As 2024 comes to a close, it’s the perfect moment to reflect on the year that was and prepare for the adventures of 2025.
This episode guides you through the essential practice of reflection, helping you celebrate your achievements, learn from your experiences, and release what no longer serves you. With helpful prompts and thought-provoking questions, you'll uncover the lessons learned and the growth you've experienced throughout the year.
Sara emphasises the importance of acknowledging both your successes and the challenges, all while ensuring you step into the new year with clarity and intention.
Join her in this empowering journey to wipe the slate clean and embrace a fresh start as you plan for the future ahead.
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There's plenty of wrapping going on right now, but there's one thing that I believe we really do need to wrap up, and that is the end of the year.
Sara Burton: As: Sara Burton:Today, we're going to explore how to reflect on the year, how to look at taking forward the good stuff stuff, how to learn from the lessons and release what no longer serves you.
Sara Burton:There is nothing better than stepping into a new year, feeling calm, together, and you've wiped the slate clean, ready for the next year.
Sara Burton:So by the end of this episode, you will be exactly that.
Sara Burton: entional actions you want for: Sara Burton:More on that in the next episode.
Sara Burton: n the meantime, let's wrap up: Sara Burton:Welcome to Start over and Rise.
Sara Burton:I'm Sara Burton, your host, and this is the podcast for you.
Sara Burton:If you are ready for fresh starts to reclaim your power and create the life that you truly desire.
Sara Burton:Whether you're navigating a major life change, recovering from a setback, or simply just feeling a bit stuck, or that something is missing, this is your space for inspiration, practical tool and empowering conversations.
Sara Burton:Each week, we'll dive into topics that help you step into the person you're meant to be so that you can rise to your new desired heights.
Sara Burton:Because here's the truth.
Sara Burton:It's never too late to make a change and it's never too early to start over with your thinking, with your approach, with your attitude, so that you can be, do and have all you want in your life.
Sara Burton:So let's get started.
Sara Burton:Hey, gorgeous.
Sara Burton:How are you doing?
Sara Burton:I hope you are on top of Christmas and you're looking forward to it and all is well.
Sara Burton: So let's wrap up: Sara Burton:Reflection.
Sara Burton:If you listen to this podcast on a regular basis, you will know this is my favourite thing.
Sara Burton:I think reflection is a really, really powerful tool.
Sara Burton:It allows us to acknowledge where we've been, how we got to where we are, so that we can better map out where we're going next.
Sara Burton:So celebrating and releasing this year, taking the time to do this, I believe, is a complete luxury.
Sara Burton:You can do this in a very short amount of time.
Sara Burton:Grab yourself a nice little Christmas treat, maybe a Tia Maria, that's my chosen Christmas tree.
Sara Burton:And, you know, take a little bit of time to think about what has happened this year for you.
Sara Burton:You'll be able to get to a place where you do you feel calmer, you feel much more in control and much more better equipped to move yourself forward.
Sara Burton:So this is all about bringing you back into the here and now.
Sara Burton:You are in a much better place to wipe the slate clean and start a whole new sparkly brand new year.
Sara Burton:If you have done this little piece of reflection, clarity is everything.
Sara Burton:So by reflecting you can see how you've got to where you are now.
Sara Burton:And if that isn't where you thought you'd be, you will be able to gain the clarity over what did get you here, what happened, the foundation for all of our actions.
Sara Burton:This is one of my biggest learnings this year.
Sara Burton:I'm jumping ahead of myself, but it's true, it's one of my biggest learnings is that the foundation for our actions, the reasons we do, the things we do, they're always based on what we think, what we believe to be true, and how we then act.
Sara Burton:No amount I want to make this really clear.
Sara Burton:No amount of faking it till you make it will ever overcome the power of the beliefs that we hold to be true.
Sara Burton:And those are the beliefs about ourselves, about the society that we live in, about what other people's expectations are of us.
Sara Burton:All of those beliefs, if we hold them to be true, they will override anything else you are trying to mask, anything else you are trying to fake, anything else you are putting on to make things happen.
