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Building a Legacy: Financial Wisdom with Ali Katz
Episode 13416th January 2024 • Momma Has Goals • Kelsey Smith
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Today we welcome the remarkable Ali Katz! Ali is a family financial and legal expert who's on a mission to empower entrepreneurs and business leaders. Her journey from graduating first in her class at Georgetown Law to building a seven-figure law practice and then a million-dollar online training company is a true testament to her resilience.

In this episode, Ali shares her invaluable insights on establishing rock-solid legal insurance, financial, and tax systems for your business and family. You'll discover the secrets to overcoming money dysmorphia, setting different money goals, and the essential documents you can't afford to overlook. Ali also dives into the importance of naming legal guardians for your kids and how to do it correctly.

But that's not all! Ali offers wisdom on parenting teenagers and young adults, guiding them without taking over their decisions. This episode is a treasure trove of advice for every momma looking to secure financial success and a lasting legacy. Join us!

What you'll hear in this episode:

[0:00] Motherhood, business, and financial planning.

[3:05] Personal growth and spiritual awakening.

[10:20] Finding courage and confidence to change life path.

[15:45] Embracing authenticity and vulnerability in business success.

[23:10] Parenting, financial guidance, and support for children's choices.

[29:15] Legal and financial planning for individuals and families.

[34:00] Financial literacy and resource management.

[38:20] Financial planning, estate management, and life insurance.

[44:40] Legal planning for parents with children, including naming guardians.

[53:10] Setting legal financial goals for the new year.


Follow Ali: @thealikatz

To learn more about Ali's amazing services, check out her website:


Follow Kelsey: @thisiskelseysmith

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I have lived my life every step of the way, with the Metis theme of, if I was the heroine in a book that I was reading, what would the heroine do? What would she do? And then I would do that thing, whatever that was, and I really always had that I loved to read so much. And you know, the kinds of books that I would read typically were stories of female heroes of some kind. And so I wanted to be the hero of my own story.


Let's reimagine mom life together. Mama high schools is your hub for relatable support and helpful resources that help you fuel yourself alongside motherhood. Your identity is bigger than mom, in whatever your goals are. Together, we're making them a reality. Have you ever heard someone say just make sure you wear clean underwear? If you haven't? Maybe you haven't. valleycats is a family financial and legal expert who supports founders, CEOs, coaches, practitioners, advisors, creatives and service based entrepreneurs with establishing legal insurance, financial and tax systems in their businesses and lives. Allie graduated first in her class from Georgetown Law while raising her two children. And then Ali built her own seven figure law practice and then a million dollar online training company before giving up on business due to over $1 million in mistakes that could have been easily avoided. had she known what you'll learn in her lift business foundation blueprint, as well as so many things that we talked through today. Ali learned from these mistakes and was able to rebuild and as a result, she's taken her business from an inconsistent income to now an eight figure business. She's the go to advisor for industry leaders, including many other lawyers, and is sharing her mistakes and lessons with you so that you can trust your own business and life foundations to support you and your next right income model, choice of different setups and financial success and consistent income that you can count on, as well as different tax systems and everything else that your family legacy may need for success for generations to come. We talk through money dysmorphia, different money goals for your family, what documents you really need, how to set yourself up for success, naming legal guardians for your kids and how to do it the right way, a simple way to get started and take action on that today and why we all need to have it set up. And why is this important for everyone, regardless of your financial situation, it may be even more important if you don't think you have as much money as is needed for these different things. We talk through parenting teenagers and young adults, and how to guide but not always make all the decisions for them. This is such a good episode cannot wait for you to dive all in and listen to Ali. Ali, I'm so excited to have you here today. One of my favorite things is bringing on women that are really multifaceted, and they have so many different parts of their story and her journey. And they take their personal life experiences and impact others in different ways. So I'm really excited to tap into all of those different things. But if you were to meet someone 10 years ago, and you were to say, Hi, I'm Ali, and this is what I do. I want to know what Ali was doing 10 years ago and how you would have explained yourself personally and professionally.


