Artwork for podcast A Lone Traveler's Guide to the Divine
On Ether, Altars, & Creating the Space to Create (Ep. 2 of 6)
Episode 2523rd December 2022 • A Lone Traveler's Guide to the Divine • Amanda Lux
00:00:00 00:33:47

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Welcome dreamers, seekers, empaths, and healers! My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and community for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast, I share teachings, musings, art, poems, songs, and interviews with other amazing humans who walk the healer's path. 

Watch the visual art vlog that accompanies this episode on youtube here!

Episode Summary: 

This is the second episode in a series of six, where I am sharing valuable tips on how to align your energy via the five elements of polarity therapy. In todays episode I am focusing on the ether element or throat chakra and how you can transform your energy using simple techniques and practices.

After a series of profound dreams that continued after I woke up, I was able to dictate this episode (from a waking dream state). So ether! 

In this "transmission" style episode I share:

  • The importance of creative expression for energetic alignment
  • What it feels like to align your energy via the ether element and what it's like when our ether or throat chakra is out of balance
  • How sound or singing can be a profound way to align your energy
  • The power of cleansing your space (inside and out)
  • How altar work is one of the best ways to tend your ether and align your energy in general 
  • How I personally used altar work to manifest one of my favorite jobs ever when I needed it most back in New York City in the 1990's. (Epic).

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Go to to learn more about upcoming classes in polarity therapy and online courses in dreamwork, energy work, soul work, astrology, and more.

  • Check out my art at and buy a painting (or an altar of your own) at
  • Click here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation! 
  • Watch the vlog that accompanies this episode on Youtube where I create my own altar!

Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing, commenting, and sending me your dreams! 

I love to read them. 

Songs used in this episode:

Music from #Uppbeat:

Alone All One theme song by Amanda Lux



[00:00:05] We are the mystery. We are vast containers of potential energy. Where do we wanna direct this?? , at what frequency do we want to be vibrating?


[00:00:28] and we start to feel more connected, more fluid. More expansive, more a part of everything,


[00:00:40] And that's worth cultivating.


[00:00:56] Welcome to a Lone Traveler's Guide to the Divine, a podcast for empaths, healers, seekers, and dreamers. My name is Amanda Lux and I'm the creator of The Elevation Hive School and Community for Energy Medicine and Dreamwork. This is the second episode in this series on how to cultivate and maintain energetic alignment through the elements, and we're gonna be talking about the Ether element or throat chak.


[00:02:00] This episode might feel a little different than the others because it is. It came to me in a series of dreams that seem to continue into my waking consciousness, and I was able to dictate what I was hearing myself say in the dreams, which is a very ether thing considering this element is about our higher self connection.




[00:03:34] I think that We all have the ability to make something artful in life, and some people's art is not art at all, but it's their creative expression, and it's the expression that they're here to share or to bring forward into the physical.


[00:04:30] That is our ticket to our intuition, to our conversation with spirit, with our guides. With our dreams. That's where creativity comes from. It comes from the vast mystery. And when we tap into that, we are working that channel, we're working that line, that line home to ourselves, our higher selves.


[00:05:04] and sometimes it's really difficult to get to a place that feels safe and expansive and roomy enough to actually do a creative endeavor. It takes something to get there, and oftentimes those creative blocks to our expression, our soul's expression, resides elementally in the ether, the throat chakra.


[00:05:58] And that's one of my personal favorite ways to prime that pump and to connect my embodied self with my spirit body and my higher mind to let go of trying to do things right or well. and to just be willing to surrender to the mystery and engage and express. And when I feel blocked from my expression, and you might have felt this before in your own life at some point, whether it was with a creative endeavor or just not being able to fully express yourself in general, maybe it was difficult for you to speak your truth.


[00:07:05] They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.


[00:07:40] In order to believe,


[00:07:59] if we are not able to really listen to our higher knowing and to our soul or we're not allowing ourselves to be fully expressed, it cuts us off from. that expansive, all possibilities exist version of ourselves, and we can feel really small and really stuck.


[00:08:30] and it becomes difficult to stay open and available to what's actually here in the present.


[00:08:48] When our ether element is lacking or blocked or, or challenged or closed down, then we are going to be sitting around waiting for proof before we make a brave move, and we're not going to feel safe expressing ourselves fully. We're not going to take that risk..




[00:09:31] And when our energy is not aligned, we get cut off from vital aspects of ourselves,


[00:09:48] We recreate our old traumas and our old dramas, and we get. In the safe or even unsafe familiar cycles [00:10:00] that don't get us anywhere new,




[00:10:51] You have discernment between the truth of your incredible creative capacity and the disillusionment of your projections. It's easy to let go of needing proof or reason when we're dwelling in that spacious place of higher know ing it's easy to be fully expressed when our ether is flowing. There's this Rumi quote that sums up what it means to leave behind that world of duality and limitation. Embodies that feeling of entering the vast etheric space of all knowingness and beingness and connection and possibility.




[00:12:38] This is that feeling of not being bound to the past or to the future, or to our fears, to our insecurities. It's not about being separate better than good enough, less. , there's no each other. Ether is about possibility and oneness. It's your all access pass to fullest, highest expression without any need for it.


[00:13:22] When I don't feel online and. My epiphanies are nowhere near me. . My muse is hiding in a cave somewhere, living anonymously, ignoring me completely, and I don't even wanna be in my own head. That's when I know that I have to get out of my small self, and I have to find that field of possibility..


