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Season 2 Bonus Episode 1 - Can hobbits, a mellifluous poem and an extreme spreadsheet help us to press 'reset' on some of our major expenses?
Bonus Episode2nd November 2022 • Where Your Treasure Is... • Simon Glazier and Bex Elder
00:00:00 00:34:20

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In this bonus episode, Simon and Bex discuss practical approaches to budgeting for ‘big ticket items’ but also talk about ways in which we can ‘refresh’ our thinking regarding these expenses.

Some key points covered in this episode include the following:

  • Bex asks Simon for some tips on how to deal with major expenses that can wreck a budget, such as birthdays, Christmas, weddings and holidays. [00:41] As part of his response, Simon explains that, as described in the writings of JRR Tolkien, hobbits have an unusual but thought-provoking way of dealing with birthday presents. [02:18] Bex is prompted by Simon’s comments about the dangers of ever-increasing expenditure on presents to share how her family has reduced the number of presents that family members are expected to buy for each other. [03:27] Simon goes on to highlight the importance of having conversations about expectations for presents etc as that can assist individuals and families to avoid falling into practices that can ultimately exert unhelpful pressures upon them. [06:29]
  • Thinking about the biblical reference to God giving good gifts to his children (Matthew 7.11 and Luke 11.13), Bex is prompted to reflect on the importance of expressing our love and appreciation to others in ways that are not dependent on money. [08:42]
  • Simon outlines five principles for dealing with major expenses in a practical and manageable manner: (a) Anticipate expenses [12:53]; (b) Budget for this expenditure [13:54]; (c) Cut down on credit [16:09]; (d) Delayed gratification: paying in advance, where possible [17:52]; (e) ‘Extreme organisation’ – using a spreadsheet, for example, as a means of planning and tracking spending on presents [21:13]
  • Bex and Simon develop further their discussion about alternative ways in which love and affection can be expressed [23:38], including reference to Gary Chapman’s book, , ‘The Five Love Languages’, [24:56], hand written notes from Bex’s mum [25:45] and a poetic tribute to mellifluousness! [27:56]
  • Bex and Simon conclude by sharing some thoughts about approaching Christmas (a potentially major source of expense) in a thoughtful and outward looking manner that can change the way that we do things and what we focus on at that time. [28:49]
  • Feedback on bonus episode content and format was invited and can be sent via email to or by contacting @whereyourtreasureispodcast on Instagram. [33:10]
  • (NB A further bonus episode will follow on 16 November before Season 2 resumes on 23 November.)

This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting.



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