Artwork for podcast Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs"  Mabe
ASK THE BOSS - Episode 13
Episode 133rd February 2020 • Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs" Mabe • Core Nutritionals LLC
00:00:00 01:15:40

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11:52- Do you attribute the gainz you made to

the super high volume training?

12:42 - Are we keeping Chocolate Peppermint Bark

with the rebrand?

13:17 - Fruity Pebbles Patriot’s Whey?

14:51 - Who is your favorite IG Icon?

16:21 - Preworkout meal & Preworkout (SUPP)

taking together...thoughts?

17:57 - What is your biggest fear?

18:46 - What is on your mind when attempting

a PR or big overload set?

19:52 - Why does Pat look like Dash from the


20:19 - Would you rather go blind or dickless?

21:51 - Are we alone in the universe?

23:08 - What was the darkest moment in your

life and how did faith keep you

moving forward?

25:39 - Doug and Meat flat bench


26:25 - Who was your inspiration to become

one of the best natural bodybuilders in the


28:32 - Will you get your wife to post those dope

recipes for you and the family?

29:49 - At what training age did you see the most

muscular development?

33:09 - How much did competing Affect your home

or business life?

35:16 - What do you sacrafice now to drive your

current success?

36:12 - Any new flavors of Core Test Coming Out?

36:43 - How’s the new year going?

37:52 - What do you think of Julian SMith’s


39:44 - Apocalypse is tomorrow, what is your

final meal?

40:21 - Can you do a video discuss prehab

warmup for your workout?

42:05 - Biggest piece of advice for a new father?

45:03 - How to apply for a position at core?

46:06 - Help us in Western NY?!

48:12 - Do you think the new fury will stack better

with Daily Pump or stars and Pipes?

49:33 - Any new flavors of Patriot’s Whey


49:58 - Can you take Alpha with MK-677

at the same time?

50:18 - What is the first thing you did when you

woke up this morning?

51:26 - New flavors of harness and Daily Pump?

52:36 - Any details on the new Core Fury?

53:22 - How do you stay away from injuries like


54:42 - How do you deal with a loss of appetite?

55:39 - Meat vs. Doug...who wins on stage?

55:50 - What is the recommended dosing of

5-AT...currently running big poppa stack?

56:46 - What are the most interesting versions

of the Meaty Loafs that you tried?

57:31 - Do you use mesocycle training?

58:32 - How often would you recommend the full

core load serving?

59:07 - We have seen cereal candy exotic fruits...

what’s the next big Flavoring

trend to hit the market?

1:00:02 - Best way to run core alpha and hard?

1:00:47 - Best thing to take coming off

alpha and hard?

1:01:13 - Why do you do a bro split on contest prep?

1:03:41 - Pat what is the hardest part about

working for Doug?

1:04:49 - Do you believe in the theory of deloading

when the body feels sluggish at the gym?

1:06:00 - Favorite home improvement project

so far?

1:06:46 - Where do you see yourself in the next

5 years?

1:08:39 - Peanut butter or almond butter?

1:08:47 - Drown or burn alive?

1:09:06 - Difference between burn pill and

burn powder?

1:09:17 - Is burn X ok for WNBF?

1:09:30 - Update on protein bar?

1:10:21 - 20 year goal?

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