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How to Build a Six-Figure Coaching Business with Cat Del Carmen
Episode 710th April 2024 • Zero to Rockstar Coaching Business • Leanne Sia
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Do you want to know what it really takes to build a six-figure coaching business? Then you can't miss this episode! Today, I sit down with the phenomenal Cat Del Carmen, who shares her incredible journey from self-doubt to a £200k powerhouse. Cat reveals how she scaled her coaching business to six figures by focusing on what truly matters: client results and thought work.

Cat gets real about the struggles, the breakthroughs, and the mindset shifts that have propelled her success. We dive deep into the power of thought work, the art of simplifying your business model, and why believing "everyone wants to work with me" can be a game-changer for your confidence and client roster!

If you've ever felt stuck or wondered how to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be, this episode is your roadmap. Grab your notepad because you'll want to jot down every golden nugget Cat drops. Tune in now and get inspired to create the impact, income, and freedom you know you're meant to have!

More about Cat Del Carmen:

Cat Del Carmen is a business coach, wife, and mami who teaches WOC how to scale to six figures in their coaching business. Cat grew her business from $10k to $200k cash in a single year by focusing on client results, becoming an expert at marketing and selling, and now she teaches her clients the same process that helped her scale while simplifying. 

Cat is the host of Latinas Booked Out Podcast, which has over 105k downloads, where she teaches her concepts, and philosophies of growing a coaching business through trauma-informed, high-integrity, business practices. She has been featured in the New York Times, Yo Quiero Dinero Podcast, and The Offbeat Life Podcast.

Topics covered on [tbd] :

  1. How did Cat turn her coaching business into a six-figure success in just one year?
  2. The biggest mindset shifts Cat had to make to build a six-figure coaching business.
  3. How can embracing self-compassion lead to resilience and success in your coaching business?
  4. The power of detaching yourself from business results.
  5. How the belief "everyone wants to work with me" transformed Cat's coaching business.
  6. Cat's experience of trusting the process and letting go of the 'how.'
  7. Cat's advice for new coaches who feel like quitting because they are struggling to get consistent clients.
  8. Must-read books that will revolutionise your mindset and business strategies.

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Resources from this episode:


"My thoughts create my results and not my work." -  Cat Del Carmen

“The work that really takes you to the next level it's all those little quiet moments that nobody sees except you.” -  Cat Del Carmen



[00:00:21] Leanne: Let's do this. Oh my goodness, do I have a dream guest on the podcast for you today. Her name is Cat Del Carmen [00:00:30] and she is a business coach, wife, and mom who teaches women of color how to scale to six figures in their coaching businesses. And although Cat primarily works with Latina women and women of color, I've been following her journey for years now.


[00:01:03] Leanne: And now she teaches her clients the exact same process that helped her scale whilst simplifying, because we all want a bit of that, don't we? This is quite a long episode, so grab yourself a cuppa darling, get into a cosy spot and bring a notepad and pen because you are going to want to take notes. This is one hot episode and I can't wait for you to listen.


[00:01:53] Leanne: Thank you for being here.


[00:02:18] Leanne: Oh, thank you, darling. So the purpose of this podcast, it's all about building your zero to rockstar coaching business. Cat, you clearly have a rockstar coaching business, but before we get [00:02:30] into all that goodness, let's talk about the beginning because I feel like a lot of people don't really divulge all the shit that goes on in your head.


[00:02:57] Cat Del Carmen: on?


[00:03:18] Cat Del Carmen: It's a different name now. Now it's called Latinas Booked Out.


[00:03:27] Cat Del Carmen: did not. Oh, [00:03:30] I was like baby cat, but I was so looking back. I. was so much smarter and better than I thought I was at the time. I listened back to some of those episodes and I'm like, Oh my God, like she knew what she was doing.


[00:04:10] Cat Del Carmen:Okay, I might bring it back.


[00:04:27] Leanne: I loved it too! There was something really [00:04:30] different about it that no one else was doing, and it was really funky and soulful.


[00:04:36] Cat Del Carmen: Okay. I'm going to look into that.


[00:04:43] Cat Del Carmen: Yeah. So it was December, 2019. And I really knew the direction was going to be some type of like coaching or program or something like that. But I was very nervous.


[00:04:59] Leanne: [00:05:00] You have any coaching qualifications? Sorry. Do you have any? I don't.


