Is what our society views as greatness accurate? Is there a different way to achieve greatness? We continue our Empower series learning how Jesus redefines greatness and how to achieve it therefore empowering His followers to be great
Good morning.
Speaker:Good morning.
Speaker:You're on it.
Speaker:You're on it.
Speaker:You're ready.
Speaker:Hey man.
Speaker:Hey man.
Speaker:Good morning, brothers and sisters definitely want to thank the, uh, the
Speaker:worship team for leading us this morning.
Speaker:Hey man, we appreciate that's a little old school track.
Speaker:There is a gun.
Speaker:Come on.
Speaker:I was fired or were you fired up about that?
Speaker:Come on.
Speaker:Hey man.
Speaker:What as was mentioned, my name is Marcel hall and I have the privilege
Speaker:and honor to be one of the ministers here for the OSI church of Christ.
Speaker:And I'm so grateful to be able to speak this morning and, uh, they
Speaker:want to share some good news.
Speaker:We had a great time.
Speaker:Last night for our first ever Saturday night live event.
Speaker:And so you're saying, well, what was that?
Speaker:Well, that was for the emerging generation.
Speaker:I am part of the generation that's already emerging.
Speaker:But I was able to sneak in there.
Speaker:I was able to bribe a couple of people and then get in, but I did want to share
Speaker:a couple of pictures here, so you can get a feel there of what the event was like.
Speaker:And so we had O O C ministry or our teenagers are college students and
Speaker:some from our professionals ministry.
Speaker:Some folks from long beach, our church in long beach, our church in the Covina
Speaker:area and our church over in the heart of LA come Carson Hawthorne area as well.
Speaker:And it was.
Speaker:Wasn't it a blast.
Speaker:Those who were there, we had a great time.
Speaker:It was fun.
Speaker:We can't wait to have it again.
Speaker:And so we're planning on having our Saturday night live events, at least
Speaker:at least three to four times a year.
Speaker:And so we're excited about this.
Speaker:So if you didn't get a chance to go well, pray and stay alive.
Speaker:And then you can possibly go in 20, 22.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:But unless you're a part of the emerge generation, then you'll just have to ask.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:So it was a great time and I'm excited that we can do things like that.
Speaker:Right now.
Speaker:We're going to continue in our sermon series empower.
Speaker:And so we only have about one this one and one more.
Speaker:And in fact, Eric, this is going to close out our empower series in about two weeks.
Speaker:So we're excited to hear from Eric Ines.
Speaker:And so we've been doing this service series and power where we're looking
Speaker:at Jesus through the gospel or the biography of mark and how he
Speaker:empowers those who follow him.
Speaker:And so we've looked at a number of things that we empower to leadership
Speaker:and power to, to, to, to, to, uh, to, to do great things, to
Speaker:recognize him, empowers us to give.
Speaker:And so today we're going to be talking about how he empowers us to be great.
Speaker:Empowered to be great.
Speaker:So as you go ahead and write that down in your notes there, we're going to go ahead
Speaker:and we're going to continue our worship, or we're going to have a word of prayer.
Speaker:Let's pray, father.
Speaker:I thank you so much for this opportunity to hear your message from the scriptures
Speaker:and God, I pray right now, father, that you will speak to our very soul.
Speaker:I pray that every distraction has been cast to the side.
Speaker:God, I pray that we can not only receive, but God we can give to you as
Speaker:we receive your word and father, that we can come away, changed, inspired.
Speaker:And as we can see from the passage is here today, empowered to go and do
Speaker:your will in Jesus name, we pray a men.
Speaker:Let me ask you a question.
Speaker:Do you want to be great?
Speaker:I asked, but only about 18 people said yes.
Speaker:Do you want to be great?
Speaker:It's okay to say you want to be great.
Speaker:Some of us are saying, wow, no, you do want to be great.
Speaker:Every single person in here wants to be great.
Speaker:You don't want to be lame.
Speaker:Do you?
Speaker:I want to be bootleg.
Speaker:Nobody ever says that everybody here wants to be great.
Speaker:Do you want to be an average friend?
Speaker:Yeah, man.
Speaker:I just want to be your average friend.
Speaker:No, you don't want to do that.
Speaker:Let me ask you this.
Speaker:Do you want to be a great boyfriend, a girlfriend?
Speaker:You better?
Speaker:Do you want to be a great spouse?
Speaker:Do you want to be a great parents?
Speaker:Do you want to be a great employee?
Speaker:I guess it depends on where I'm working, but we all want to be great.
Speaker:Don't worry.