Wow, that's an interesting timeframe. Because 10 years ago, I was really just coming out of the spiritual crisis and awakening that me in a huge process of questioning everything that I had created up until that point. And I was actually just on the other side of it and that that spiritual crisis awakening. It was about two years it was probably some form of a midlife crisis. You can have many time quarter life crisis, midlife crisis. I don't know who knows. But it was this time between what I've heard people call the first mountain and the second mountain. I had climbed to the first mountain as very successful traditional lawyer in many respects. I was a family financial and legal expert on TV. I was the author of a best selling book on legal planning for families. My kids were in private school, I lived, you know, a few houses from the beach. I had built a million dollar law practice, I had sold that law practice and I had a training company for lawyers. And yet I was really miserable in many respects, and I couldn't figure out why. Like, what, what? I followed all the rules. I did everything I was supposed to do. My kids were there must have been third grade for my daughter and maybe kindergarten first grade for my son. And I was just in this place of this can't be what life is. You know, I may Eat it. And yet this isn't it banned today plant medicine is, is ubiquitous. I don't know if it is in the world that you're in is plant medicines, plant medicine, a thing around this,


our community specifically, I don't think is AG is actively involved. But I think in the self development and personal growth space, there are definitely people that are always looking for different methods to find themselves. And yesterday, I had


already done all the method, I had found church, and I was a Jewish girl growing up, being told that God was for stupid people. So finding a church was very strange for me. And yet I had found church I had found God, I had found this mental awakening place of Oh my, my mind creates reality. I didn't know that I had that it had that awakening, I had had awakening in my feminine and it's my body I had had awakening into oneness and into this understanding that we're all one. And yet I was still really unhappy. And life conspired in this way to say, Okay, go do this plant medicine called iOS SCA. And I was very resistant to it, because I was like, oh, people are just using that to get high. You know, I shouldn't do that. But I did. And, and in that experience, I had a visceral understanding and a vision of a world that works for everyone. A world where we live in harmony, a world where we're raising kids and community grilling, of living on land. And it just pierced my heart. And I grew up in Miami, so I never had a vision of anything like I'd never seen anything like that. But I felt it. And I saw it in his vision space. And then I came back into my life after that. And I saw systematically, every single place that because of my conditioning and programming, I had created the exact opposite. Where I was my leadership and the leadership paradigms that I was following, mostly from men, my father and the law firm partners that I worked for the first firm that I worked for, I, I could see that this isn't the path. I don't want to be this kind of a leader. Everything was win lose. And just very, I could see what was making me unhappy. And so I left Los Angeles moved to Colorado. And so 10 years ago, I was just coming out the other side of that, and deciding that I was actually meant to be a lawyer, that I was meant to build something significant, from this new paradigm perspective, of really feminine leadership, of bringing my full self to the world. And I didn't yet know how I was going to do that, because I had to rebuild. When I left Los Angeles, I walked away from everything I had created, I moved to a farm. And I decided at that time, I didn't want to be in business, if this is what businesses think, I'm just gonna raise my kids, I'm going to drive them to school every day, I'm gonna learn to cook for my family, because I'd always like paid people to curl come in to go to the grocery store, again, I'm gonna really learn how to be a mother in that aspect of like, really taking care of the home, which I'd really I'd never learned to do. Because I was always working. I was always I was working at a big law firm or growing my own law practice. So I'm going to do this. And maybe I'm just not going to be in this world. But then it became very clear that my role part of my role is to actually create resource and that way I can use that resource to create a new paradigm and really be a model of what's possible when we don't do it that old way. We need examples of how to do something in a new way. But 10 years ago, I still didn't really know what the new way was. I was just still seeing all the places that I needed to learn and grow and evolve. I was still stuck in money dysmorphia, that needed to be healed. I was really needing to learn how to be able to be a mother. Which sounds strange, but my my daughter was like starting to come into her teenage years at that point. And my teenage years were very difficult for me. And so all of the ways that my teenagers were difficult. I was going to need to face as she came into her teenage years because we have to do that as moms we face all of our own stuff. Yeah through that. So I needed to learn, how could I be a woman and business a CEO, and be a mother in a way that I really wanted to be, especially to be able to get my kid through their teenage years, which that was, we think the toddler years are really hard. But the teenage years