[00:14:16] And when we're in that small mind place, we don't believe in our guides and allies. We don't know whether or not there is a higher self.


[00:14:30] And it doesn't always make sense being human,


[00:15:01] And that's the very beginning. That's the very first step. Ether is the first elemental incarnation of our energy body. It's where that higher frequency spirit dust becomes animated and we can actually hear it. We can hear ourselves, and as soon as we can speak, we can call out and we can ask our support to come and be with us to help open the way..


[00:15:58] May the doors and gates and paths be open. and the doors and gates and paths between the worlds and may the doors and gates and paths of those who wish to do us or those we love. Any harm be closed, may it be so.


[00:16:40] As soon as I start pounding my head against the wall, that's when I know I've, I've cut off my access because when that line is open and I have called in my helpers, things flow. Things are miraculous. Synchronicities are miraculously all around.


[00:17:18] having faith. Making believe, trusting yourself and your creative process even when it's messy and slow and awkward, even when life is weird and challenging


[00:17:41] We can live in our truth.


[00:18:26] and interacting with the altar on a regular basis makes it come alive. The elements are alive, and when you engage with your altar through fire and water and earth and air and ether and sound, when you talk to your altar, when you sing to it, it sings back and magic happens.


[00:19:19] I had a really, really small, like pathetic resume, and when I went into my number one choice of places to work, it was this funky little place called the Old Devil Moon. and I just thought it would be the coolest place to work because it was covered in Velvet, Elvises, and , all kinds of amazing kitchy art everywhere.


[00:20:08] I called on my guides and allies and. I sat in a meditative state for what felt like a really long time. I got very expansive. I felt my energy getting taller and taller and taller until I could barely even tell that I had a body. And I remember this so vividly cuz I was in this ecstatic state where I didn't have any more need.


[00:21:04] And so I did. I said, yes, yes, I will be there. And I ran out the door and I was ecstatic. and I went to that job and I worked there for, I don't remember how long, but it was one of the best experiences ever. The people that worked there became like my family. I adored them. The food was amazing. I got to eat for free , which was a big deal because I was really poor and I got this great, you know, work experience


[00:22:01] I just. , I just felt so taken care of


[00:22:30] and it was a really powerful time of my life.


[00:22:33] Altars don't have to be fancy. They don't have to be beautiful or decorated. and there's nobody that can tell you what kind of altar you need or you should have. It's completely a hundred percent up to you in your imagination. You get to make that up. ?


[00:23:04] Maybe they're found objects that you come across on a walk. , maybe you wanna ask them permission. Would they like to come home with you? Would they like to live on your altar for some period of time?


[00:23:52] and that's the role of the ether. It's that gateway. It's the beginning, it's the space holder and the altar is really, in my opinion, that is the ether expression, the altar itself. So if you wanna invoke ether, just have an altar, , make some sound sing..


[00:24:38] right? It's an act of devotion. It's more than just cleaning. It's cleaning with consciousness. Maybe you could call it conscious cleaning , but it's really about clearing out the energy. and you can clear the energy in your body, in your channel, in your whole self [00:25:00] alignment just by decluttering one drawer, one closet, or the space that you inhabit.


[00:25:19] Your house on a symbolic level represents your body, and your body is the physical manifestation of your energy. often in dreams, we can look at our home this way.


[00:25:49] We can change our energy and create more space for flow and alignment. by tending to this physical space of our home in a conscious way. Because the ether element is both the container and the space within. So it's helpful if you wanna change your energy or make more space for self-expression and creativity and connection with your vast self and your intuition to do this.


[00:26:42] and as you're loving the space and the space is loving you, think about your body loving you.


[00:27:15] Not as an extension or reflection or aspect of us. And in order to shift into a non-dualistic perspective and embrace the deepest kind of belonging we can engage in, it's actually helpful to see yourself in everything. It's actually selfless to see yourself in everything and everyone. . It's not self-centered and it's much more responsible and giving.

Just think about how we as a society at large would treat each other differently we often all saw ourselves in one another. we often saw ourselves in every object we encountered in nature as one with the planet and the animals vibrating at the frequency of love. We're not so separate and we're not so solid.

We're frequency based beings made of the five elements, but more than any other element we're made of Ether, your body is 99.9%. Energy space and only 0.1% solid matter, which is why they say in quantum physics that if you took all the space outta your body and all that was left was the solid parts, you would be roughly the size of a speck of dust and all humanity would be about the size of a sugar cube.

We are electrons and protons that are dancing around each other, and most of what we think of as solid is actually energy in motion.


[00:29:21] We are the mystery. We are vast containers of potential energy. Where do we wanna direct? , this at what frequency do we want to be vibrating?


[00:29:44] and we start to feel more connected, more fluid. More expansive, more a part of everything,


[00:29:56] And that's worth cultivating.[00:30:00]


[00:30:06] I encourage you to create a living altar for yourself. to make things up a little more, to just spend some time in make believe


[00:30:28] I invite you to listen to your dreams, to listen to your still small voice, to spend some time laying on that open field, allowing your soul to be wordless to remember yourself. To call all of your pieces home


[00:30:58] and to love your creations.


[00:31:16] and enjoy being manifest. being a spirit in a body.


[00:31:25] Thank you for listening to this episode of a Lone Traveler's Guide to the Divine


[00:32:01] Thank you For commenting, liking, following, subscribing, giving it a thumbs up on the video following the podcast wherever you hear podcasts.

Thank you for participating with your energy for being here. It's such an honor to be in sacred community with you.



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