Sara Burton:It's a bit like painting white over a black wall.
Sara Burton:Now, I speak, it was dark navy, but I speak from experience here.
Sara Burton:Unless you take the time to remove the black, not focus on making it white.
Sara Burton:Start the foundations with putting that primer on removing the black, giving yourself a perfect base.
Sara Burton:Then you put the white over the top.
Sara Burton:If you don't do that, you will always find that the white is always tinged with something that's not quite right.
Sara Burton:It's not perfectly white.
Sara Burton:So we have to do those foundations we have to let go, remove what was there before we can really free ourselves to move forward.
Sara Burton:This is how we grow wiser.
Sara Burton:This is how we get to know ourselves better.
Sara Burton:And this is therefore how we Progress.
Sara Burton: So whatever: Sara Burton:And take that responsibility.
Sara Burton:Not to blame yourself, not to shame you, but take that level of responsibility to actually look and see why did things happen.
Sara Burton:Some of it is out of your control, of course, in which case you stop worrying about it.
Sara Burton:Don't overanalyze it, accept it.
Sara Burton:For what it is.
Sara Burton:But it's your job, your gift.
Sara Burton:It's your gift to yourself to take a deeper look at these things, because we know that saying hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Sara Burton:So let's remember that, that and use it to our advantage.
Sara Burton:So as you go through the rest of this episode, I want you to open your mind to the thinking, the rationale and the beliefs that you held to be true that were behind the decisions that you made, the ones that worked out and the ones that maybe taught you something.
Sara Burton:We need to be mindful of what you didn't do in the same way.
Sara Burton:So things like what held you back from taking action, what beliefs were in the driving seats, what did you actually reprioritize over the things that maybe you needed to be doing to have got yourself into a different position to where you are right now?
Sara Burton:It's really, really powerful stuff.
Sara Burton:It can be like lifting the fog and suddenly seeing things really, really clearly, because these are the patterns that we need to in order to make changes, to make our life different.
Sara Burton:We have to do it in different ways if we find that what we're doing isn't working.
Sara Burton:So grab a journal or a piece of paper and some pens if you want.
Sara Burton:You can make them colourful or do it however you want to do.
Sara Burton:I love my massive whiteboard and this is something I love to do on my whiteboard.
Sara Burton:So get something.
Sara Burton:It's something very, very powerful when you write things down way more than you know, if you do it digitally, but whatever works for you, do it that way.
Sara Burton:If you want a printed version of these questions, then check the show notes and I'll put a link so you can just download it and go for it yourself.
Sara Burton:I'm not making it a workbook because I've had feedback in the past.
Sara Burton:It says, can we not have workbooks?
Sara Burton:Can we just have the questions and then obviously you can write them down on the paper yourself.
Sara Burton:So happy to oblige.
Sara Burton:Let's keep the printing costs down, let's keep the value high.
Sara Burton:Okay, so let's get started.
Sara Burton:Let's start with the fun stuff.
Sara Burton:What went well.
Sara Burton:Now, a really good way of doing this is to pick up your Google.
Sara Burton:I'm a Google Calendar girl and I do.
Sara Burton:I use this for this purpose.
Sara Burton:But if you've got a written diary, whatever you've got, start back in January, just flip through your diary, have a look at what happened, and there will be some things that jump out immediately at you, of course, but sometimes we can forget, especially at this time of year, if we're feeling a little bit disappointed with how the year went or something massively emotional happens that has overridden everything else.
Sara Burton:By going back over, taking another look, you will find things that did go really well.
Sara Burton:Maybe there were fleeting moments with someone, perh.
Sara Burton:Perhaps it was a hug from a loved one that you haven't seen in a long time.
Sara Burton:Perhaps it was a massive success in your business or a promotion that maybe you've just got used to already.
Sara Burton:It's very, very easy as humans to downplay our successes.
Sara Burton:So go back over the year and take a look at what went well.