and years are hard. Every season has it's hard, right? Yeah. What I think is really important about your story in your journey is you didn't see a path. And so often we're looking for someone to help guide us to where we want to go. And sometimes we can get support, we can get someone that has resources. And they can help us have these bumpers or this map, but we have to make it our own. And so going back, even when you were in law school, you were graduating first of your class right before getting married, then going into having your first child later that year, such a jam packed busy year to now 10 years ago from today, really reinventing yourself all over again and redoing that path. So whether it was coming out of law school, it was leaving the law firm after your second child and not returning from maternity leave. And then having this kind of crises that you were explaining and coming into in each of those seasons. How did you get the confidence and the courage to define your own path to take the next step when you're in that really hard place? And you have to just take step one? What is the way that you get there?


Yeah, I have lived my life every step of the way. With the Metis theme of if I was the heroine in a book that I was reading, what would the heroine do? What would she do? And then I would do that thing, whatever that was, and I really always had that I love to read so much. And you know, the kinds of books that I would read typically were stories of female heroes of some kind. And so I wanted to be the hero of my own story. And I really had a pretty significant victim story, that dim consciousness for a long time. And I knew that it was harming. And I knew that the only way for it not like for me to be able to change it would be to really understand that I could change it. If you have a victim consciousness, it can be very difficult to actually know that you can change it. It's kind of part of the loop of the sock loop. And I think when I look back at each of these moments of really needing to do something different. I prayed a lot. I prayed a lot. Sometimes I even know that I was praying, there was a time where I didn't think of spirit at all. I didn't think of a relationship with higher power at all. I thought it was all me I thought I was doing everything myself.


Yeah, but maybe that's where you need to start. You're praying to yourself, right? The higher level version of yourself, it really doesn't have to be this defined thing. We don't need to go into the all that side parts of that. But for whatever it is for you like you're praying for a version of you. And when that is what Yeah,


that's exactly right. Kelsey, I was praying to that higher version purpose of myself, you You nailed it actually right there. It was like, come on. I know you're in there, I know that you be need meaning me the version of myself that like really knew that I was here and I'll take you to the one of the lowest moments of my life. When this really clicked in my kids it my dad had recently died. And that was pretty devastating experience because he and I were very close. My son must have been just over a year. So my daughter would have been just over five. And I was on the couch one Sunday. really lethargic. Actually he was almost two other I remember thinking, wow, I'm still holding the baby weight. And he was too and I had gained about 70 pounds with my daughter and then not as much with my son but I was still holding the weight in my in just not even just physically but emotionally and energetically. And I was lethargic. That was the really the big thing and I'm sitting on the couch watching TV. And I thought oh this is what my this Oh, this can't be what I chose. And I know something has to be different. And I read a book by this woman Shakti go Wayne. And it was, I think the book is called, like creative expression or something like that. And it was about using your mind to create reality. And it changed in that moment. In that moment, I realized, okay, I'm the one that has the power to change this. What am I going to do? I'm the one I'm the only one that can get me off the couch to do something the next day. And I said, Okay, I'm gonna go to yoga. The next day, and this was on Monday night, I'm gonna go to yoga. I had never been to yoga in my life. I guess today, but it goes to yoga, right?


I had not done yoga. This was about 20 years ago, right? Yeah.


Totally. Yeah, this was Yeah, yeah, yeah, 18 years ago, okay. Um, I went to yoga. And repeatedly throughout my life, those sorts of things happened, when I actually let myself feel how I felt about what I had created, or any other bottom of the barrel moment that we have, we all have them. But in that moment, I didn't turn I didn't turn away, I turned toward it, phased it decided something was going to be different. And the very next day, did something to it.