[00:05:19] Cat Del Carmen: So personally, I always had, I've always been a little bit of a misfit when it came to education because in the back of my mind, I'm like, this system was [00:05:30] not made for people with my kind of brain. So, I always challenged, like, education, even though, like, I obviously love learning, and I have my degree, so obviously I did the work, but when I went into this, I took it so slow.


[00:06:13] Cat Del Carmen: At that time, I thought I was going to grow the podcast and I was going to get ads. And that's how I was going to grow my business. But then slowly I started listening to other podcasters who would offer coaching at the end of their episodes. And I figured, I'm like, I should just do that. Like, what can I [00:06:30] lose?


[00:06:55] Cat Del Carmen: And I was like, this is going to be a business. [00:07:00] Oh my God. I mean, it was crazy, but I'll tell you what, the beliefs I had, like the limiting beliefs I had, it was a lot of like, I have to do this, right? Like, I can't disappoint them. I have to give them the world. And because of that perfectionism was like very heavy for me.


[00:07:43] Cat Del Carmen: I did that and then I did a group program, which did pretty well looking back. At that time I felt like it was failure, but what I was really doing was just burning myself out. And by the end of the year I had created a course, I had created a website, I had [00:08:00] created a program and very impromptu. These decisions were very quick and like just diving into them, which, which I still do from time to time.


[00:08:29] Cat Del Carmen: I'm very [00:08:30] risk tolerant. So I did that. And then in December, I decided. Cat, if you really want to coach, you probably should start coaching one on one because I could tell my skill level was just not as good as the coaches I was working with and I needed more Experience. I mean, the truth is I needed more experience to be good, but I was so [00:09:00] scared that no one would pay thousands of dollars to work with me.


[00:09:24] Cat Del Carmen: The only reason I said 2000 for one on one is because I was like, no one's gonna buy this. It's just to compare. Like, [00:09:30] it's just so they look, it looks like they are getting a seal. And then one person was like, I'm interested in your one on one. And I was like, what? Like, this is so confusing to me. We got on a call and she signed and that was the evidence I needed that it was possible.


[00:10:09] Cat Del Carmen: It's not serving you. Me, it wasn't serving me. And I needed to get my message, like all my wisdom. I just needed to get it out. And I told myself, okay, if the point is getting it out of your head, Then we're going to simplify everything. We're going to, I decided on a very simple marketing plan, which was just like [00:10:30] a photo, a screenshot of Twitter, um, of IG live a week.


[00:10:34] Leanne: I remember those days, Kat, and you killed it doing that. Yeah. You were one of the first people just to post Twitter quotes. No one else was doing that then. It was so simple.


[00:10:53] Cat Del Carmen: And to rile up some like conversations. But anyways, I simplified that. And then I told myself [00:11:00] if I just get good at what I do, if I don't try to get all the clients in the world and instead just get as many clients as I can while focusing on learning how to get people results. And learning how to be a good coach.


[00:11:38] Cat Del Carmen: And I remember I was like, you could do 20 K the next month. And I'm like, no, we're keeping it grounded. And I think I set my goal that 8 K every month of that year, which is a lot of money. But at that time, I felt semi doable. I don't know why I had not that much proof, but I decided on it. And [00:12:00] every month of that year that I didn't hit the 10k month, I remember thinking, Oh, like how you've already done 10k months, you should be able to do it again.


[00:12:37] Cat Del Carmen: That year, 2021, when I focused on one on one, I ended up making 200, 000. 14 cash that year, only one on one selling one single offer, like not a penny from anything else.


[00:13:01] Leanne: Like, what do you think puts coaches off? Really allowing themselves to take the time to get bloody brilliant at one to one. Why do people want to just quickly leap to group coaching?


[00:13:27] Cat Del Carmen: And they think that group selling group is easier. [00:13:30] They have an idea that selling group is easier when the reality is the easiest thing to sell, the most uncomplicated thing to sell is one on one coaching. Once you start selling a group, everything in business gets immediately more complicated because now you have to have very good systems and you have to have a very intentional onboarding.


[00:14:17] Cat Del Carmen: And I'll tell you what the year that I brought in that much revenue and, and really worked with that amount of clients that year set up my [00:14:30] business. The next two years because I, I, my marketing drastically lowered when I had my baby in 2022, my second kid and I transitioned into group. It was perfect timing because I was having my son and then.


[00:15:11] Cat Del Carmen: I mean, that's like basketball for, but like the Kobe Bryant of coaching. Like, I just want to become very good at the game and trust that the money will come.


