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Binary 9.4, 281123
27th November 2023 • Institutum Provisorium • Franco Santoro
00:00:00 01:33:36

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(in English & italiano) Binary 9.4, 281123

Il Sistema Binario: un viaggio multidimensionale dalla frammentazione all’unità - A Multidimensional Journey from Duality to Unity: The Binary System

Questo corso esplora esperienzialmente la spiritualità, il misticismo e lo sciamanesimo usando come riferimento strategico i cicli del Sole e della Luna, e le relative 144 combinazioni (sistema binario astrosciamanico). L’intento del corso è condividere informazioni e pratiche di recupero della nostra natura multidimensionale, considerando il rapporto verticale con il mondo spirituale, insieme alla conflittualità o integrazione della relazione orizzontale con la realtà materiale. A questo scopo integreremo il sistema binario con riferimenti alle tradizioni spirituali occidentali, mediorientali e orientali. Vedi note preliminari a fondo pagina.

The aim of the course is to share tools for soul retrieval and spiritual or multidimensional healing, considering the vertical relationship with the spiritual world and God, together with the conflict or integration of the horizontal relationship with material reality. For this purpose we will refer to the Astroshamanic Binary System, and the related astrological archetypes, accompanied by references to Western, Middle Eastern and Eastern spiritual traditions. The course explores the 144 binaries combinations between Sun and Moon, and the Lunar cycles for one year, with a total of 12 series, each consisting of three sessions. See preliminary notes at the end.

Per informazioni generali vedi/For general info on binaries see:

Per informazioni sul binario 9.4/For info on binary 9.4 see:

Autori 9.4

Bill Nelson, “Empire of the Senses”

Bill Nelson, “God Man Slain” (I've been listening to shining serpents I've been dazzled by snakes with wings I've been haunting ancient churches In search of you I've been taking a lot of chances Still receiving the strangest glances I'm always doing the oddest dances In praise of you I stumble 'round like a god man slain Crucified by the sound of your name I stumble 'round like a god man slain For you The mind forgets, the heart remembers The will resists, the soul surrenders I'm in the world of dying embers In search of you)

Bill Nelson, “The Word That Became Flesh”

Peter Wessel Zapffe, filosofo norvegese

Intervista con D. Z. Phillips, filosofo gallese

Bill Nelson, "The Spirit Cannot Fail"

William Blake “The Smile” There is a Smile of Love And there is a Smile of Deceit And there is a Smile of Smiles In which these two Smiles meet And there is a Frown of Hate And there is a Frown of disdain And there is a Frown of Frowns Which you strive to forget in vain For it sticks in the Hearts deep Core And it sticks in the deep Back bone And no Smile that ever was smild But only one Smile alone That betwixt the Cradle & Grave It only once Smild can be But when it once is Smild Theres an end to all Misery

C’è un Sorriso d’Amore, E c’è un Sorriso d’Inganno, E c’è un Sorriso dei Sorrisi In cui questi due Sorrisi si incontrano. E c’è uno Sguardo d’Odio, E c’è uno Sguardo di Disprezzo, E c’è uno Sguardo degli Sguardi Che tentate di scordare invano; Perché si pianta nel profondo del Cuore, E si pianta nel profondo della Schiena E nessun Sorriso che mai fu sorriso, Ma un solo Sorriso soltanto, Che fra la Culla & la Tomba Si può Sorridere soltanto una volta; Ma, quando è Sorriso una volta, C’è una fine a tutta l’Angoscia.

Tom Waits, “Long Journey Home” (Well I stumbled in the darkness I'm lost and alone Though I said I'd go before us And show the way back home Is there a light up ahead? I can't hold on very long Forgive me pretty baby but I always take the long way home Money's just something you throw Off the back of a train Got a handful of lightening A hatful of rain And I know that I said I'd never do it again And I love you pretty baby but I always take the long way home I put food on the table And a roof overhead But I'd trade it all tomorrow For the highway instead Watch your back if I should tell you Loves the only thing I've ever known One thing for sure pretty baby I always take the long way home You know I love you baby More than the whole wide world You are my woman I know you are my pearl Let's go out past the party lights We can finally be alone Come with me and we can take the long way home Come with me, together we can take the long way home)

Tom Waits “Way Down In The Hole” (If you walk through the garden You better watch your back Well I beg your pardon Walk the straight and narrow track If you walk with Jesus He will save your soul You gotta keep the devil Down in the hole He's got the fire and the fury At his command Well you don't have to worry If you hold on to Jesus hand We'll all be safe from Satan When the thunder rolls You gotta keep the devil Way down in the hole All the angels sing about Jesus' mighty sword And they'll shield you with their wings Keep you close to the lord Don't pay heed to temptation For his hands are so cold You gotta keep the devil Way down in the hole)

Bill Nelson, "Angel In My System"





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