Speaker:And that's not a bad thing.
Speaker:No, that's a good thing, but it's interesting.
Speaker:And we're going to talk about this, this idea of greatness.
Speaker:In fact, let's do this.
Speaker:Who are some people currently that our society thinks is great.
Speaker:Did somebody say Marcel hall?
Speaker:Oh, that was so kind.
Speaker:You're probably the only one that thinks it more so on his grave.
Speaker:But I appreciate that.
Speaker:I appreciate that.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:Let's just go ahead.
Speaker:Who are some people that, uh, that, that are considered?
Speaker:Let's go ahead.
Speaker:Let's get a couple of people here.
Speaker:Uh, what'd you say?
Speaker:LeBron James.
Speaker:LeBron James.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:Elon Musk.
Speaker:Elan Musk there.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:Let's go here.
Speaker:Let let's, let's do this here.
Speaker:Let's look at this idea of greatness.
Speaker:I got a couple of people, Billie Eilish, a lot of people think she's great.
Speaker:Hey, this ain't a time to hate.
Speaker:I don't know if you like her.
Speaker:I don't, but that's okay.
Speaker:The girl went like 25 Grammys.
Speaker:How many of you?
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:So she's considered great.
Speaker:Somebody mentioned LeBron James right now.
Speaker:Now some people don't like LeBron, but it still he's considered to be
Speaker:great others there Al Pachino when the greatest actors of all time,
Speaker:my favorite actor of all time.
Speaker:Well, ham dinero Dinsdale and myself, you know what I'm saying?
Speaker:But also others consider Michelle Obama to be great.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:There you go.
Speaker:Nobody else got any claps?
Speaker:All right, there you go.
Speaker:But then also Elon Musk, right?
Speaker:A lot of people consider him to be great.
Speaker:Now what constitute their greatness?
Speaker:Well, they've achieved something, right?
Speaker:They've been excellent in their particular field or area or whatnot.
Speaker:But let me ask you this.
Speaker:Makes greatness in our society.
Speaker:What are some of those things money.
Speaker:So, so someone with a lot of money, we can send it to be great.
Speaker:That's part of the reason Elon Musk is up there.
Speaker:Well, what are some other things?
Speaker:So money, what else?
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:You had to be Uber talented there.
Speaker:And so we see a lot of these people on the screen are very talented.
Speaker:What else?
Speaker:What are some other things.
Speaker:Working hard.
Speaker:We're hard work there.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:Heard a whole lot of other people.
Speaker:Well, what are some other things wouldn't say versatile.
Speaker:So a number of different things here.
Speaker:I wrote down a couple of here status, right?
Speaker:If somebody has a certain status, we consider them to be great.
Speaker:Or another thing that might be respects.
Speaker:Hey, they're well respected.
Speaker:Everybody respects them another fame.
Speaker:They're well-known also, uh, followers.
Speaker:They got a lot, they have a lot of followers, maybe they're
Speaker:they're social media influencers.
Speaker:Maybe it's also a control.
Speaker:They're able to have a lot of power or they're admire.
Speaker:And so we can see these are some of the things that go along
Speaker:overall with this idea of greatness and what our society considers.
Speaker:And so if you have status, we consider.
Speaker:If you have a large amount of respect, then Hey, they're great.
Speaker:They're famous.
Speaker:They're great.
Speaker:They're fun.
Speaker:They have many followers.
Speaker:They're admired.
Speaker:They have a lot of control.
Speaker:It's the, our society says, well, their greats, I would say maybe yes and no.
Speaker:I would argue that these things that we lift and we think of automatic.
Speaker:Don't constitute greatness, but many times are perhaps the results of
Speaker:greatness maybe, but these things don't automatically make you great.
Speaker:And we're going to see Jesus here.
Speaker:He's going to redefines, redefined for us the idea of greatness.
Speaker:And he's going to show a reveal how you, yes, you have been empowered to be great.
Speaker:And I would argue even greater than anyone on this screen.
Speaker:I want to show a commercial here real quickly, that the quality, uh, for
Speaker:some reason, it's not going to be that great here, but even the world
Speaker:has some, you know, our society.
Speaker:We, we, we might value these things, but even a world where we look down,
Speaker:we go, you know what, all those things don't automatically mean.
Speaker:And there was this really cool commercial by Nike, uh, for the 2012 London Olympics
Speaker:talking about find your greatness.
Speaker:And so we're going to go ahead and play that, uh, video.
Speaker:There were no grand celebrations here.
Speaker:No speeches, no bright lines.
Speaker:There are great athletes.
