Matt Eland, a Bootcamp instructor, gives new and aspiring software developers great career advice and shares his struggles and triumphs in his fascinating journey towards professional and personal fulfillment.
List of topics
We discuss why we love computers and how it’s a creative escape
How Code schools give you targeted information and don’t leave you in messy student debt
The opportunity inherent in the software industry
What challenges new coders are facing and why imposter syndrome is common in the software industry
What are employers looking for and how to sell yourself
How to convince someone to hire you
How to get started in software development
How software is eating everything
Why a coding bootcamp may be better than a 4-year college degree
What college won’t teach you
Matt’s Bio:
Matt Eland is committed to helping people achieve greater things through programming. After over three decades of coding Matt put away his mechanical keyboard and made teaching his primary job as he looks to help others grow through his role as an Instructor at Tech Elevator. Matt specializes in .NET and JavaScript technologies and has been working extensively with .NET since beta 2 back in 2001 and with JavaScript and TypeScript “since they were fun”. Matt currently helps lead the Central Ohio .NET Developer Group (CONDG) and is an active speaker in the community. Matt’s current side project,, can be described as a free web-based social project management application for developers. is intended as a way of encouraging new developers to gain momentum by sharing progress on their side projects, finding an encouraging community, and learn new technologies which may be beneficial to them. is in active development and will hit closed alpha on December 18th. You can get in touch with Matt via Twitter at @IntegerMan, LinkedIn, or E-Mailing
Matt’s Links
YouTube Channel:
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