SCRIPTURE: 1 Chronicles 16:8-11
SHOW NOTES: Happy New Year! We encourage you to take time to grow in your spiritual journey with God each day. Visit our website,, and check out the resources provided.
We’ve been seeking the Lord’s guidance and direction for a word that will become our focus in this new year as we study God’s Word and walk with Him: Worship. Worship is a way to show God that we love Him and recognize Him as our Creator, Lord, Savior, and Redeemer. It also allows us to express gratitude for all He has done—His great and mighty deeds.
King David’s song of praise in 1 Chronicles 16 offers words of worship and guides our thoughts toward honoring the Lord. This praise song, which reflects several psalms, begins with a call to worship that includes the nations. Worship embodies our declaration of God's greatness and glory.
This hymn emphasizes God's deeds, words, greatness, and worth. Worship should focus on God rather than on man. In this New Year, let’s encourage one another in the spiritual discipline of worship. The Lord God Almighty deserves our praise and worship!
SONG: "Worthy" -