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345: Could Offering Apprenticeships to Your Students Grow Your Music Studio? Chat with TMP Member Ella Luhtasaari
1st September 2023 • The TopCast: The Official Music Teachers' Podcast • Tim Topham
00:00:00 00:34:01

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In today’s show, we explore an innovative concept that could grow your music studio into a hub of both learning and mentorship. I’m excited to have the pleasure of chatting with TMP Member Ella Luhtasaari, an accomplished collaborative pianist and educator based in Canberra. With over 20 years of private teaching under her belt, Ella’s journey has led her to establish a thriving multi-teacher piano studio. But what sets her approach apart is her dedication to mentoring young piano teachers, nurturing both their skills and passion.

Ella’s teaching philosophy revolves around nurturing a lifelong love for music and empowering her students to reach their full potential. Get ready to gain insights as we delve into her experience, including transitioning from a single-teacher setup to hiring teachers and the unexpected start to hiring student teachers. Ella also shared how she mentored her student teachers, how she developed teaching resources, and addressing the legal and financial aspects of it. Finally, Ella’s plans for studio growth and her emphasis on embracing growth and seizing opportunities make this episode a must-listen.

  • Ella shared a brief background, transitioning from a single teacher studio to hiring teachers.
  • The story behind her unexpected start to hiring student teachers.
  • How Ella mentored Matilda and provided her some teaching training.
  • Matilda’s progression from mentoring to teaching independently.
  • Overcoming challenges and evolving teaching strategies to grow your music studio.
  • The advantages of hiring mature and responsible teenage teachers.
  • How parents reacted to young teachers and their success stories.
  • Expanding to a male student teacher, Joel, for diversity.
  • Developing sequential learning checklists and shared teaching resources.
  • Addressing legal and financial aspects of hiring student teachers.
  • Her plans for more student teachers and potential studio growth.
  • Ella emphasized the importance of taking initiative and embracing growth.

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Today’s Guest

Ella Luhtasaari is an experienced collaborative pianist and educator based in Canberra. After building 20-years of private teaching experience, Ella now runs a thriving multi-teacher piano studio where she not only teaches but also mentors young piano teachers. Ella’s teaching approach is centred around instilling a lifelong love of music of all styles in her students and empowering each individual to reach their full potential. In addition to private teaching, Ella contributes to the tertiary education sector as a vocal/language coach, collaborative pianist and external examiner for piano at the Australian National University. She also enjoys regular recital work in the broader community in collaboration with vocalists and chamber music ensembles.

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