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Chat GPT: Your AI Intern
Episode 2428th June 2023 • The Circle Sessions • Brett Johnson, My Podcast Guy™
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In this week's episode of The Circle Sessions, Brett Johnson and Yasmine Robles chat about the use of AI and chatbots in creating content.

Copying and pasting content from AI or chatbots is not the way to go about creating content. Instead, use it as an outline or put your own spin on the content and add your own voice to it. Always ensure that information is accurate and up-to-date. While chatbots like Chat GPT can provide a strategy for marketing or SEO for blog posts, it is important to customize them to fit the needs of your business.

We also discuss the value of paid software like Chat GPT and Jasper AI in presenting information in a specific way. As with any new technology, it is important to test it before charging for it. Chat GPT is a tool, not a replacement for human creativity.

Other topics we discuss include the usefulness of generated titles and alt text for content creation and the importance of researching keywords for SEO. We also discuss the launch of the new AI assistant called Bard and the pros and cons of using new technologies like Chat GPT.

Yasmine works alongside clients to design a website that's driven by strategy, looks amazing, and that you can actually use to grow your podcast, and your business.

Her website.

Her Instagram.

Click here for the checklist!

Each week, one of The Circle of Experts talks about critical aspects of growing your podcast. We focus on marketing, social media, monetization, website design, and implementation of all of these to help you make the best podcast possible.

Have a question or an idea for one of our episodes? Send us an email at

The Circle of Experts are:

Yasmine Robles from Robles Designs

Tonnisha English-Amamoo of TJE Communications

Don The Idea Guy

Brett Johnson, My Podcast Guy, from Circle270Media Podcast Consultants

Copyright 2024 Brett Johnson, My Podcast Guy™


Brett Johnson [:

Welcome to the Circle Sessions featuring The Circle of Experts. The Circle of Experts are Yasmine Robles from Robles Designs, Tonnisha English-Amamoo of TJ E Communications. And Don The Idea Guy. I'm Brett Johnson from Circle 270 Media Podcast Consultants. Each week, one of the Circle of Experts joins me to talk about the critical aspects of growing your podcast. We focus on marketing, social media monetization and website design, and the implementation of all these together. This week, Yasmine is here from The Circle of Experts. She works alongside clients to design a website that's driven by strategy, looks amazing and that you can actually use to grow your podcast and then in turn, your business as well. Yasmine, thanks for joining me today.

Yasmine Robles [:

Yeah, it's always happy to be here.

Brett Johnson [:

I have personally named the:

Yasmine Robles [:

ew technology and I love that:

Brett Johnson [:

Exactly. Well, I think we look at it as a tool. It's not a replacement, but as a tool, just as any other tool that you purchase, whether it's for resizing images, as we talked about in our previous episode, using Canva and such. Well, Canva probably scared a lot of graphic art design people as well, thinking, oh my gosh, you can now do this stuff on Canva. But the reality is, Canva is just a little stopgap. If you really want something that's very cool, you're going to work with somebody that has the eyes, the ears, the brain power to create something that's customized for you versus templates that are all over the place. So again, I think of the approaches as a tool and it goes into our next thought here about content. Of course, chat GTP is spitting out content, but that doesn't mean you should use it copy paste. Because if somebody's asking that question as well you are, and someone else's and someone else's. And guess what? It's the same answer, probably. So if we're all putting up the same content, it's not helping you. And again, that's a con. But let's talk about content.

Yasmine Robles [:

