Hey CEO-
Let me ask you an important question…do you have MARGIN built into your life?
It’s been said that MARGIN is the space between your load and your limits.
Now before you click skip cuz with all that’s on your plate you don’t got time for all you need to do let alone adding in something that feels like a luxury…
Let me just say, MARGIN is not a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have…in fact according to God, it’s a MUST-DO as one of His daughters.
That’s why today we’re not only gonna talk about MARGIN and how it increases your ROI (now I got your attention?), but also how to regularly push pause on the busyness of life + business to make it happen…
And I’ve got the perfect tool to prompt you to do it…as long as you pick it up.
Girl, by the end of this conversation, you’re not only gonna believe MARGIN is possible for YOU, but that it’s necessary if you want to see a good ROI on your time, so lean in cuz I’m about to share with you the WHAT, the WHY and the HOW of creating more margin starting today!
You here for that? Good. Me too.
I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!
Come join the conversation (+ implementation) afterwards inside the REDEEM Her Time Community
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Take the REDEEM Her Time Balance Assessment
Schedule a CEO TIME AUDIT by sending NOVEMBER to me via DM or email lissa@redeemhertime.com
P.S. Watch the REDEEM Your Time Masterclass to shift EVERYTHING about how you approach TIME in both Life + Biz https://redeemhertime.com/masterclass