Speaker:Somehow we've come to believe the greatness of the chosen few, a superstar.
Speaker:The truth is greatness is for all of us.
Speaker:This is not about.
Speaker:It's about raising every last one of us,
Speaker:because greatness is not in one special case.
Speaker:It is not in one special
Speaker:greatness is wherever somebody is trying to find.
Speaker:I'm not plugging Nike, but I just liked the commercial there,
Speaker:but we could add some powerful lines in that about greatness.
Speaker:You can go ahead and stop it there.
Speaker:I'm not sure why I was playing twice there.
Speaker:All right, there you go.
Speaker:But we can see here that you can achieve greatness without having
Speaker:the things that were listed before.
Speaker:You don't have to be Elon Musk in order to be considered great even in our society.
Speaker:But as we can see in the eyes of God, And so this image of greatness, it's key,
Speaker:that, that we no longer adopt what we've been fed or what we believe by society.
Speaker:But we adopt Jesus's view of greatness because I believe that some of us, yes,
Speaker:why we hesitate to even answer the idea of being great, even though we really want is
Speaker:because we believe that we can't achieve its or that our level of greatness does
Speaker:it compare with those that we consider in our society to be great, but that's not.
Speaker:And so when we have a different view, a godly view, we will see
Speaker:that what we attain and strive for.
Speaker:We can have an even more, and it'd be for a greater cause because what do we see
Speaker:here that Jesus and powers to be great.
Speaker:So we're going to look over here in mark chapter nine church.
Speaker:Are you with me?
Speaker:Are you with me here now here in mark chapter nine, Jesus is
Speaker:nearing the end of his ministry.
Speaker:So he's on his way over to Jerusalem.
Speaker:And we're going to read mark chapter nine and chapter 10.
Speaker:And so he knows what's going to happen.
Speaker:He knows that he's going to give his life as a sacral.
Speaker:Yeah, he's going to die upon the cross.
Speaker:He knows that there's a resurrection has coming.
Speaker:So he's trying to get his disciples to understand this so they can be prepared.
Speaker:And he also wants them to be able to share this good news will after he raises
Speaker:from the dead in a sense to heaven.
Speaker:So we take it up in mark chapter nine in verse 33, it reads that came to.
Speaker:When he was in the house, he asked him, what were you arguing about on the road?
Speaker:But they kept quiet because all night on the way they had argued
Speaker:about who was the greatest.
Speaker:So we can stop right there.
Speaker:They're having this arguments who was the greatest, and those are,
Speaker:uh, you know, remember Muhammad Ali.
Speaker:You remember, he'd always say I'm the greatest of all time.
Speaker:And those who have seen my, one of my favorite movies, the last drag.
Speaker:Only a couple of y'all have seen it, but Bruce Lee Roy and
Speaker:show know who's the baddest.
Speaker:And they realized, so now you got to watch the movie anyhow.
Speaker:So they're having this argument, Hey, who's going to be great.
Speaker:Who's going to be greatest.
Speaker:And Jesus hear me.
Speaker:Doesn't address it there.
Speaker:But he's like, Hey, when we get back inside, we're getting,
Speaker:we're going to talk about that.
Speaker:And so he goes, and he sits down and says in verse 35, sitting
Speaker:down, Jesus always taught.
Speaker:Not always, but when you know Jesus sitting down, he's, . And that was some
Speaker:of the culture there that the rabbis would actually sit down and teach.
Speaker:But every time you see in the scripture where Jesus sitting down some knowledge,
Speaker:he's about to drop he's about to go ahead and drop the mic on you.
Speaker:It's about to be fired.
Speaker:And so here's what he says in verse 35, Jesus called the 12 and said, anyone who
Speaker:wants to be first must be the very last.
Speaker:And the servant of all, he took a little child whom he placed among
Speaker:them taking the child in his arms.
Speaker:He said to them, whoever welcomes one of these little children in
Speaker:my name welcomes me and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me.
Speaker:But the one who sent me and this was pretty remarkable at this time.
Speaker:But what we'll come back to in a second here, let's go on over to
Speaker:mark chapter 10, because we're going to see a theme here at what Jesus.
Speaker:So again, he goes, he's been teaching his disciples and they
Speaker:get it and then they don't get it.
Speaker:And it says in verse 35 and chapter 10, then James and John, these are
Speaker:two of Jesus's apostles and disciples.
Speaker:They've been with them since the beginning of his ministry, the sons of devotee.
Speaker:They came to him and said, teacher, we want you to do whatever you ask, whatever
Speaker:we ask that's that's a bold request.
