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Found Family Stories in Family Twist
Episode 2011th October 2022 • Family Twist: A Podcast Exploring DNA Surprises and Family Secrets • Corey and Kendall Stulce
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Did you ever wonder if your family tree holds secrets that could reshape your identity?

In this enlightening episode of Family Twist, hosts Kendall and Corey Stulce dive deep into their own extraordinary journey of discovering Kendall's biological family, spanning from unforeseen DNA matches to heartwarming reunions. This episode serves as a thrilling opener for season two, setting the stage for more captivating stories of family discoveries.

Found Family Stories in Family Twist

Listeners will gain:

  • A deeper understanding of the emotional and logistical complexities involved in navigating found family dynamics through DNA testing.
  • Insights into how technological tools like DNA testing platforms can unearth hidden family connections, transforming personal histories and identities.
  • Encouragement from real-life stories that highlight the powerful impact of embracing one's found family, which can enrich lives in unexpected ways.

Join Kendall and Corey as they unfold more riveting tales of ancestry and connection in the new season of Family Twist. Tune in to become part of this fascinating exploration into what makes us who we are.

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Corey & Kendall Stulce (:

This is Family Twist, a podcast about astonishing adoption stories and finding family via DNA magic. I'm Kendall. And I'm Corey. And we've been inseparable partners in life since 03, 04, 05, also known as March 4th, 2005. In January 2018, our found family journey took us 3000 miles from the San Francisco Bay Area to New England, where we now live near my biological father, two half siblings and their families.

iblings whom we discovered in:

being adopted as an infant and what it was like growing up with his adoptive parents. And then we kind of teased, I think at the end of the first episode, how we discovered your birth family. Right. Which, um, this is not a spoiler alert anymore, but, uh, we give a lot of credit to ancestry .com because had it not been for that DNA match, I don't know that I ever would have found my biological family.

Right. And so when we decided to do this podcast, we thought, okay, well, let's, let's tell Kendall story and just have it be sort of like a historical significance, you know, for us to kind of, you know, have a, have a record of this journey. But then we realized, well, there are some other people out there that have really interesting stories too. So we had some really remarkable guests in the first season. In fact, we were just commenting to each other this morning that all of our guests have been so good that.

we would have any of them back. You know, not necessarily, doesn't have to be during this season, but just in general, we want to keep up with them. We want to hear more of their story, stories as they unfold. I think most of you will agree that we've happened upon some really interesting stuff. We decided to kick this season off with sort of a recap episode, just kind of...

Corey & Kendall Stulce (:

going back to the very beginning of this first season and kind of taking you through each episode. But we've already recorded several episodes with some really, really interesting guests. I'm very excited for season two. Me too. It probably made a lot of sense that our second episode of season one focused on the very first conversation I ever have with any of my biological family. And that was with my brother, Chris.

He's a great guy. We now live, uh, physically close to them, uh, him and his wife and their kids. And it just made a lot of sense for us to start the story there. Absolutely. Yeah. And, uh, Kendall and Chris really, they get a little bit emotional talking about that, that first encounter. And I, it is sort of surreal just thinking about it. Wasn't that long ago that.

You made that discovery and we first visited and Chris and Karen's three kids were like kids when we first met at the airport. And now they're all in high school. I think they're all taller than us. Well, maybe not Mia. Maybe not Mia, but you know, odds are she'll get taller than I am, but maybe not. So it's just really cool that we've, you know, been able to.

w, I was so fortunate back in:

to San Francisco from St. Louis. And, um, I had some guilt associated with that. I was not only taking, you know, Cory away from his family, but them away from him, you know? So it's, um, but not that Cory, Cory's a good son and a good brother and a good uncle. And he goes back, you know, as often as he can. And which I've wholeheartedly support because it seems like, um, the least I can do for letting him.

Corey & Kendall Stulce (:

You know, move across the country twice with me. Uh, but with that being said, you know, I, back when we moved in 2008 to San Francisco was probably as difficult for me too, because I felt such a strong connection after you're having three and a half years with Corey's family. You know, it felt weird to me to lose those people. Um, I mean, the physical, you know, proximity. So.

You know, I never imagined that I was going to find, you know, nieces and nephews and brothers and sisters and parents. And, you know, so it's been, it's been wonderful. And really for me, as Kendall mentioned, you know, I try to visit as much as possible, but it's about equal distance between San Francisco and St. Louis as it is New England and St. Louis. So it's not like I'm, uh, the flights have gotten longer. Right. Good point.

That's the nice thing about having St. Louis and our, you know, first family be right in smack dab in the middle of the country. Right. Yeah. Sort of the hub. Yeah, exactly. So it was actually Chris who helped, uh, Kendall discover the other side of his birth family, his mother's side. And, uh, we had, uh, on their third episode, the guest was, uh, Kendall's half sister, Stephanie, who.

