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teZa Lord: Spirit Activist
Episode 5021st August 2022 • Butterfly Kisses • Amy Gray-Cunningham
00:00:00 00:45:36

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"Love is the weapon of mass illumination."- teZa Lord

Teza Lord is a spirit activist and artist who is all about love. Her motto is "Love is the weapon of mass illumination." She has written four books documenting her spiritual journey, and her work is very narrative, often featuring characters and stories.

This is teZa Lord's story—

teZa Lord is a spiritual activist who believes in the power of love. She has dedicated her life to spreading love and light and believes it is the answer to all life's problems. Lord had a strict upbringing and was often misunderstood.

She left home during the Vietnam era to live in the Caribbean because she disagreed with what was happening in the United States then. She started several businesses and has always been an entrepreneur. Years later, she returned to the United States and settled in New York City.

Lord has written several books about her journey; her latest is about how animals can teach us to be better human beings.

In this episode, you will learn the following:

  1. Teza Lord's spiritual journey and how love is the answer to all of life's problems. 
  2. You can begin to BE love by watching your thoughts. 
  3. Responding to love instead of hatred can change your perspective and heal others.

Links for teZa:


Facebook: tezalord

Instagram: tezalord

Twitter: tezalord

LinkedIn: tezalord

Other Butterfly Kisses Episodes you'll enjoy:

Eps. 15. Love Made Simple with Juan Lee

Eps. 35. We Are The Creators Of Our Realities with Barry Nicolaou

Eps. 46. How to Connect with the Other Side with Isabeau Maxwell

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Instagram: AmyGrayCunningham

Facebook: AmyGrayCunningham

YouTube: AmyGrayCunningham

Twitter: AmyCunningham1

LinkedIn: AmyGrayCunningham

Website: ButterflyKissesPodcast




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