Yeah, so I'm not sure it would be using the same answer, but it's just never really the way you should go about creating content. And I would say it doesn't really know the user or the tone of voice that you want to portray on your blog post or whatever article homepage text. When it comes to copy or content, don't use it to literally copy and paste its answer or its article that it wrote for you onto your site or onto your blog post, but instead use it as an outline. And either an outline or if it writes that article for you, take that article and then put your own spin on it, your own voice, and you know what your people want to know about, you know, what they love best. And although this chat bot, this AI, can pull information from the Internet, make sure to check for errors, fact check it. Ensure that it is actually the most accurate that it can be. Because there have been instances where it writes articles and it's really old, inaccurate information now, and it's pulling information that's just old and nobody wants to see anymore, and nobody wants to have an article that has no bearing on what's currently happening. So just make sure that you are checking it for errors that you're putting your own voice into it. For myself, personally, I've been testing it out for blog posts and although it can give me a good jumping off point, again, I'm not using it to just copy and paste.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. I like your next thought. You hadn't thought about using this tool for researching keywords? Hadn't even thought about that. I know you can go to certain platforms and it's not that hard to look at Twitter and look for keywords and such like that, but it does take some time where this could actually save some time to find those keywords that you want to post against.

Yasmine Robles [:

Yeah. So when I speak about researching keywords, you can either do it for social posts or you can use it for SEO. So keywords, when it comes to SEO, you can say, hey, can you give me a list of keywords or key phrases that can be used if I'm targeting this type of person or this type of group of people? And it'll send you a bulk of keywords that you can then go in and research even further. So, for example, I have a client who has a meal prep recipe membership, and I asked it as a test to give me 20 keywords. That could be great for a busy mom who's looking to meal prep. And so it gave me a few keywords, but then make sure you do something with those. Don't just take it at face value. So what I did was I copied it onto my Excel sheet, and I did a little bit of research onto what's the search volume for that and all of this SEO stuff that I get to do now for her. But it's really interesting that it can help you generate or brainstorm more of these key phrases or keywords, and it just speeds up that process. Basically, it's like that intern that you wish you had.

Brett Johnson [:

I like that. That intern you wish you had. That's really good. And probably works ten times faster than an intern to the way it spits out information. Exactly. This is an interesting idea, too, about plugging in for some strategies. Talk about that.

Yasmine Robles [:

Yeah. So at a high level, of course, you can ask it to give you a strategy for marketing or for your SEO for your blog posts, and then just plug it into your business. So, for example, if I said, hey, let's see, I am trying to market my floral business for Mother's Day, what should I do? It'll help you get a high level plan, but then always, again, back to it's kind of an intern back to plug it into your business and see where the pieces fit. Because you might say, hey, when it told me about this type to do this thing, it's not in my budget, or it does not fit my goal for the business. So you can take that out. Don't just take its strategies at face value. Make sure that they are being customized for what your needs are, whether it is for ads or marketing.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah, this kind of goes back to our previous episode, using it to create some titles and alt text. That's a great idea.

Yasmine Robles [:

Yeah, I know, copywriters and people who create SEO who do keyword research. It is like, not the most annoying thing, but it is a little taxing to be going in and creating all these title texts and all text. But it can help you. So you can say, all right, I have an article. Let's say, for example, you have a blog post or a podcast episode, and you want to target a few specific keywords. You can say, hey, give me 20, or give me ten titles for this podcast about website designs and how to strategize our website design. Something like that. And it can give you some pretty good ideas. And you can either take those or you can give it your own spin and then use them on your website. So although you don't want to copy and paste a full article, I think titles and alt text could really help save time because sometimes you're just like, I don't know what else to write in alt text. I am all out of ideas for this. And it can help you cut out some of that time.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah, and add copy, too. It goes right into what you're saying. Just that anything that's developing content, ad copy a great idea as well.

Yasmine Robles [:

Yeah, so just like the titles, alt text, it can help you create these snippets of text for your ads that can then be tailored. And the cool thing is that for all of these, you can say, for example, hey, give me ad copy. I am targeting, I don't know, Bakers in Columbus, Ohio. And then I can say, okay, you know what, make it more playful or make it more creative or more serious. And they can give you all of these tones for your ad that you can then see which one fits best and then use it for your marketing.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. And you mentioned it's your intern. I love that I wrote it down, too. It's like, okay, this is what we're going to post about this episode as well. Just use Chat GTP as your intern. I think that's a great way of looking at it. It's a starting point. That's a really good point. I love it.