These two have become just like peas in the pod over the last few years. It's been really wonderful to see that relationship blossom. Right. And just to remind listeners, because I know my family dynamics are confusing. Chris that we just talked about is my father's son. And then Stephanie is the sister that Corey just mentioned is my mother's daughter. So, um, while they, those two know each other now and enjoy each other, it's.

You know, it's interesting because, um, I'm, I flipped right there and started talking about, you know, the second side of my biological family, but Corey is right. Um, I feel really close to four of the six of them. Um, and you know, that's, that's great. Uh, but physically pro with proximity, I'm physically closest to my sister, Monica and my brother, Chris.

Corey & Kendall Stulce (:

And then the sister that Corey just mentioned, Stephanie lives in Arkansas. So not around the corner, but she has been a trooper and has come to see us several times since we found each other in 2017. So nature versus nurture has been a big theme of season one. And I think we'll continue on into season two. And so we really dug into that with a couple of episodes. One of them talking about.

Kendall's three mothers, his adoptive mother, his stepmother, and his birth mother. And just sort of not really comparing and contrasting, but just kind of talking about the whole concept of nature versus nurture and, you know, how that has played out in Kendall's life. Yeah. And, you know, still to this day, people tell me people who knew my adoptive mother, Betty, people will tell me how much, you know, I remind them of her.

And then other people who, who know my stepmother, my adoptive father's second wife, Joyce, um, will often say that she and I seem so similar to. So there's your, your nurture side of the equation, the, the argument, you know, to be made. Um, and then I think I look a little bit like my, my birth mother. Um, and you know, I, I haven't gotten to know her, but.

I'm always curious to hear new stories about, you know, her mannerisms, her, you know, speech pattern, you know, all of those things are really fascinating to me to see how I might be similar to people and her family. Right. And we also did an episode sort of talking about the nature versus nurture side of your two dads, your adoptive father Ruble.

And your first father, Scott, um, who has guested on the, uh, the podcast in a roundabout way. Yeah. Yeah. And, um, just for the listeners, both of my adoptive parents are deceased. So of course, you know, we won't get to, you know, experience their voices except through me. Um, but, uh, and, you know, hopefully other guests who knew them, uh, will, will, um,

Corey & Kendall Stulce (:

agree to be on because I'd love to hear, you know, other people's impressions of the two people that raised me and I feel made me the person that I am today. But two of the three, I want to give due credit to my stepmother, Joyce, um, as well. She was, you know, instrumental, uh, in my upbringing, not only when she married my dad, uh, but also before that, uh, because I've known her all of my life.

And so, um, you know, I called her aunt Joyce before, you know, she was my stepmother. So it's, it's a crazy small town where I'm from, uh, where those things can happen, but she, she was a mighty influence on me as well. For sure. So I think a lot of podcasts probably tend to lean on.

people they know to maybe kick things off. And so we did invite a couple of people that we know to be guests and to share their stories. The first one was a woman who's like another mother to me. And she talked about what it was like to have children and then adopt a child while living overseas in Japan. And it's, um,

Really fascinating, heartbreaking, definitely worth a listen. And yeah, it's, I thank her for really sharing that story. In episode six of season one, we met a woman named Sarah whose story is really interesting, you know, different than mine in that I still believe about myself that as soon as I learned about my birth family, I needed to speak to these people.

You know, I needed to be known. I needed to get to know them. And she's somebody who purposely, you know, took a few years to, to make that, you know, first connection. And I am always, I'm always interested in, in that and how that happens in someone's mind. And her story was really interesting. I sort of understood her approach.

Corey & Kendall Stulce (:

And what she needed for herself to feel emotionally prepared for those meetings. So, um, we really appreciate Sarah. We, we do want to revisit her story and see, you know, what has happened if anything, since we spoke to her last. So we're hoping to get her onto this season as well. Right. She was really just sort of at the beginning of her journey of getting to know, uh, her birth.

So it would be, yeah, once she's had that opportunity to maybe have some in -person meetings, obviously the pandemic has, has, uh, slowed a lot of that for people getting together, you know, in person across the country. But, uh, yeah, we'll definitely check in with Sarah and hopefully have her on this season. Yep. Uh, episode seven of season one was the episode where we introduce you to my local sister, Monica, and, uh, and you.

You get to hear about her and my and Corey's love for Halloween and Halloween's almost upon us again. And so, you know, I love that she and I connect on that level and that Corey and she do as well. And, you know, I just think again, it was fantastic to have within those first seven.

