Artwork for podcast Now And The Future
Episode 310th August 2023 • Now And The Future • Down Syndrome Queensland
00:00:00 00:31:27

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 Down Syndrome Queensland is offering an Employment Connections project for all individuals with an Intellectual disability who are wanting open employment, and for businesses interested in becoming more inclusive.

The overall aim of the project is for employers to have an increased preparedness, desire and ability to employ people with intellectual disability.

In this episode we hear from Programs Project Coordinator Toula Georges, about the Employment Connections project, and the great benefits of employing a person with an intellectual disability from all stakeholders involved (employers, potential employees, families).

We will have a chat with Kirrin and Eoin, our Employment Ambassadors, about how employment has benefited their independence and lives.

We also will hear from Leanne and Ivan, proud parents of Kirrin and are hear to express how proud they are of their child's independence.

This podcast is a production of Down Syndrome Queensland.

If you have a question, would like more information on any of our episodes, or have suggestions for future topics, send us an email -

For more information please visit the DSQ website, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Mentioned in this episode:

Down Syndrome Queensland




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