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When Passion Meets Podcasting with Brian Alves
5th December 2023 • Podcasting Success Secrets • Hector Santiesteban
00:00:00 00:26:19

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Brian Alves shares his almost two-decade-long journey in the world of podcasting. Starting as a passion project, Brian discusses how his podcast, initially focused on digital video, gained unexpected popularity and evolved into a business, facing the challenges of shifting audience dynamics and technological advancements. His story is a compelling narrative on how the podcasting industry has changed, highlighting the importance of adaptability and passion for long-term success. Brian's candid insights offer valuable lessons for both aspiring and seasoned podcasters.


  • 00:00:00 - Introduction: Welcoming Brian Alves and Setting the Stage
  • 00:01:25 - Early Days: Brian's Initial Steps into Podcasting
  • 00:09:52 - Evolution: From Passion to Profit in Podcasting
  • 00:14:05 - Adapting to Change: YouTube's Influence and Competitive Landscape
  • 00:16:45 - Rebranding Challenges: Navigating New Horizons in Podcasting
  • 00:22:13 - Embracing Innovation: The Intersection of AI and Podcasting
  • 00:25:13 - Concluding Insights: Reflecting on Lessons Learned and Future Directions

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