Sara Burton:Write them all down.
Sara Burton:Really appreciate everything that happened.
Sara Burton:Now, the next thing to do is then look at what lessons did you learn?
Sara Burton:I think this is one of the most important things to do because it gives.
Sara Burton:Things happen anyway.
Sara Burton:And if we learn a lesson from something that maybe, you know, when we made a decision, we didn't have all of the information that allowed us to make the decision, perhaps we feel could have been a better one.
Sara Burton:But go back over it in the same ways and rather than look at them as mistakes or failures, look at them as lessons.
Sara Burton:So what lessons did you learn this year?
Sara Burton:Thinking about those emotions, thinking about those examples.
Sara Burton:Just put a little add on here.
Sara Burton:What did you actually learn about yourself this year?
Sara Burton:Did you learn that you're more resilient than you think you are?
Sara Burton:Did you learn that you've become a calmer person?
Sara Burton:I'm definitely having that one.
Sara Burton:I'm loving that.
Sara Burton:I have definitely learned how to slow down, how to have faith in myself and trust in my decisions and trust in the process.
Sara Burton:Trust that everything happens for a reason and I'm always in the right place and at the right time.
Sara Burton:It's very, very wonderful.
Sara Burton:So what have you learned about yourself this year?
Sara Burton:Next?
Sara Burton:How have you evolved or changed as a person?
Sara Burton:So the two of those are slightly connected.
Sara Burton:But, you know, you can learn things about yourself, but it's really, really powerful, very empowering to actually look at who you were at the start of the year.
Sara Burton:And at the start I mentioned thinking about your beliefs and your thinking, are you more positive now?
Sara Burton:Are you more loving?
Sara Burton:Do you take risks a little bit more now because you trust in your own abilities?
Sara Burton:Have you made new friends and has that allowed you to, you know, move on in a more positive way?
Sara Burton:What were your happiest moments?
Sara Burton:And I love these because there's what went well.
Sara Burton:And there can be lots of things go well, but there might be other things that have been your happiest moments.
Sara Burton:I Know, for me, you know that I love my hiking coastal walks are.
Sara Burton:My rugged coastal walks are my absolute favourite thing where I experience or I love nothing more than a beautiful day where you can see for miles out to sea and you've got a beautiful coastline.
Sara Burton:I'm counting those that have happened where.
Sara Burton:Places where I've been this year where I've just felt completely happy, sometimes to the point where I have shed tears.
Sara Burton:So it doesn't necessarily have to be a specific event.
Sara Burton:It could be a moment.
Sara Burton:But what we're doing with these is when you're writing these down, think about how did that moment come about?
Sara Burton:What did you do?
Sara Burton:What action did you take to make that moment happen?
Sara Burton:So for me, with that example is I planned a trip.
Sara Burton:I knew that I needed that kind of feeling, so I actually put it in my diary and I made it happen.
Sara Burton:What was it for you?
Sara Burton:What were those happiest moments?
Sara Burton:Perhaps it was a difficult conversation that had to be had.
Sara Burton:First.
Sara Burton:Think about those things.
Sara Burton:When you think about what made them particularly special and what you did, you're able to replicate that.
Sara Burton:You become more aware of it and so you can recognise it as.
Sara Burton:Actually, those are things when I am at my happiest.
Sara Burton:Perhaps it was when you were doing a project or a new hobby or being with specific people.
Sara Burton: pisode where we're looking at: Sara Burton:Yeah, I'm going to map out these.
Sara Burton:I'm going to make sure I have more of these moments in our lives.
Sara Burton:Because, let's face it, when we are happy and things feel special, the more we do it, the happier we are, the calmer we are, the more confident we become, the more we believe in ourselves and what we can do.
Sara Burton:It is just a massive upward spiral and that's what we want to be doing.
Sara Burton:So next, there's always a reverse of that.
Sara Burton:What did you let go of?
Sara Burton:What.
Sara Burton: What happened in sort of: Sara Burton:That's.
