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443: Manifesting Your Dreams through Belief and Imagination with Meshell Baker
23rd February 2024 • Journey To Mastery • Elzie D. Flenard III
00:00:00 00:36:11

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Meshell Baker, who is a transformational keynote speaker, shares insights on the power of belief, imagination, and gratitude in transforming your life. Meshell delves into how a clear vision and an expansive imagination can help you overcome the hurdles life throws at you.

She also emphasizes the necessity of constantly infusing your mind with your audacious goals, and the priceless feeling of joy when your trust in the universe pays off. This episode isn't about superficial achievements, but about architecting a resilient character that remains joyful and valuable no matter what.

So, tune in to discover how to create a life that's more than just the acquisitions and accolades. Remember, you are invaluable!

Episode Highlights:

26:28 - If you want to master your business and your life, start stepping into the uncomfortable because it is not real. It's an illusion. Fear is not real. Fear is just your mind making up a story based on the historical data of that emotion. If you have a future of wanting success, you have never felt success in this moment. You must train your body to know that fear is success. Success, failure, and mistakes are the opposite sides of the coin.

30:31 - I always tell people to dream big. So, joy comes from satisfaction and fulfillment of a life lived well. Joy is lasting above. Happiness is a temporary emotion. Joy is actually a mindset. And in order to shift your mindset to joy, you must be doing things that give you fulfillment and satisfaction.

31:25 - When you are focused on something that's bigger and greater than you, that you can't see or figure out how you're going to do it, it ignites you from the inside internally. It causes your imagination to start to work in your favor instead of against you. Because that's the only way you're going to fulfill it, is you have to start thinking big and positive, favorable outcomes. Otherwise, you'll never achieve it and it actually helps to elevate your gratitude.

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