Speaker:Isn't it?
Speaker:Hey, I want you to do whatever I ask.
Speaker:The automatic question or the response is, well, what do you want?
Speaker:And so here they go.
Speaker:They say, Hey, we want you to do whatever we ask of is Jesus says, Hey,
Speaker:what do you want me to do for you?
Speaker:They reply.
Speaker:Let one of us sit at your rights and the other at your left in your glory and say,
Speaker:Hey, we want to be your right hand, man.
Speaker:And your left hand, man, when you have this glorious moment,
Speaker:we want to be right there.
Speaker:We want to be in the myths, not in the background.
Speaker:We don't want to be in the back row.
Speaker:We want to be right here on your right and right here on your left.
Speaker:Jesus says you do not know what you're asking.
Speaker:Can you drink the cup?
Speaker:I drink or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with.
Speaker:We can they answer?
Speaker:Jesus said to them, you will drink the cup.
Speaker:I drink and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with, but to sit at my right
Speaker:or left is not for me to grant these pit.
Speaker:These places belong to those for whom they had been.
Speaker:Verse 41.
Speaker:When the 10 heard about this, they became indignant with James and John.
Speaker:So there upsets.
Speaker:Did you hear what James and John did?
Speaker:They wouldn't ask Jesus, can they be on the right or left?
Speaker:I can't believe those guys.
Speaker:So they're upset, man.
Speaker:James, John, what's wrong with you?
Speaker:How dare you?
Speaker:You're so arrogant.
Speaker:You're so prideful and you're so slick because you beat me to the punch.
Speaker:I wanted that spot.
Speaker:You always do that.
Speaker:James, I'm tired of it's.
Speaker:It's another getting into this argument here, right there, man.
Speaker:Hey man, how could you ask that?
Speaker:And all these different things in verse 42, Jesus called them together
Speaker:and said, you know, that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles,
Speaker:they Lord it over them and their high officials, exercise authority over them.
Speaker:Not so with you.
Speaker:Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servants.
Speaker:And whoever wants to be first must be slave of all for even the
Speaker:son of man did not come to be.
Speaker:But to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many we'll stop right there.
Speaker:You see this theme here as Jesus approaches.
Speaker:And as he goes to his, his guys there and he sees me, you guys are
Speaker:arguing about who's going to be great.
Speaker:You're arguing about who's going to be on my right and to my left, you're mad.
Speaker:Hey, let me help you out.
Speaker:Let me drop some jewels and some knowledge on you.
Speaker:If you want to be great, you need to become a servant.
Speaker:Jesus's completely turning world views upside down, no matter what the culture
Speaker:is, we all have this idea of greatness and they had theirs and they're thinking,
Speaker:Hey, he goes, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Speaker:Let me flip this upside down for you.
Speaker:Your view of greatness is off and how to achieve greatness is off as well.
Speaker:You see in the kingdom of God, greatness is defined and achieved differently.
Speaker:This is what he reveals.
Speaker:He doesn't say greatness is something that should not be a strive for it.
Speaker:Didn't say that this is not something that you shouldn't have any type of
Speaker:aspiration for, but what he says is, Hey, it's a different definition in God's
Speaker:kingdom and how you reach that point.
Speaker:It's a different approach.
Speaker:And so he goes, and he blows their money and he blows our mind as well.
Speaker:To be first, you must be last and a servant and slave to all.
Speaker:Then he grabs the kid.
Speaker:And this was powerful because at that time, in that culture kids, weren't
Speaker:highly regarded the way they are today, you know, in our society, Hey,
Speaker:let the kids do any and everything.
Speaker:And I'm not saying that's great parenting, but, but kids are lifted up.
Speaker:It was completely opposite back then.
Speaker:Kids were weren't, weren't regarded in the same steam in lights.
Speaker:And so he says, Hey, you guys want to be great.
Speaker:Guess what?
Speaker:And he goes and grabs there's Dominique right there.
Speaker:Maybe I should grab Dominique real quick.
Speaker:Let me grab Dominique real quick.
Speaker:Jesus goes, Hey, you guys want to be great.
Speaker:Hey, here's what you do.
Speaker:He goes, and he grabs his kid and he says, he puts him in his arms and they're all
Speaker:looking like, man, why is he doing that?
Speaker:Get them no bad kids away.
Speaker:He says, Hey, whoever welcomes one of these welcome.
Speaker:When you welcome me, you're welcome.
Speaker:The father.
Speaker:This was mind blowing for them.
Speaker:Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Speaker:I don't just have to serve those who are around me.
Speaker:My peers.