[00:15:29] Cat Del Carmen: It will when [00:15:30] you, when you really get good at coaching.


[00:15:51] Cat Del Carmen: It didn't start that way. But when I got started, I didn't set that expectation for clients. I wasn't promising them that they would make [00:16:00] money in their business. I was promising them, I kind of forget what I was promising. I think in the beginning I was promising them that they would build their personal brand and then Personal brand turned into like, I'll help you sign one client.


[00:16:29] Cat Del Carmen: [00:16:30] Now I've helped many people create six figures in their business, which is crazy.


[00:16:46] Cat Del Carmen: in me, but it's always us who does the work, right?


[00:17:06] Cat Del Carmen: That's you. And that's the work that really takes you to the next level. It's like those little quiet moments that nobody sees except you.


[00:17:25] Leanne: Tell me what your like most pivotal mindset shifts have been. I'd say


[00:17:51] Cat Del Carmen: It's gonna be really easy for you to create from a place of trying to look far along, trying to look [00:18:00] like things are okay. And the reality is, what I've found is like, burnout is a game that will stunt my growth every time. So I have to make things simple for myself. So that I could perform at the level I want.


[00:18:37] Cat Del Carmen: Like that's actually the work that makes me the most money. It's not the, Most emails in the world and the most content in the world and the most posts in the world. When people see big numbers of like people who have done successful things or made so much money, whatever, but they don't see the way I like to think about it is like, Oh, if you made a hundred thousand dollars in your business, you had a hundred thousand dollars worth of tears.


[00:19:21] Cat Del Carmen: But in all societies, we're so used to equating our hard physical work to the results. And I feel like when you're an [00:19:30] entrepreneur, Of course, you're going to work hard, right? Of course, you're going to hustle in some way, shape, or form. But if you are burning out, it is no good for you. So for me, simplifying was Simplifying my business changed my life.


[00:20:02] Cat Del Carmen: So that was a big mindset shift, like to practice constraint and not doing all the things. A second mindset shift that I think was pivotal to my growth was probably just like accepting that my thoughts create my results and not my work creates my results. Like I have to make it my mission to talk to myself nicely, [00:20:30] to bring myself up.


[00:20:51] Cat Del Carmen: Next to that, it's filled with gratitude. I'm like thanking God for all of the things that are happening. I used [00:21:00] to, um, I still do it from time to time, but I would also, I'm not like super into manifestation, but I took this journal prompt from my friend who's a manifestation coach, and she would always say to like write down Everything you desire like you've already received it.


[00:21:37] Cat Del Carmen: So what it looked like for me was like, I trust you. I trust the process. Help me see the path. Like I was really asking my God, but it could be the universe, whatever you believe. I was like, Declaring what I want. And I was making it very clear that I need help. I want the help. I want to do this. I trust this process and it was filled with that.


[00:22:10] Leanne: Wow. And trust at the beginning of your business is the key. Pivotal, isn't it? You've got to trust because if you don't, it's never ever going to happen.


[00:22:41] Cat Del Carmen: And. You have to want it. I really, really wanted it in 2021. And in 2020, when I was like putting in the work and not seeing the results, I wanted it. There really wasn't a plan. There was a plan B. I remember, Oh, I remember from December, [00:23:00] 2020 to February, 2021, I made a really big decision. I had just left my job and I had requested severance package.


[00:23:36] Cat Del Carmen: And I was like, I'm going to need more calendar time. I found a nanny. I had 3, 000 and that would cover three months. And this was like part time, um, nanny. And it was a nanny share, I think. So like I was with someone else regardless. I was like, okay, I'm going to use this. for I think it was January, February and March.


[00:24:17] Cat Del Carmen: It's after I've had a really good tech career, but I was like, I don't care. Like, I want this business to work. I'm going to figure this out. And if I have to work at any job to do that, I'm willing to. You went all in. Yeah, it was [00:24:30] all in for me. And. For big growth, I feel like you have to have that attitude.


[00:24:55] Cat Del Carmen: Absolutely. I want them to take breaks anytime they fucking want, right? But [00:25:00] it's a skill you got to use every day if you want to be great, right, if you want to be great.


[00:25:11] Cat Del Carmen: Yeah, I'd say the third mindset shift I had to have, the last one came later.