And I loved it, it's that two parts there, right, I recognized it, I felt it, I decided I was going to do something different. And then I did. Because if you just stay in your brain, and you don't take that action, then we don't see the result that we're looking for, we still have to take that action. So I think that's so important. Now, from that point, 18 years ago, to which you had just started your own firm at that point, right, like about a year or so before that, going up into 10 years later, when you had this real spiritual crisis and looking to what you wanted to do. You've always done things differently. And a typical law field is not accepting of all these different things that especially in the law field, and this can show up in other areas, being a woman, being a mother, being a lawyer, and having this more spiritual guided newness to the way that you operate and do business. How did you allow yourself to trust your instincts and be different? When you were, I'm sure, often misunderstood or judged for the different ways of choosing to operate whether it was as a mom, now, I would love to talk a little bit about that you have this community living situation, there's definitely people that aren't going to understand how is this lawyer doing all these different things, multi-millionaire putting all this together? How do you stay strong and who you are and what's right for you?


It happened in it really, that happened in waves. In law school, the only thing I cared about was graduating first in my law school class. I and maybe in some ways, I was very outcast in high school, like deeply outcast, in a way that in some ways, it created this hardshell. That was that has been useful in my life, because I needed to deal with that with the pain of that in some way. And I dealt with it by creating this shell around me this protective shell. And so then, when I was in college, I started to let people back in again. And I did things that I never imagined I would do like joining a sorority, which was amazing and so much fun. But then again, there was something and I can't remember now what it was, but I got hurt. And I put this up, put the shell back on. And what I began, though, to realize through that time is that if I succeeded, it was protection. My sixth best could be protection, right? And so graduating first in my class working at one of the best law firms in the country, building my law practice into a million dollar business. In a way those things were my protection. So I didn't have a lot of friends during that time. I didn't really frankly, really didn't have time for friends. But I really wanted friends as moms. I think that having other mom friends is almost like such like the most important thing because it can be so lonely. And I had a couple I had like maybe three but I wanted more. And there was like the cool moms and I couldn't really hang out with them. Oftentimes because they weren't working. They weren't working outside the home. They were certainly working, but we didn't have a lot to relate about. Really. Yeah. And so I didn't fit in with them. And that was really challenging for me, but I could still be successful. Right I could still hang my hat on success on like business success. and financial success. Ultimately, though, that wasn't fulfilling. That wasn't enough, I wanted heart connection with people, like I really wanted heart connection with people. And I really ultimately just wanted to be connected to all of the parts of myself like, I'm not just because I think that's a very masculine way of being which I'm very connected with my masculine self, and my drive and my focus and my purpose. And my determination is all very critically important to me, my dharma, all of that. But I'm also a feminine be that loves community, and connection, and softness, and love and tribe. And so I have needed to learn how to, first of all, balance these parts inside of myself. These parts in me, were at war for a long time. And I think that was part of the spiritual crisis time when I'm like, walked away from everything successful oriented, because I needed to make space for the feminine parts of me to be able to come through. And so I needed to put business to the side for a minute, so that I could even actually learn to feel myself. And at the time, I didn't really realize I don't think how different I went. Yeah, I don't think I was just how I was, yeah, sometimes we don't really realize how different we are now looking at, I can see oh, wow, yeah, I've always been really different. And wow, that's so fantastic. Today, I'm running a $10 million enterprise we had just today we had our State of the Union, our end of the year State of the Union, for our company. And we had a puppet come do a 30 minute, like award show, it was hysterical, he was really funny. And everything that I do has been done in an unconventional way. And I think that the sooner that we can really accept full range of who we are, and embrace the ways that we are really different, and be honest about them and bring those ways forward with vulnerability. The faster we're going to have the kind of success that I'm only now really experiencing, which is like the true fulfillment. I accept all of myself, I don't think there's any amount of money, I don't think that there's any amount of accolades or external recognition or any of it, that can be as good as full 100% acceptance of self, when I accept the full range of all of who I am, whatever that looks like that the ultimate fulfillment. And


I think when you're starting to get on the other side of that, it becomes a little more, it makes more sense. You're like, I am learning to love all of me, I'm learning to love my whole journey, I see why, especially in what you do, you have to have the masculine energy, you have to have this organization, you're gonna have a State of the Union, but we're gonna bring in the feminine and bring in a puppet and have it be fun. So you're able to really play both sides, because there's beauty in both, right? And that's why there is both as a parent and especially as your kids being young adults, and in many ways, a very challenging season of their lives, and a challenging season as a mom to figure out where am I holding hands? Where am I letting go and saying fly little birds? What are some ways that you're helping nurture this? And is there something that's worked really well to say you only even know part of you right now, I think that's what's so challenging about that age, is you can't even embody all of you because you haven't even fully experienced all of yourself yet. How do you help try to guide them with that?


a lot to learn at, whatever,:


but you're going to provide opportunity for an alternative. Yes.


