In this spiritually motivating and thought-provoking episode, the Word of God teaches us that when we function in Christ’s love, we activate and experience the supernatural power of God in our lives. Our lives are rooted and grounded in Christ’s pure love.
Over 35 years in the real estate industry, I have seen so many inspection reports. The first item inspected under structural systems is the foundation. This is the most important part of the building system. If the foundation is not sound, there is a major problem, and it can blow the real estate transaction. I have had that happen more times than I care to remember. Some foundation deficiencies, depending on the severity, could lead to a total demotion of the residential or commercial structure.
In this episode, you will be challenged to examine the spiritual foundation in your life and look at any deficiencies that could lead to damage, cracks, or even a spiritual collapse. Please know that spiritually, the Lord has given us everything we need in the Word of God to begin the repair process and to fortify and strengthen our spiritual foundation.
The only unshakeable, solid, and steady foundation is the love of Jesus Christ. It is natural for a Christian to function in His love.
We will give you practical applications in this episode, to apply daily in your walk with the Lord to grow in the love of Christ.
We will never, ever find the necessary spiritual tools we need to succeed in this life and have a strong, solid foundation anywhere else in the world but in the Word of God. The Word of God is our sure foundation. Nothing else in the world, whether it is fame, fortune, accolades, money, homes, stocks, bonds, endowment funds, retirement funds, will keep us from a total spiritual collapse except God's Word.
It is the love of Christ that fuels and sustains us. We must appropriate it at full strength not only individually but, collectively, with all the saints.
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