[00:25:48] Cat Del Carmen: Like if I don't have sleep, I'm just, I'm no good. So managing my business next to that experience. I had to learn how [00:26:00] to give myself the most wild amount of self compassion. I had to. And I think we're so good at being very hard on ourselves and we're so good at challenging ourselves to do X, Y, Z. But what I learned during that time is like, I have to learn how to give myself the most self compassion when business is hard, because when you do that, when you practice self compassion on the zero months, when you practice [00:26:30] self compassion when you have a bad launch, you're building a skill of resiliency in your business.


[00:27:05] Leanne: Oh my god, I bet you find it so much easier to put things out because there's no fear there.


[00:27:26] Cat Del Carmen: I'm a whole human, right? But like, big, big [00:27:30] picture, I have my own back. There's nothing anyone can say, nothing anyone can do to shake me because I trust me because I know how to give myself compassion. Anything that happens to my clients or my client said something or someone online trying to like Cancel me or try to go back on me.


[00:28:12] Cat Del Carmen: Like last year, I took on a lot of big projects in a two month period. And I was really scared I was going to burn out and I didn't. And that was because I gave myself so much grace. And I was just like, no, we're going to go with the flow. When things didn't go my way, it just felt like I hopped right over it.


[00:28:37] Leanne: I love this Kat, because I think so many people, it's all about the hustle. Isn't it? Do more, be more, say more, be on reels every two minutes, but actually you're saying the key to your business has actually shown yourself love and self compassion.


[00:29:15] Cat Del Carmen: You could publish posts at like 12 PM or 12 AM in the morning. You could Just do whatever the fuck you want. You can post a picture of yourself and be like, happy Tuesday. And the reason this challenge does so well is because people [00:29:30] are reminded that they're in control and that like, your business won't burn down because of one post, or your business won't burn down because one launch.


[00:29:59] Cat Del Carmen: And not


[00:30:23] Cat Del Carmen: Yes. I mean, I'm all towards organic growth personally, especially in the beginning, [00:30:30] because one, how amazing is it that we have tools that are free that we can use and meet people across the world? How amazing is that? But the second piece of it is like the best marketers in the world, the best salespeople in the world.


[00:31:18] Cat Del Carmen: And when you know your clients like the back of your hand. Your marketing is impeccable. Yeah. You speak to them. Yeah. Speak directly to them. And that's always the [00:31:30] goal is like, how can I get to know my person so well? And you just don't know that in the beginning of your business. So you could spend on ads, but you're spending to test and spending to figure that out when really you could just shake some hands, send some DMS, meet some people, be nice and build relationships and like, get to know what that is.


[00:32:01] Cat Del Carmen: I mean, we're fucking coaches. We like people. Even if you don't like people, you like people a little bit. If you, if you're a coach.


[00:32:20] Leanne: And you've sent me multiple voice notes and I voice note you. And I just think, wow, that is just so gorgeous to actually have someone send you [00:32:30] a personal voice note. I


[00:32:40] Cat Del Carmen: And that's okay. You know, I mean, it's a little like, you know, not everyone's comfortable with that, but I just, well, one, I'm a little lazy for typing. So a voice note feels easier to me, but look, I was just talking to my, uh, a client in inside my program the other day, and she was saying. Like, what is other [00:33:00] ways that she could reach people without social media?


[00:33:28] Cat Del Carmen: I mean, where are you? Are you in the UK? [00:33:30] I'm in the UK. And it's like, we met online, right? Like we just like, you followed the podcast and you know, you were friendly. I was friendly and like that little relationship built, but like that would have never fucking happened, right? Like they would have never happened.


[00:33:54] Leanne: Well, you're, where are you originally from? I'm half Chinese, but I'm actually [00:34:00] British.


[00:34:10] Leanne: like, um, uh.


[00:34:19] Cat Del Carmen: I did not know you were half Chinese this whole time.


[00:34:32] Leanne: It's part of my heritage. I want to explore. I get it. I'm Guatemalan.


[00:34:57] Leanne: And maybe you might explore that like at some point [00:35:00] in your life, right? You might head there, like I would love to head over to that part of the world as kind of like a pilgrimage for me and learn how to cook in the way that my dad used to cook and things like that.


[00:35:16] Leanne: subject.


[00:35:35] Leanne: And I was like, wow, could you please tell our listeners about that, darling? That thought


[00:36:00] Cat Del Carmen: I mean, really what it is is growing awareness of your thoughts, right? So, the first level to this is just understanding that your brain and the sentences that come up in your brain They are not 100 percent true. They aren't 100 percent false. They are just there. It doesn't mean anything yet. And having that kind of awareness.