Speaker:I have to serve those who are not highly esteemed.
Speaker:I have to serve those who society considers it, maybe
Speaker:lower than the norm in average.
Speaker:You're telling me if I want to be great.
Speaker:If I want to sit in your right left, I got to serve and welcome one of BESE.
Speaker:So he's completely blowing their mind.
Speaker:He's completely blowing our mind as he redefines what it means to
Speaker:be great and how to achieve it.
Speaker:All right, Dominic, you got to go back.
Speaker:Here we go.
Speaker:Those who remember he, this is his second time on stage during the sermon.
Speaker:He ran up on stage one time when he wasn't supposed to.
Speaker:So this time he was invited there.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:But we can see, this was incredible.
Speaker:He said, look guys, if you want to do all that other stuff that doesn't take place
Speaker:in society, what it means to be great.
Speaker:Maybe you lie.
Speaker:Maybe you cheat, you neglect your family.
Speaker:You, you, you have priorities that are wrong.
Speaker:Maybe you, you disregard God and, and you, you make him
Speaker:second in order to cheat grace.
Speaker:He says not so in my kingdom.
Speaker:He said that might be what the world does.
Speaker:That might be what society does.
Speaker:But if you're in my kingdom, this is greatness.
Speaker:You know, the common belief is you have to be special.
Speaker:You have to have the right genes.
Speaker:Maybe the right family have the right money, the right career.
Speaker:But Jesus says, no, you don't need any of those things in order to
Speaker:be great in the kingdom of God.
Speaker:And so what does that mean for you?
Speaker:In me, it means that Jesus empowers anyone to be great.
Speaker:Anyone to be great.
Speaker:If we follow Jesus, then we have the capacity.
Speaker:We have the ability, we have been empowered to be great.
Speaker:You know, Dr.
Speaker:King has a famous quote.
Speaker:But, you know what I decided, you know, I don't want to just quote Dr.
Speaker:King or I just want to show the quote on here.
Speaker:He actually preached a whole sermon.
Speaker:It's a very famous sermon that he is about this passage right here.
Speaker:And I figured, you know what?
Speaker:King can preach it.
Speaker:He's I think he's a better speaker than I am.
Speaker:And so we're going to get a little clip of Dr.
Speaker:King here and, and this idea of anyone being.
Speaker:In the kingdom of God, let's go ahead and let's play it if
Speaker:you want to be in parliament.
Speaker:If you want to be recognized, wonderful.
Speaker:If you want to be loving the phone, but recognize that he who is
Speaker:greatest among you shall be yourself.
Speaker:That's the new definition of greatness this morning?
Speaker:The thing that I like about my giving back definition of greatness, that means.
Speaker:And everybody can be great because everybody can say you don't have to
Speaker:have a college degree to say, you don't know, you don't have make your subject.
Speaker:And your say, you don't have to know about Plato and Aristotle.
Speaker:You don't have to know relativity.
Speaker:You don't have to know the dynamics.
Speaker:Okay, great.
Speaker:Generally the love and you can be
Speaker:as powerful.
Speaker:Let's go backwards here.
Speaker:So what do we see here?
Speaker:Again, you don't need talents in order to be great in the kingdom of God.
Speaker:So that means that you and I, no matter what status, what talent level we have,
Speaker:we can be great in the kingdom of God.
Speaker:We don't have to be born on this side of the tracks.
Speaker:We don't have to have this.
Speaker:We don't have to have any of those things because all of us
Speaker:are capable of serving others.
Speaker:And so it doesn't matter if we're big and strong.
Speaker:Because if we meet a need of someone else, that's a greater deed.
Speaker:In fact, let's let's uh, let's do this.
Speaker:My man, Miguel.
Speaker:There you go.
Speaker:Come on up here.
Speaker:Miguel, come on up here.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:Let me go.
Speaker:Let's go Miguel here.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:Maybe girls in a, okay.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:Hey, you want to come up here?
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:What did I say?
Speaker:Masa more.
Speaker:All right, here we go.
Speaker:Okay, here we go.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:Can you guys say your name here real quickly here?
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:Did you understand that?
Speaker:Go ahead.
Speaker:We got Lorraina.
Speaker:We got Miguel.
Speaker:And so we're looking here.
Speaker:We can say, all right, well, Marcel, what are we doing up here?
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:Let, let me ask you a question, Miguel.
Speaker:Uh, you're you're a pretty strong guy there.
Speaker:You've got a couple muscles on you.
Speaker:All right there.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:Uh, can you bench press, okay.
Speaker:You see that here?