Sara Burton: m going to carry forward into: Sara Burton: eel you actually let go of in: Sara Burton:Because those feelings are very powerful as well.
Sara Burton:I love it.
Sara Burton:I have definitely become an expert of letting things go.
Sara Burton:They don't matter.
Sara Burton:What's in the past is in the past.
Sara Burton:Let it go.
Sara Burton:It's really.
Sara Burton:It's really liberating and empowering.
Sara Burton:So have a think to yourself, what did you let go of.
Sara Burton:It may have been a person, it may have been a belief.
Sara Burton:It may have been, you know, an old grudge that you've been carrying around with yourself, with you for a very long time.
Sara Burton:Have a think about that.
Sara Burton:What new thing did you learn about yourself?
Sara Burton:So when you're looking about how you've changed, how you've evolved, what new thing did you learn about yourself?
Sara Burton:And think of this in terms of all areas of your life.
Sara Burton:One might be maybe you lifted a weight that you've never achieved before.
Sara Burton:Maybe you had a PB in a time for running or something to do with your health.
Sara Burton:Maybe you learned that you can drop a food to feel better about yourself.
Sara Burton:This was the year, including this in January, I went dairy free.
Sara Burton:And oh my goodness, so much has changed for me.
Sara Burton:I was able to drop a lot of the bloating that was happening to me.
Sara Burton:The fact that I identified that it just didn't do me any good.
Sara Burton:I was able to let it go.
Sara Burton:It's been an amazing journey because as you can imagine, chocolate and cheese, well, you might not know this about me, but chocolate and cheese were two of my most favorite, favorite things.
Sara Burton:However, now I look at it and I just like, I can't touch that.
Sara Burton:It makes me ill.
Sara Burton:I don't want it.
Sara Burton:And so I've made adaptations.
Sara Burton:I've thrown myself into that dairy free world.
Sara Burton:And you know what?
Sara Burton:It's not so bad.
Sara Burton:And I feel so much better, so much better.
Sara Burton:So, yeah, what new thing did you learn about yourself?
Sara Burton:Now let's take that just one step further.
Sara Burton:What are you most proud of?
Sara Burton:What are you proud to have done, to have been, to have said, to have achieved?
Sara Burton:What are you most proud of yourself for this year?
Sara Burton:Might have been difficult conversations you had to have.
Sara Burton:Might have been loving yourself a little bit more, considering yourself in your own decisions.
Sara Burton:It might have been becoming more visible.
Sara Burton:It could have been changing how you look, stepping out into your new identity.
Sara Burton:And there are plenty of episodes.
Sara Burton:Definitely check out Lisa, Lisa's episodes.
Sara Burton:I'll put it in the the show notes about her coming out as a lesbian.
Sara Burton:And also Jennifer's on losing over 13 stone.
Sara Burton:You know, there are so more Louise, last issue with, you know, setting up a foundation after losing her son.
Sara Burton:There are so many inspiring stories on this episode.
Sara Burton:So go back and take those because you got to be proud of yourself for the things that you're achieving.
Sara Burton:And whether they are massive things or just small positive steps that are moving you forward to better happiness, better fulfillment, then recognize them.
Sara Burton:And celebrate them, because it will just fuel you to do more of that, to do more of those things that you can feel really, really proud of.
Sara Burton:So now we can look at the other side of that.
Sara Burton:What do you need to forgive yourself for?
Sara Burton:I love this question.
Sara Burton:Because you can't let go of something that you don't know about.
Sara Burton:And when we get real, when we look at mistakes and failures, I'm going to call them that because I think we do make mistakes and we do have failures.
Sara Burton:But unless we actually look at them, unless we actually break them down and see how they happened and why they happened, we can't glean the lessons from them.
Sara Burton:So take a look at those things.
Sara Burton:What do you need to forgive yourself for?
Sara Burton:What are you beating yourself up about?
Sara Burton:That really is not going to do you any good.