And if he and if one comes great, and if it doesn't, full support of whatever he chooses.


Amazing, I love that. And I think that it comes back to that masculine and feminine and I'm thinking, I'm typically a little more left brained and logical. And typically someone that goes into the law field is also you're definitely have a creative side and spirit to you. But typically, someone that's pursuing that type of life in degree is also in that kind of strategic mindset more often than not, and that becomes a little more natural. And we have to set up those foundations, whether it is parenting and our business as who we are as a person. And I think that it's really beautiful. What you're saying is you're helping say Hey, I want you to go do this in your way. And I'm going to help you have the right foundation to do it in a way that is going to support you in the long haul in the best way possible. Now, at the core of what your business is, we've talked so much about the personal side of it, but at the core of your business is really helping have the best legal and financial foundation as a family and as a business and as whatever you're navigating in your life to have the right things set up. So I think that is so important for everyone. But everyone doesn't understand that. And like you said, I was not necessarily given that information as a young adult or as a child, and had to learn so much of it myself. So if someone's in that boat, where there Yeah, legal setup and financial setup, that's for rich people, that's for business owners, that's for people that have these different things I now know that's not true. So what are some of the tidbits of information that you could give someone, as we start the conversation of why this is for everyone, and they need to listen to that, by


the way, I thought this thing even after I graduated law school, I still thought because I'm working on Warren Buffett's transactions in the law firm that I started out. So when I started my own law firm as like, this stuff doesn't apply to me. Not little old me. I'm just me. But then I didn't know I was building a business. And I remember going to my CPA at the time. And I said, I know I'm supposed to be seeing some numbers or some reports or something. What am I supposed to be looking at? And she said, Well, it depends what you want to know. But I didn't know what I wanted to know. So I think the starting place that I would say is to really make the decision that you want to use the legal insurance, financial and tax systems, I call that lift systems in your life in a way that is strategic and smart for wherever you and your family are. So if you don't have your own business, then okay, you don't need to learn everything about business. But you still would need to learn about how to make sure that your children are taken care of as anything happens to you how to make sure that you're leaving behind the right amount of money for them, how to make sure that if you or your spouse or partner were to become hospitalized or die, that there would be the resources that you need. It's like actually looking at the real eye. These are the real things, that if when we plan for them. First of all, it doesn't make it more likely that they'll happen. And in fact, I think I saw Kelsey, on your page. I was looking at it for the show that you were in some sort of emergency room. i Why is it Yes. And what was


and my son was only a year old, I had a plan surgery. And then two weeks later, I had complications that I ended up in the emergency room, I ended up passing out from blood loss. And I ended up being fine. But yeah, we didn't have anything set up. My son was only a year old. My husband thankfully knows how to do a lot of that. But that is really where this business came from. Because in that situation, I was like, wow, I was not prepared at let's see, at the time, I was probably 20, almost 27, I was really young. And so I didn't think I needed all these things figured out. And so not only was I then figuring out my fulfillment, and my the values I wanted to leave behind. And that's where this all came from. But I then also was like, oh, I should probably have some paperwork, some things set up to be organized. And so we did get a fast learning in realizing that we should have that. And my husband and I traveled together. Sometimes we're together. And so we really did start to look into these things. But a lot of people don't plan ahead. And unfortunately, when you need it, sometimes it's too late at that point. It's