Speaker:Oh yeah.
Speaker:Why are you trying to call me out more?
Speaker:So, yeah.
Speaker:Mel bench press shoot.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:So Miguel you're you're you're you, how much can you bench press here?
Speaker:To to, okay.
Speaker:There you go, brother.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:He said he could get to 20 that's two plates on there.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:Until two 20.
Speaker:All right, so we'll reign.
Speaker:How much can you bench press 20 Thomas you're fired up.
Speaker:Come on girl.
Speaker:Get that 20 pounds.
Speaker:It's all in some ways, it, no matter, maybe in our certain, you know, uh, uh,
Speaker:culture or maybe our environment, we might look at this and go, Hey, you know what?
Speaker:Miguel is obviously stronger.
Speaker:So he's automatically the greater one or the more potential to be a greater
Speaker:one because he's big and strong.
Speaker:But here's the thing.
Speaker:If there's a need out there, Aiden, let's say you were, you, you were thirsty.
Speaker:Let's say you had some needs out there.
Speaker:And we said, Lorraina, go ahead.
Speaker:Can you give him some water?
Speaker:Because he needs, he, he has a need right there.
Speaker:He's thirsty to go ahead and go give it to him.
Speaker:Yeah, you go.
Speaker:There you go, girl, go ahead and give it to them there.
Speaker:Guess what this happened?
Speaker:She became great.
Speaker:And he became obsolete now, brother, I love you.
Speaker:But he became obsolete.
Speaker:And there's no, here's the crazy thing, right?
Speaker:We look at things on the outside.
Speaker:We go, well, you gotta have this, this and this.
Speaker:And there it'd be great.
Speaker:But you say that's nonsense.
Speaker:If you just serve others, you became greats.
Speaker:And we're seeing that here.
Speaker:If we serve others, it doesn't matter how big, strong, talented,
Speaker:cute, pretty, whatever it is.
Speaker:If we serve others, he says your grades in my eyes, you guys can go ahead and sit
Speaker:down, go ahead and give it up for them.
Speaker:This is radically different for all of us, but even if we look at,
Speaker:we just looked as a whole lot of people who are Uber talented, right?
Speaker:But there are underachievers.
Speaker:We look and we say, man, they didn't do anything with it.
Speaker:And I believe that this should encourage and challenge every.
Speaker:This should encourage us.
Speaker:You know what?
Speaker:I don't need to be the five star recruits.
Speaker:I don't need to have this to, in order to sit for God, to be glorified
Speaker:in and through my life, I just need to serve, and I can do that.
Speaker:And we're talking about not just becoming great in our particular environment,
Speaker:circle of whatever we're talking about, being great in the kingdom of heaven.
Speaker:I don't care what your circle of influence is or what your, your, your
Speaker:culture, your environment, your circle is nothing is greater than being
Speaker:great in the kingdom of God than it is in whatever area you can imagine.
Speaker:And so we're talking about being great and that's better than any profession or any.
Speaker:And so this should encourage us.
Speaker:God, you believe in me, you are giving me the opportunity to do
Speaker:something great for you to be used for your glory and for you to look
Speaker:down and say, Hey, I'm well pleased with you because you are a servant.
Speaker:This should bring us great encouragement, but also should be a great challenge
Speaker:for us because what this means is there's no excuse to not be.
Speaker:There's no excuse to not be great.
Speaker:Well, God, you didn't give me, can you serve?
Speaker:Well, God, you did.
Speaker:Can you serve?
Speaker:So none of us can ever go, thank God I couldn't serve because we can serve.
Speaker:And so the challenge for all of us then is to serve, to become great.
Speaker:So it makes sure that that we're using our talents, our experience on
Speaker:our tie to serve in Christ name and a church full of followers of Jesus,
Speaker:a church full of followers of Jesus.
Speaker:Let me ask you this.
Speaker:Should there ever be a need that cannot be met if we're following the teachings
Speaker:and the example of Jesus at worst serving didn't it, should there ever be a time?
Speaker:We have to bed for volunteers?
Speaker:Should there, of course not because all of us are saying I'm here to serve.
Speaker:I'm here to give, I'm giving it to others.
Speaker:God, I'm being great.
Speaker:Just the way you are great on this earth.
Speaker:So I applaud those who serve.
Speaker:I lift up our family group leaders who serve, I lift up
Speaker:our new shepherds who serve.
Speaker:I lift up our V team who serves every week.
Speaker:They get here eight 30, some of y'all even have breakfast at eight 30.
Speaker:I said, I so salute those who are volunteering for our kids
Speaker:right now, who are watching them.