Sara Burton:So take the time to take a look at it and what do you need to forgive yourself for?
Sara Burton:Where did you feel most aligned?
Sara Burton:Again?
Sara Burton:This is one of my biggest things over the last couple of years.
Sara Burton:I know when I'm out of alignment now.
Sara Burton:Now, I haven't had a burnout for a couple of years now, and part of this has been that I now recognize that if my mood drops, if I feel heavy, if I'm not doing something, if I'm resisting something, there's always a reason why.
Sara Burton:And the majority of the time it's because I'm out of alignment.
Sara Burton:I'm going against what I value most, what is most important to me.
Sara Burton:I'm prioritizing things that aren't my priorities.
Sara Burton:They might be steeped in old beliefs, societal conditioning.
Sara Burton:They're not mine.
Sara Burton:And when I move away from the things that are most important to me, the things that light me up in whatever area it is of my life, I just head into downward spiral and burnout.
Sara Burton:So where do you feel most aligned and what felt challenging, frustrating, and probably out of alignment for you?
Sara Burton:Because again, this is something that you can look at, you can analyze, you can draw from it and make sure that it's that.
Sara Burton:That you're letting go.
Sara Burton:In order to move forward, who do you need to remove or fade away from your life?
Sara Burton:Now, this is a difficult one, but it's so, so important to look at this.
Sara Burton:I love that phrase.
Sara Burton:Everyone comes into your life for a reason, a season or forever.
Sara Burton:And I love that I've had so many amazing people over the decades that have come into my life for a reason or a season.
Sara Burton:And I think sometimes when you get to that stage that maybe you've outgrown them or Maybe they've outgrown you, right?
Sara Burton:If things change and they're not, you know, your relationship is no longer the same, isn't it better to kind of recognize that and just move on, thank them, be grateful for them.
Sara Burton:You don't have to, like, say this to them, but it's very, very.
Sara Burton:Yeah, I can't think of another word better than empowering when you start to recognize this.
Sara Burton:Now, the turning point is usually I don't just mean like, one strike and you're out.
Sara Burton:I don't mean that.
Sara Burton:What I'm talking about is where you're going, what you want to be doing, are the right people around you.
Sara Burton:And if you have got someone who is maybe overly negative, who drains you in some way, or who is constantly trying to pull you back to where you've been, rather than stand by your side and support you as you move forward, then really, the truth is you need to question, do they need to be in your closest circle anymore?
Sara Burton:Maybe they need to just remove themselves or be moved to an outer circle, more on the fringe.
Sara Burton:And then you can preserve a friendship in a relationship without it becoming damaged.
Sara Burton:So have a think about that.
Sara Burton:And on the other side of that, what do you need more of?
Sara Burton:You know, who did you meet this year?
Sara Burton:Think about your, your networks and, and people that have come into your life.
Sara Burton:Who would you like to spend more time with?
Sara Burton: Who turned up in: Sara Burton:Who stepped up for you?
Sara Burton:Who did you step up with this year?
Sara Burton:It's wonderful to really, really recognize those people because you're going to be flagging those up as that's, that's doing me good right now.
Sara Burton:These people are uplifting me.
Sara Burton:I am uplifting.
Sara Burton:Then it's a good combination.
Sara Burton:They say that the five people you spend most of your time with are the most influential on you.
Sara Burton:So make sure that they are complementary to where you are going with your life.
Sara Burton:So what do you need to release?
Sara Burton:What do you need to have a really big rant over?
Sara Burton:What do you need to journal the hell out of what has been bugging you?
Sara Burton:And it could be anything.
Sara Burton:And you know, you know what it is.
Sara Burton:When I say, what do you need to have a rant about?
Sara Burton:There will be something that comes up.
Sara Burton:So use this time.
Sara Burton:If it's going over several different incidents or events that happen throughout the year, what do you need to release?
Sara Burton:Now, I'm going to use an example here that as you start to go over things, you might go, okay, there are reasons that these three things didn't happen.