too late. That's right. Yeah. And I think that this is in a way, especially for those of us that didn't grow up with resources. This is what keeps families poor. This is what keeps families trapped. This is like you if you did not grow up with resources, you have an opportunity to break the cycle right now, with your choices. And if you did grow up with resources, you have an opportunity right now, actually to handle things for yourself in a way where your parents trust you now, and will start to funnel resources to you now instead of waiting until they die is really important, actually, it's really important because with the way that how long people live and all of that, like if you can step up your own adulthood, your own adulting Yeah, to the point where your parents trust you, and you don't have to wait another 40 years to get an inheritance. And you can actually get invested in how you can make a huge impact with those resources throughout your lifetime. And you can have a much better life. And then if you don't have family resources coming to you, you can turn your life and your family's life around in one generation, by your choices, you can actually do it I am living proof of that. My kids are inheritors, they're going to inherit from me what I never nobody in my family might two generations ago, my family came over from Poland, in the Holocaust, and came to New York and work clean kick the can and the road extremely poor. And now here I am in Costa Rica, where I spend my winter's night chain that in my life, and so you can change that in your lifetime? It does. When I look at what more I would have now, because yes, my children are going to inherit quite a bit just from my life insurance, by the way, my life insurance. But my own life over the past 20 years, was actually more difficult than it needed to be. Because I didn't understand a lot of these legal insurance, financial tax concepts. It wasn't just the $5 million that I lost along the way. Money is money money comes in does, it's that's the least you actually need to worry about. It's your time, energy and attention. It's the relationships, it's your health. Those are the things that are non renewable, those are the things that are really important. And so just starting with an understanding, actually, the very best place you can start is with an understanding of what do you have. And there's this concept that I've identified, called Money dysmorphia, which is this distorted view we have around money that causes us to sacrifice our non renewable resources. Personally, that's time energy, attention, relationships, and health. Those are our individual non renewable resources, we sacrifice them all day, every day for money. Money is infinitely renewable, when we know how to access it and use it wisely. Most of us don't. But when we do, there's plenty of money out there. It's literally everywhere. Collectively, we can see we're sacrificing or non renewable resources, planetary, we can ask for money, right? We can see like with the Amazon cutting down all these trees in order to that's like our those are the lungs of our planet. And we're cutting them down for like short term profits or whatever. So we can stop doing that. And we can understand what we really need. From the legal insurance, financial and tax standpoint, when we know what we have and where we we have an honest, true understanding of what we have. How much do I have in the bank? How much do I have in my home? How much do I have in my retirement accounts? How much do I have in life insurance? How much debt do I have? How much equity is in my house? If I were to sell my house right now, how much would I get for it? If I don't even have a house? Okay, how much is my car? How much am I going to receive? From my parents? That's like a critically important question, each asking and talking about and learning that skit and talk about it in a way where our parents trust us to have that conversation. That's a huge one. Being able to even talk about it even with our friends. Yeah. The end at what they don't have,


right? Yeah,


critically important. There's:


have to take that self ownership right because if we don't deal with it, it becomes someone else's problem. And I think what has hit me so hard in my adulthood is it is not fair to leave whoever's grieving or processing. What are Are departure, to then also figure out all of our mistakes financially, legally paperwork wise, they've got enough going on. And our job is to do a good job setting them up, be able to grieve appropriately and handle that in a way that they don't have to take on our burdens. And I think that's so important. I think one of the first places to start is with your book where clean underwear, and I love the title. And I'd love for you to talk a little bit about what people can learn in that because you named a couple of the very first starting places, right estate planning, power of attorney, health care directive, naming a legal guardian, those are some of the first foundational paperwork pieces that we really need to make sure that we have together. But this lift model takes it even farther than that, right? And your book takes it into a couple of different directions, too. So what are some of the things that would be able to unpack from that, that they can take action on? In someone getting off this podcast today? What is the first step they should take, and they're like, I don't have any of this under control, you're totally calling me out. And one of the things that you said is that when we don't have the time now, what I took from it is this realization that I've seen show up in my life too is you can't get more when you can't honor what you have. If you don't have good money habits, then you're probably not going to get more money because you're not honoring what you have. If you want an organized house before you have all your clear bins and your labels and all the great things, honor what you have, Organize and Declutter what you have. If you want to have a peaceful home or peaceful communication and environment, until you get what you have under control, you're not going to get all these other new things given to you by whatever you believe in the universe. I think that it's important to say let's get our own stuff in order. And allow room for more. If someone's listening in and they need to take one step. What is I know your book walks you them through that, but what's the first step that they would take?