Yasmine Robles [:

Yeah, it's that intern. It's that great assistant that you want that I don't know. You could call it a copywriting intern. But literally, I've been using it. For example, if I have an email that I have to write and I need to make it sound serious, I'll ask it to write me this serious email. I can ask it to be more succinct or more or add more flourish to it or be more playful. And it's just really great. It cuts out on that time, and it's just fun to see, even just to go in there and spend some time chatting with Chat GPT and see what you can get it to say. But try not to spend too much time on that. Use it as an intern. Use it as an assistant to help you just cut this time. That might be better spent getting more interviews in getting editing your podcast and building your business.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Have you used the other I don't know if it's based on Chat GTP, but the other versions, like Google has Bard.

Yasmine Robles [:

I have not used Bard. Okay. I heard that their launch from a bunch of podcast episodes and following some SEO folks and stuff, bard didn't seem to have its best launch, but they are working on it. And then I've also heard things I forget which podcast I was listening to, that they talked about how someone I think it was Chat GPT. They were talking about it and then it just kind of broke Chat GPT. But I think it was a different version of Chat GPT. But they were testing it and it was just really all these weird things are happening, which, again, some people might be freaking out, but I love it. I feel like there will be issues as this comes up. So just like with SEO, with not copying and pasting the content directly, there's always going to be these hiccups. But the more you use it, the more you get used to it, the more we'll be able to implement it into our businesses, into our podcasts, and it should be making our life so much easier.

Brett Johnson [:

You've been listening to a lot of podcasts about Chat GTP, this AI and such. How did this come out just as a free? How is this not behind a paywall that people are paying for? I mean, this is just amazing technology software, spitting out some really good content for a start. But how did this not become something that we're going to pay for?

Yasmine Robles [:

It's not saying that we're not going to pay for it in the future.

Brett Johnson [:

That's what I was kind of wondering. Let's get us hooked on it right now. Exactly.

Yasmine Robles [:

There's a couple of interesting things coming up. So, for example, Canva is I can't remember if they already launched it, but they are testing out as per this episode, they are testing out, for example, creating copy for headlines on graphics, things like that. And they have implemented something similar into their system. There are other systems that I've used that are trying to implement it. And so that you can say, I need a headline about this, and it'll just kind of formulate it for you and then you can pop it into your graphic. There's other cool AI things coming out. Like you can ask it, hey, I need a photo of three people hugging. And there's issues too. Some people have like six fingers on one hand. But it's really interesting everything that's coming out and how we can start using it. So like in the example of Canva, if you are on that pro version, it'll just make your life so much simpler now that they've added it in. But again, you have to be on that pro version. Per my understanding of the company that created GPT, they're gathering information, so they're trying to test this out. And I get it. You can't really just like any medication, you need to make sure that you're testing it on a live person, because just testing it internally might not work as great. You don't catch the bugs. And so that's where all of these interesting articles are coming up, where people are catching these weird bugs that AI has, and they're funny and they get to be worked on, and then we'll see where it takes us. But I'm sure we will figure out a way to put this behind a paywall somehow.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah, exactly. I know there are versions of this utilizing Chat GPT, but it's customizing. It the way they want to spit out information for you, and then you pay for that synopsis of an episode or whatever the case might be. So like a Jasper AI. I mean, I know there's probably a paid level of there are lots of them out there that are utilizing this software technology, whatever you want to call it, I guess, and utilizing it, but formulating in the way that you're asking it to do versus just straight out spitting out content. So I was just curious because that makes sense that they got to test it out before they can put any dollar value on it. If they can break it, then obviously it's not worth anything right now to a certain degree. Yeah, exactly. Well, if the listener has any questions, wants to get a hold of you about this or any other previous episodes, how can they get a hold of you?

Yasmine Robles [:

Yeah, they can find me on Instagram at Robosdesignstudio, message me there. They can find me on my website,, and they can download a freebie at, and I'm more than happy to answer any questions and even put them on the podcast next time.

Brett Johnson [:

That's excellent. Yeah, exactly. We'll be talking again as we continue with this series about websites as part of the circle of experts. You can get a hold of me at And thank you, Lister, for joining us on The Circle Sessions.




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