Sara Burton:And it was because I consistently told myself it didn't matter or that it wasn't important enough, something else took priority over it.
Sara Burton:And you can get really angry with yourself, right?
Sara Burton:You can get to that point where you go, oh, I am sick.
Sara Burton:I am sick and tired of maybe feeling sick and tired of continuously being inconsistent in the gym.
Sara Burton:Those are the kind of things that I'm thinking about.
Sara Burton:Write them down.
Sara Burton:Be specific.
Sara Burton:Don't need to go back over 25 years this year.
Sara Burton:If it's a pattern that you've recognized that you like, it's happening over and over and over again and I need to rant about it, I need to acknowledge it, I need to accept it.
Sara Burton:When you've done that, you definitely find that you'll be able to move on from it in a much, much better way.
Sara Burton:This is the start over and rise.
Sara Burton:When you change your thinking, when you change your beliefs behind things, that is where you can properly start over with a nice clean sheet and move forward.
Sara Burton:Who and what are you most grateful for?
Sara Burton:Gratitude is.
Sara Burton:I mean, many years ago, I used to think, how does that help you?
Sara Burton:How does writing down, I'm so grateful that it's a bright, sunny day today.
Sara Burton:I'm not taking the mic here.
Sara Burton:I am, actually.
Sara Burton:This is how I used to think.
Sara Burton:I didn't really understand how it helped me, but I've plucked away with it.
Sara Burton:And it is so grounding.
Sara Burton:It is such a brilliant, brilliant way to bring you back to the here and now.
Sara Burton:If you're on a downward spiral, the chances are you're thinking about too many things that have happened in the past.
Sara Burton:You're beating yourself up about things, you're blaming other people, you're not in a good space.
Sara Burton:If you're worrying about the future, you're also somewhere else.
Sara Burton:You know, your head is somewhere else.
Sara Burton:When you are able to sit down and show gratitude for the people or the things or the events that have happened in your life, it is really, really so good at bringing you back into the here and now because that's where you can make the difference.
Sara Burton:And I know that gratitude, for me, I will say, over the last couple of years has changed.
Sara Burton:I used to say things like, I'm so grateful for my children's health and all of those things.
Sara Burton:I am.
Sara Burton:I show gratitude for that.
Sara Burton:But nowadays I tend to focus on right here and now.
Sara Burton:I use it as a way to calm me now.
Sara Burton:If you're ever in a place where things aren't going well for you and you're having a bit of A panic, because you're worrying about if things carry on like this, you start to take yourself into the future and you catastrophise and you go down that route.
Sara Burton:If you're able to just sit and I think I've given this example before, but I've done things where I have sat on my sofa in my lounge and I've said, I am so grateful that I have a comfy sofa.
Sara Burton:I'm so grateful that I have lovely carpet under my feet.
Sara Burton:I'm so grateful that I'm warm because my central heating is on.
Sara Burton:I'm so grateful that I have a beautiful cup of coffee here.
Sara Burton:When you start to use gratitude for things like that, it just brings you back to here where you can say, I'm okay.
Sara Burton:I'm okay right now.
Sara Burton:And then when you're calmer, when you've calmed your nervous system down, when you've actually looked at all the good that is actually happening right here, right now, you are then able to get up and do something positive.
Sara Burton:You can make something happen as a result.
Sara Burton: r that has happened to you in: Sara Burton:Sorry, I just hit my microphone there.
Sara Burton:That's not good, is it?
Sara Burton:So the final thing that I want you to do is think about and we're going to be doing this in next episode, but we're doing the reverse of it this time.
Sara Burton: So in order to wrap up: Sara Burton:Now, I'm not going to give it all away at the moment, but I'm going to have a little bit of analysis over what you or show you how to analyse what you've actually said.
Sara Burton:Now, I pick three words every single year, and I know what my three words were at the beginning of the year and what my three words are at the end.
Sara Burton:And two of them are the same, which is fun and simple.
Sara Burton:And my third was freedom.
