Artwork for podcast Created Creative Podcast
Ep 20 - Karen Nyberg - Creativity in Orbit: From NASA to the National Quilt Museum
Episode 208th April 2024 • Created Creative Podcast • Ruth Hetland and Dawn Trautman
00:00:00 00:33:41

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This episode of 'Created Creative' features a fascinating conversation with Karen Nyberg, an astronaut turned artist, who shares her unique journey from space exploration to pursuing her passion in the world of art and fabric design. Karen discusses her experience living on the International Space Station, capturing the beauty of Earth through photography, and using those images as inspiration for her successful fabric line. The hosts, Dawn and Ruth, dive into Karen's creative process, her shift from astronaut to artist, and how she tackles imposter syndrome. Highlights include Karen's collaborative projects, the global quilt challenge inspired by her space mission, and her current exhibit at the National Quilt Museum. Karen also reflects on the importance of finding the right conditions for creativity and setting personal projects into motion. The episode ends with a commitment to kickstart another textile project, emphasizing the joy of beginning creative endeavors.




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