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How to Grow Fresh Green Leaves, Stories, and Kids
Episode 111st April 2021 • How to Tell Stories to Children • How to Tell Stories to Children
00:00:00 00:40:16

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There’s nothing like fresh green leaves after a long winter. Resting our eyes on lush grass can be healing, and we can make the plant world sparkle with unique presence for our kids by telling stories that draw their imagination into the growing sprouts.

When we tell a story about something real we tie imagination and reality together, a process we call the Storytelling Loop. Play often becomes a third component, because our stories open up a child’s curiosity to explore and create.

By “planting” a story in something real (in this case grass), our kids awaken to a very rich experience, with plenty of room to explore both reality and imagination.

In This Episode

  • Learn how to sprout and grow your own wheat grass
  • Listen to a sample story that will connect your little ones to the grass you're growing at home
  • Explore the background of how story, real life, and creative activities make for a rich sensory experience
  • You have the opportunity to play the story we’ve recorded, or use it as an example to tell your own

You will find more details, including a video planting guide at -

In The Story

Mira lives in the city. She loves her mom and dad, but she misses her Grandmother’s farm. Then she remembers the little seed pouch Grandmother gave her. She gathers a pot, some soil, and puts all her love and attention into the little seed babies in her care.

In doing so, Mira brings the whole family together, and the story describes the same process you and your child will follow to plant your own seed babies at home.

In a second story, Randolph Roots, the gnome of the mountain, visits Mira’s Grandmother, and we get to see the seed babies from a whole new perspective.

After The Story

Plant your seed babies. On our website we have a short video with instructions for growing wheat grass, which is very simple. But you could grow beans, squash, or any plants you like. The goal isn’t so much to replicate our process, but to observe the relationship between story and the real world. Have fun with it. Explore. We share stories and examples with the intention of inspiring you to create your own.





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