So yes, there's the book, where clean underwear is the title because your mom always maybe told you to wear clean underwear in case you're in an accident. But once your apparent, wearing clean underwear alone is no longer enough. There's important legal planning steps you need to take. So it'll walk you through these three stories, choose your own adventure style stories that help you see what would be the right next step for you. But there's one there is one step that literally every parent should take. And that is to name legally named long term guardians for your children. And so you can name long term guardians, this is the very first website that I ever created. After my law practice, very first tool, I created a site called Kids protection It's going to get a big upgrade in the next one, two years. It currently works. But it's super old school looking, you can go there name, leave the lead document, a series of people to be the people that will step in to raise your children if you cannot prove yourself. And you need to inform those people


do they need? What does that communicate? Obviously, you should probably give people a heads up, hey, you're my legal guardian. But what happens if someone the clients, what's the process that should happen there?


ike mine did not my mom lived:


Thank you so much all the other places that people can connect with you before our last final questions here. I know you have multiple Instagram accounts. Yeah, and your podcast. So where would you love people to come in, say their biggest takeaway from today?


Well, if you want to share your biggest takeaway from today, when I post about this podcast on my Instagram, you can leave me a comment right there and tell me that you're coming here, coming to me from Kelsey and the mama has goals podcast, and I would love to hear from you there.


I love it. Yeah. And your podcast guided you have a co host Amanda on that. When can people tune in when you're releasing episodes, we're


ojects that I have coming for:


t and have that be a goal for:


I think a great place to start is I have a quiz. It's called the money dysmorphia blind spot quiz. So if you don't have a business right now, taking this money dysmorphia, blind spot quiz is a really great place to see where to start because it will help you see where am I not actually living into what's true when it comes to me. So that's a great thing to do money dysmorphia blind spot was on the flip side, if you have a business, I actually have a 20 point lift business competence assessment. And it will take you through legal insurance, financial tax 20 points. You can rank your business, and then you'll know where to start for your business because there's the personal and there's the business. And so those are two really good resources and you can put those in the show notes. Kelsey,


awesome. Yeah. And those are eyes wide open collective. Is that correct? That's right, eyes wide open collective that perfect. So yeah, we'll link all of that in the show notes. This was such a good conversation. Ali. I just want to thank you so much from the standpoint of being a mom and now empty nester AI and we could definitely go into so much more. We'll have to have you back but I just encourage everyone to fall follow you and really go into your world. And I love how you've taken your spiritual journey alongside this, like real. This is how we run life and business kind of side. If you were to leave our listeners, again, we've talked about the tactics of here's the next step you should take to get these life things under control. But from more of that mindset, spiritual side and just coming into yourself, if you were to give them one little piece of advice as they depart us today, well, that'd be


to really know how much creative power you actually have to create your life as you want it to be. One of my favorite quotes that I've heard from a lot of people is, you will wait, overestimate, especially when you have little kids what you can do in one year. And you will wait underestimate what you can do. And yeah, Dream big. Dream big, really dream big, about what you can create what you can do in the world. And then just keep loving yourself each step of the way. We talk about self love, what is self love, self love is making mistakes. Loving yourself through them having compassion and forgiveness. Recognizing that mistakes is how we learn. Contrast, is how we learn. You don't always you won't know what you want, until you know what you want. And sometimes that means seeing what you don't want. So really forgive yourself. Really have compassion for yourself. really recognize that you're always learning growing and evolving. Be gentle with yourself and dream really big.


Thank you so much ally. Thank you for being here. Thank you, Kelsey. Sometimes the smallest acts of love is all a mom needs to feel reinvigorated. If you can relate to that I'd feel so supported by your five star rating and written review. Take a moment and let me know what you thought about this episode.




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