Pauly talks about the recently publicized Oak Hill lawsuit filed by a former member, touches on the World Series and Cleveland Browns turmoil, and looks for some advice in regards to a few upcoming speaking engagements
Mentioned in this episode:
Sweet Pea Plant Based Kitchen
Based in Rochester, NY, Sweet Pea is a plant-powered kitchen creating transformative ways of wellness. Harnessing the power of food as medicine, we help you realize your happiest, healthiest self.
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Joe Bean Coffee - Coffee that lifts everyone.
Use promo code Lunchador for 15% off your order!
Level Up Coffee Podcast
Level Up your coffee game. Wade Reed and Aaron Pascucci, two coffee professionals discuss coffee and the culture surrounding it.
Behind the Glass
Hosted by Richard B Colón and Quajay Donnell, Behind the Glass is a monthly talk with the current month’s BTG Roster. Artists are interviewed about their submissions and we dive deep into their process, inspiration and thought process centralized around their artwork in the Behind the Glass Gallery located in the heart of Downtown Rochester NY.