[00:36:41] Cat Del Carmen: It doesn't mean they are true. So when I had this realization that like, Oh my God, like our brain just comes up with sentences and they aren't all true. Once I realized that I was like, Oh, what if I just like practice different Thoughts and believing them, right? And in my [00:37:00] coaching that that was kind of like the direction that the mindset coaching I was receiving.


[00:37:26] Cat Del Carmen: Well, technically everyone doesn't want to work with me, right? [00:37:30] Like actually, it's not like that true, but I kept challenging myself of like, what if it was true? How would you show up then? And not only that, how is it true? Like, is it true? Is there any truth to it? Right. And then when I started like really dissecting, like how, let's just pretend that it's true.


[00:38:12] Cat Del Carmen: And I'm like, that's a little crazy, but it's like, am I just allowed to believe that? Yes! Fucking allowed to believe that! You're allowed to fucking believe everyone wants to work with you. And once I tapped into that, I was like, okay, if everybody wants to work with [00:38:30] me, like, let me get a little ridiculous with this.


[00:38:54] Cat Del Carmen: To work with me. Well, that's fun, right? Like that's really fun to think about. And then I was like, Oh [00:39:00] my God, my cousins totally would work with me. My, like this person totally would work with me. This person I met at like a coffee shop, like they loved my energy. Like they would totally work with me. And then it'd be like, wow, actually my whole life I've been telling people have been telling me I have such good energy.


[00:39:38] Cat Del Carmen: I think about like some of the best basketball players in the world. And I'm, they always, like, I've seen just so many documentaries and when I think about them, they're telling themselves, I'm going to be the best in the world. Like I want to be the best in the world. And it's like the audacity you have to have to tell yourself I'm the best and nobody understands, but I'm the best.[00:40:00]


[00:40:14] Leanne: Imagine a world where every woman felt comfortable enough to set audacious goals and have audacious thoughts about themselves.


[00:40:24] Cat Del Carmen: patriarchy would just, it would be [00:40:30] crazy. And then I ran with that thought and then every bad month I had or every time I got a comment or every time my story, my IG stories were low, I'd be like, well, no, everybody. But everyone who is watching them wants to work with me, right?


[00:41:05] Cat Del Carmen: agency, and we have so much power over what we think we do, we have control of that,


[00:41:17] Cat Del Carmen: willing to ask themselves the questions. A lot of people will ponder on a question. Like, I wonder if I could, you know, make six figures or make five figures, right?


[00:41:40] Cat Del Carmen: And then what if you answered the secondary question? Like, could I really make five figures like 10 K in one month? That's crazy. Well, could I, I mean, maybe, right. Okay. If maybe is the answer, like, is there any proof that this is the answer? is possible? [00:42:00] Well, you know, Leanne did it. Pat did it. Yeah, I guess some people have done it.


[00:42:36] Cat Del Carmen: So if it was possible, what would I do? I don't want you to shit on the answers because typically people could answer that and they'll be like, well, that's not good enough. But it's like, no, just like leave some space to just be curious. Leave some space to be curious about what's going on in your mind, curious about your own unique ideas, and then building up the courage to take action on those ideas.[00:43:00]


[00:43:13] Cat Del Carmen: Yeah, I mean my whole life, honestly, I look back and I'm like, oh my gosh, how is my life what it is? My big one was When I sold out one on one coaching, that was one of the biggest leaps to me, where I was like, okay, I can't believe I [00:43:30] did it.


[00:43:48] Cat Del Carmen: But I would say last month, I guess it wasn't 30 days. It was like 40 days, but I had a period of 40 days from December to January. I launched a [00:44:00] program and signed some one on one clients and I had a 90K revenue wise, not month fucking hell. Yes. It was like, it was a little more than a month. I think it was like.


[00:44:35] Cat Del Carmen: It's funny. I was at a mastermind last week or the week before, and I was telling my My colleagues, my good, good, good friends. I was telling them like, this is the most money I've ever made. And for some reason I'm not happy. Like I'm not happy about it. And this happens. So to everyone, you'll set a goal and you'll reach it.[00:45:00]


[00:45:37] Cat Del Carmen: And it could be, but the way you feel is something you have to grow into, because the more you receive, you also have to be prepared and you're preparing yourself to receive even more. So I'm in a place right now where I'm really preparing my mind for a million dollars in revenue. And it's not going to happen this year, [00:46:00] probably maybe next year or maybe the year after that.