Speaker:They say yes, that there was an email went out and they said, yeah, I'll do it.
Speaker:Well, others decided on.
Speaker:I salute all of you who serve because in God's eyes, you are great writer, the
Speaker:Elan, Muslim, Brian, James, and whoever else, Billy, I is all combined because
Speaker:you're using your time, your effort, your using your, your, your ability,
Speaker:your experiences to serve others.
Speaker:See Jesus empowers every one of us to be great by serving.
Speaker:So here's the question in forest?
Speaker:Am I.
Speaker:Or maybe the better question is, who am I serving?
Speaker:Who am I serving?
Speaker:Is my service for me?
Speaker:Am I doing things so that I can have, or is my service to others?
Speaker:Is my service to the king.
Speaker:And God almighty is my service to his people.
Speaker:Is my service to those around me, or is it just to feed and better?
Speaker:My self.
Speaker:Are we serving?
Speaker:So for others, you know, the scripture, Jesus said it several times or
Speaker:several times where he says a servant to all serving your roommates.
Speaker:That's right.
Speaker:Your roommates, serving your family, serving in your family, group,
Speaker:your in the church, serving those, just like we learned last week,
Speaker:who agree and disagree with you serving the haves and the have not.
Speaker:Finding ways in order to be a blessing to those, we come in contact with, and
Speaker:again, Jesus is the model to follow.
Speaker:He says, I didn't come to be served.
Speaker:Y'all I came to serve and to give my life as a ransom for many that's
Speaker:the model that he sets for you.
Speaker:And, and that's his teaching.
Speaker:And if we're followers of Jesus, what do we do?
Speaker:We follow his teaching and example.
Speaker:And so how do we respond?
Speaker:What should we do?
Speaker:I think it's this.
Speaker:I think we need to think and act like a servants think and act like a servant.
Speaker:Think, first of all, what I mean by this, that means view yourself as a service.
Speaker:We are chilled.
Speaker:Those are followers of Jesus.
Speaker:You are a child of God, hallelujah for that.
Speaker:You're not what your, your job is.
Speaker:You're not what your nationality, what your race is.
Speaker:You are a child of God.
Speaker:But guess what your identity also is a servant of Christ.
Speaker:And so our view can't be anything else.
Speaker:That's contrary to that.
Speaker:Our view must be I'm a servant of Christ.
Speaker:And when I adopt that servitude attitude, then guess what that will produce
Speaker:that will produce service in my life.
Speaker:So therefore I have a lifestyle.
Speaker:And this is key for me to remember that always remember.
Speaker:More say you are a servant leader.
Speaker:Don't don't, don't, don't forget the servant part, Marcel.
Speaker:You're a servant of the king and make sure you serve his people.
Speaker:You humble yourself and you do the dirty work.
Speaker:You do the work that nobody else knows about and you serve it's.
Speaker:I need to remember that.
Speaker:And you remember that my identity is if the minister of the church, my
Speaker:identity is a servant of the king.
Speaker:So we think like a service that means we view ourselves as a service and then
Speaker:we act like a servant that means finding the ways to consistently serve others.
Speaker:You know, I love the fact that we have an MLK day in our church.
Speaker:We always do.
Speaker:We don't take a day off.
Speaker:We take a day on, right.
Speaker:And we go out and serve.
Speaker:But if we're only serving one thing a year, you're not a survey.
Speaker:If I don't eat meat in one meal, that doesn't make me a vegan.
Speaker:And so this is a lifestyle of service that means serving in the small ways.
Speaker:I mean, serving into grand in big ways.
Speaker:That means serving in my home.
Speaker:That means serving in my family group, serving in a church,
Speaker:serving in my neighborhood, maybe serving at my school and at my job.
Speaker:And if somebody say, well, Marcel, I want you, but I'm too busy.
Speaker:Well, if you're too busy to serve, then you're too.
Speaker:That means you need to re reorganize some priorities then, because if we have
Speaker:a lifestyle, which we are too busy to serve, that means we're too busy and
Speaker:we need to restructure our schedule.
Speaker:To make sure that we think and act like a surrogates.
Speaker:You know, if we do this, Jesus says, then we'll be great in his kingdom.
Speaker:But here's the incredible thing.
Speaker:I just love this about God.
Speaker:Here's the incredible thing.
Speaker:Is that when we serve, yes, we can be considered greatness keen to be used for
Speaker:all this boy, but it's reciprocal in a way that God ends up blessing you more.
Speaker:In fact, I love this scripture.
Speaker:Many of us love it too.