Sara Burton:Now, freedom for me is Freedom is the one I am.
Sara Burton:I have a great deal of freedom in my life now, but my word for next year is abundance.
Sara Burton:Fun, simple and abundant.
Sara Burton:And the reason I'm pointing this out to you is that for me, I realized by doing this, I've realized that I didn't feel the freedom that I wanted to feel fully.
Sara Burton:I did in many areas of my life.
Sara Burton:But the abundance for the financial abundance wasn't where I wanted it to be.
Sara Burton:And for me, in order to do the things that I want to do, I align freedom.
Sara Burton:Money is Freedom.
Sara Burton:Empowerment is freedom.
Sara Burton:I've got lots of things that lead to freedom, but for me, it was abundant that was missing.
Sara Burton:Now, it wasn't awful, okay?
Sara Burton:But it wasn't where I wanted to be.
Sara Burton:And I realized that that is the word that I'm going to take into next year.
Sara Burton:Fun, simple and abundant.
Sara Burton:So what are those words for you?
Sara Burton:And then we can look at how you use that for next year.
Sara Burton:Okay, so going over all of this gives you.
Sara Burton:You should.
Sara Burton:Now, you know, I've kind of run through this.
Sara Burton:You can take your time over this, or you may have written down enough already, but going over this is going to give you a clear P of where you are right now.
Sara Burton:If you go through it.
Sara Burton:As I said with take those things that you've pulled out, what were your thinking?
Sara Burton:What made good things happen?
Sara Burton:What were your beliefs behind the actions that you took that made those good things happen?
Sara Burton:And on the other side of it, what didn't happen?
Sara Burton:What were the thoughts and the beliefs behind the actions that you just didn't take?
Sara Burton:Because that's really important as well.
Sara Burton:So if you feel disappointed with this year and you've done this level of deep diving into it and do it from a place of compassion, do it from a place where you are being good to yourself about it, then you're able to start to look at what you might want to do that is different.
Sara Burton:What are the beliefs that you've got to change?
Sara Burton:What are the beliefs that you've got to let go of and move on from?
Sara Burton:And what are the beliefs that you need to re and reinstall but maybe install for the, for the very first time?
Sara Burton:And I want you to end this on a high.
Sara Burton: What was: Sara Burton:What are you closing the door on?
Sara Burton: next adventure as you go into: Sara Burton:What are things that you want to take forward with you?
Sara Burton:So plenty there for you to have a look at.
Sara Burton:There are two things I would really love you to do before you listen to the next episode.
Sara Burton:Because I want to get.
Sara Burton:I really want you to get some massive value out of doing this work.
Sara Burton:Most people talk about doing the work, but this is the work.
Sara Burton:The thinking, the writing it down, the contemplation over things that have happened, things that haven't happened.
Sara Burton:When you give yourself that luxury, I love that word contemplate.
Sara Burton:That is the word.
Sara Burton:When you contemplate these things, there is so much you can draw from it.
Sara Burton:But if there's two episodes I would love, love love for you to listen to.
Sara Burton:Obviously.
Sara Burton:In addition to this one, go back to the decluttering one and also go back to the episode that I did on Thursday.
Sara Burton:It was an extra episode on Self Doubt.
Sara Burton:Because if you go through those today's episode decluttering and also self doubt, you will be making plans for next year like you've never made before.
Sara Burton:And as I said earlier, it's about clearing the way.
Sara Burton: Wrapping up: Sara Burton: things for you to do to make: Sara Burton:So that is all I have for you today.
Sara Burton:Thank you so much for listening and I'll leave you with these final words.
Sara Burton:Please, please, please have the most amazing Christmas and I will see you on the 30th just before New Year's Eve with the episode which you are going to love.
Sara Burton:If you have big dreams, big things you want to be changing, then don't miss the next episode.
Sara Burton:Make sure you subscribe.
Sara Burton:And yeah, Merry Christmas.
Sara Burton:Have a good one and I will see you soon.
Sara Burton:Take care.