- The first article, titled “Liposuction is an Effective Treatment for Lipedema – Results of a Study with 25 Patients,” was published in the *Journal of the German Society of Dermatology* in 2010 by a group of surgeons in Germany.
- Their objective in developing and using this questionnaire was to objectively quantify lipedema symptoms before and after liposuction surgery.
- The second article, titled “Translation, Cultural Adaptation, and Validation of the Lipedema Symptomatic Assessment Questionnaire,” was published in the *Brazilian Vascular Journal* in August 2020 by a group of clinicians in Brazil.
- This study aimed to discover the root cause of lipedema and may have identified a potential mechanism.
- Both articles suggest that this questionnaire is easy and fast to use and valuable for understanding and quantifying the severity of symptoms and their changes in response to various treatments.