Speaker:A generous person will prosper.
Speaker:Whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
Speaker:Hey, when I'm generous, Hey, I'm going to prosper when I serve others.
Speaker:Guess what?
Speaker:Somehow some way I too will be refreshed and many of us can testify to this.
Speaker:Cause here's the mantle.
Speaker:I just love this.
Speaker:Th th this, this, this truth, then in this idea and this.
Speaker:And we'll even test it out right here.
Speaker:I mean, we've all been served in some way.
Speaker:Somebody has served you, maybe they gave you food, you know,
Speaker:breakfast in bed or something.
Speaker:So you've all been served in some way.
Speaker:Everybody here has been serving some way and that brought to you some happiness.
Speaker:Didn't it?
Speaker:You're like, oh man.
Speaker:Thank you.
Speaker:But think about the time in which you served others, what did that producing.
Speaker:Did it bring some joy?
Speaker:It probably didn't even more than joy, but probably brought not just
Speaker:happiness, but it brought fulfillment as well because you started rest, man.
Speaker:That was cool to give and you felt built up.
Speaker:And in fact, you probably were like, man, I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back.
Speaker:That felt good.
Speaker:And you felt good about who you were and what you were doing.
Speaker:And so again, if we tested the idea of just being served and that for a natural
Speaker:tendency, Hey, when we actually look at our lives, the most fulfillment and joy we
Speaker:receive is when we actually serve others.
Speaker:And so this is the incredible thing.
Speaker:Yes, God is raising us up to be great in our society and through his kingdom.
Speaker:But he's also saying, guys, you don't understand the blessings you have.
Speaker:If you serve, it'll be incredible.
Speaker:Why because you're fulfilling the calling of actually following Jesus.
Speaker:So let's get real practical church.
Speaker:Are you still with me here?
Speaker:Let's get real practical here.
Speaker:Let's talk about some action steps this week.
Speaker:That means every single one.
Speaker:And I love how we have a church that just doesn't listen to the word on Sunday,
Speaker:but we're a church committed to following the word Monday through Sunday as well.
Speaker:And so as we give this direction here, I'm confident that this is a church for
Speaker:the people who say I'm going to follow.
Speaker:And so, as we see here, first off, I want to say those who may be
Speaker:coming around, I encourage you.
Speaker:Number one, action.
Speaker:Step is to study God's word and figure out, Hey, how can
Speaker:I be a servant in his kingdom?
Speaker:What does all this mean?
Speaker:How does this look?
Speaker:How was Jesus a servant?
Speaker:How did he give his life as a ransom for me?
Speaker:And if some of those who have been studying the Bible for a
Speaker:while, I wanna encourage you make a decision to follow Jesus.
Speaker:There's no need to wait.
Speaker:There's no need to wait following Jesus is the best decision you
Speaker:will ever make in your life.
Speaker:And now for all of us, every single one of us, here's the action step of
Speaker:the week here serve someone every day.
Speaker:This week, they say, what should I do, serve how I serve.
Speaker:Serve someone everyday this week, maybe it's in your family.
Speaker:Maybe it's a classmate.
Speaker:Maybe it's your coworker.
Speaker:Maybe it's somebody in this room.
Speaker:It's the church at large.
Speaker:It's your small group serve someone every day.
Speaker:This week.
Speaker:Maybe it's big.
Speaker:Maybe it's small, but serve this week.
Speaker:Imagine if we all follow Jesus' example and teaching, and sir.
Speaker:Imagine if every single one of us and those who are alive, every single
Speaker:one of us, if we all decided, you know what, we're going to take Jesus'
Speaker:example and it's taking seriously, and we're going to go out and serve.
Speaker:Imagine if your family or your household decided, you know what
Speaker:we're going to serve others.
Speaker:Imagine if your neighborhood in your complex decided, you know
Speaker:what, we're going to serve each.
Speaker:Imagine if the citizens of our country decided, you know,
Speaker:we're going to serve others.
Speaker:If service is greatness, how great what our society be?
Speaker:If service is greatness, then how great, what our cities and our neighborhoods.
Speaker:How great what our church be, how great was your family group in the church be?
Speaker:How great would your household or their family members who you live with?
Speaker:How great would that be and how great would you be in the kingdom of God?
Speaker:We close out here and mark chapter 10, verse 43.
Speaker:Not so with you.
Speaker:Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.
Speaker:And whoever wants to be first must be slave of all for even the son of
Speaker:man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as
Speaker:a ransom for many brother, sister, Jesus, and powers to be great.
Speaker:So let's serve.