[00:46:29] Cat Del Carmen: [00:46:30] Am I ready for million dollar client load? Am I ready to lead a million dollar team? Like, those are the things that million dollar earners are really thinking about. Like, sure, the million dollars is great, but it's like, who do I need to be? And a lot of us, and really what I hug myself and give myself compassion for is when really good things happen.


[00:46:59] Leanne: Cause it will [00:47:00] feel unsafe. If you don't do this kind of work, hitting those next levels are going to feel unsafe and you'll retreat.


[00:47:16] Cat Del Carmen: There's a podcast episode about it, but it's such a good episode because there is this intolerance like where we really resist the success because it feels so uncomfortable. Like we're not used to [00:47:30] having all the eyes on us and not used to having like, Things going our way, you know, all the time. And when we actually reach that success, it's pretty mind blowing.


[00:47:57] Cat Del Carmen: I would tell [00:48:00] her, one, you're right about you. All the dreams you have for yourself, all the, the desires of like, you know, You know something's possible for you and you know you can do this and you see that vision.


[00:48:38] Cat Del Carmen: You can do those things. It is all so possible for you. So that's one thing. And then the other side of it, I know this sounds so cliche, but I really want you to trust the process. And I really want you to trust that like, it's not as hard [00:49:00] as you think, but it's harder than you think. Like it's a little bit of both.


[00:49:36] Cat Del Carmen: Because it's so possible. It's so, so possible. One more thing, decide what you want, get clear on what you want, and then let go of the how to get there. That's never going to be in your control. Like, let go of the how. You don't get to control the how. You focus on [00:50:00] getting, like, becoming the person who creates the result, but the how is, like, out of your hands.


[00:50:08] Leanne: Stop being a perfectionist.


[00:50:29] Cat Del Carmen: And then [00:50:30] somehow, something else happened and it's pretty crazy. It happens like that. It


[00:50:39] Cat Del Carmen: book is? Ooh. You know what's so funny is I'm not a huge reader because I was a bad student, like I was telling you earlier. Last year, I read like, I don't know, eight books, which is a lot for me.


[00:51:23] Cat Del Carmen: I'm kind of a business nerd. So it's full of business [00:51:30] stuff that is across the board. So it's like, I'm not taking all of the advice. So for anyone who reads the book, like, don't do all of that. There's pieces of the advice that he gives that can serve you now. And then for some of it, it's going to serve you later in your business.


[00:51:59] Leanne: Yes. [00:52:00] I listened to that on audio. It's brilliant. Fantastic.


[00:52:13] Cat Del Carmen: Actually, he has two books. His name's Steven Pressfield. He has two books that go kind of together. The first one is The War of Art. It basically gets you out of a creative rut. Not the Art of War, that's like a, [00:52:30] another book, but The War of Art. It's such a short read, too. You could do both books in like a day if you wanted, but The War of Art is so good by Stephen Pressby.


[00:53:02] Cat Del Carmen: And that's how he talks about it. He's like, amateurs do this, pros do this. And it's such a good book. Those two are really good too. SG


[00:53:29] Cat Del Carmen: Thank [00:53:30] you. I appreciate being here so much. The best place to find me if you're like feeling my vibe is my podcast. It's called Latinas Booked Out. I'm actually going to change the name soon, which is a crazy decision, but I've just decided on it.


[00:53:47] Cat Del Carmen: Yes. Well, it's not out yet, but I'm going to actually call it my group program name, Show Up Real.


[00:53:54] Leanne: because I just want to, I hope you don't mind me saying this Kat, but even though it's called Latinas [00:54:00] Booked Out, everything that you say, all of your wisdom, it's for everyone, any


[00:54:16] Cat Del Carmen: And although I love the name, I think I'm so excited to go back to something. I wish I could have follow that fear. That was like my favorite name, but I couldn't get the trademark. So it's going to be show up real, which is. [00:54:30] Which means a lot to me, um, that phrase. So that's going to be the podcast name.


[00:54:51] Leanne: you are an absolute powerhouse. Thank you so much for being here and giving us your time.


[00:55:16] Leanne: Head to leannesia. com if you want the show notes and if you are ready to build your rock star coaching business sooner rather than later, come and do my one darling. Just drop me a DM and we will [00:55:30] rendezvous.




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