you're offering, you should be charging more than this, and I'm not always back there straight put your prices up. It's that's not always the case. But I do think particularly as women, there is an element of,


Oh, well, Kind of don't want to go and take that step or be that kind of brave about it. So, yeah. I love that. I love that. So tell me about the charity. Why, why was it? Cause we had not had many people or not have the experience of many people that do this. So what wanted to, why did you want to do this?


Jennifer: So many reasons. So, so, um, this was maybe, I don't know three years ago and I literally thought to myself, I want to be, you know, the business was growing, you're making more money.


I knew that having a philanthropic angle was always going to be a part of the business. We were getting to a place where I was able to make like decent sized contributions. And so I thought to myself, I really want to be able to do work specifically with the financial aspect of domestic violence. And I'm thinking.


There's nothing out there like that. I guess I have to, we create a charity, like that was literally the conversation, like, all right. I guess I'm going to have to create a...




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