Episodes we had three of my siblings, you know, it's just it warms my heart still that they were all You know available and willing and interested and interesting because they're all you know great people and Very charismatic. I do think on both sides of my family. We have that going on for sure And if we could get the other three on in season two

would happily do so. So we'll work on that. So the next two episodes, it was a two -parter, so eight and nine, I find to be really interesting because of some, the episodes were very polarizing. We had some feedback, people say, oh my gosh, Michelle's story was so raw and she did such a wonderful job of telling it. And she really opened up some about some, you know, some past family wounds. And I've,

Corey & Kendall Stulce (:

heard a couple of people say, Oh, that's my least favorite episode. So, you know, there's gotta be something really interesting in there for it to be people's favorite and for it to be others, let's say not favorite. Well, it could be triggering, right? I mean, you know, um, and I think that's okay. I think that, you know, she spoke her truth and, um, did it eloquently and I don't think she has any misgivings about it. We definitely don't. Um,

You know, we would, we would, uh, open the door for others who felt affected by that story and her family to tell their side of the story as well. Yeah. So, uh, we want this to be friendly, you know, and, um, and helpful. So, but, uh, disclosure, I mean, Michelle is another one of the people that we previously knew before the, uh, before the podcast.

Yes. Um, you know, Michelle is one of our dearest and she now lives in Europe and we're planning to go and visit her next year. And who knows, maybe Kendall and I can visit a couple of spots that pop up in our ancestry and maybe visit, you know, distant relatives. Who knows? Right? Yeah. Maybe that could be an episode for sure. Episode 10, a lot of fun because got to interview, uh, Nick.

who is one of the genealogists from the PBS show, Finding Your Roots. And he was just chock full of really interesting information about just how DNA works and what he does to help people find their roots, essentially. And so, you know, he does it for the show, but he also does it for individuals, just trying to find their families, trying to find some answers.

So the next couple of episodes, I already mentioned a little bit earlier, but that we're really about, you know, Kendall's, uh, two dads and then also me kind of interviewing his dad, Scott, about, you know, how Kendall was conceived. So, um, yeah, that was, that was an interesting conversation. Yeah. And, you know, for those of you who haven't heard those episodes, again, it sort of goes back to that nature versus nurture. Um,

Corey & Kendall Stulce (:

You know, discussion about how similar I am to my adoptive father. And then, you know, the similarities that I've found with me and my dad, Scott, uh, there, you know, he's very laid back. I wish I had a little bit more of him in me. Um, you know, as far as that's concerned, but, uh, just both men are, were, are, and were just very nice guys. So.

You know, uh, w it's wonderful to, you know, compare and contrast and, and, uh, find similarities to, you know, about them. So episode 13, um, I got the chance to talk to two sisters who were united after 48 years. Michelle and Trish were a hoot and a holler. Uh, just after coming together and getting to know each other,

They quickly discovered that they were both, um, love real estate and they would become, um, sister selling Vegas in Las Vegas. And it's kind of become their hook. And, uh, yeah, I just, it's a really fun episode. One of those where it just like, I got chills hearing their story. That happens time and again, though it's, you know, even though I know a little bit about, um, Kendall and I know a little bit about, you know, what we're going to be talking to our guests about.

When you really hear the details, I mean, it's just, it hits home and you know, even if it's, you're not experiencing, you know, if you didn't have a, you know, an adoption or found family in your past, I mean, it's just, there's these stories are really touching. Yeah. And I love things like that, that come to the surface, for instance, like with Michelle and Trish that their children graduated from the high school, the same high school at the same time.

years before they knew it, you know, that the other existed. It's just fantastic and crazy. And I love those things. Episode 15 of season one focused on our guest Stormy, who was a really good storyteller as well as some of our other guests have been. And, um, it's her story was, um, tugged on your heartstrings, but not, not in a way in which she wasn't.

Corey & Kendall Stulce (:

She wasn't garnering pity for herself. She was very pragmatic about what she'd learned, you know, from the things that she'd lived through, but she she'd been in foster care and had been in 28 homes before she found a permanent one. And her story was just really interesting. And, uh, so I, if you haven't listened to that episode, definitely check it out.

Her strength was really inspirational for sure. And I think Stormi, as we mentioned, we want to have some folks back. I think Stormi is definitely one that will be back either in season two or another season. It's hard to say which episodes are really going to explode for people, but for whatever reason, and we haven't figured it out between me and Christina and Eileen, who are the guests, but that is by far our most downloaded episode.

Uh, fighting full sisters after 50 years. And again, this is another one where it's like, it's just a lot of wows, uh, throughout. I think you hear me say wow a lot just because I'm getting hit with these details of just like, I can't believe this happened. Um, but again, two wonderful ladies, um, great to speak to. And you know, they're kind of at the beginning of their family adventure too, after 50 years. So we will definitely check back in with them.

not just because it's the most popular episode. So episode 18 was interesting because I really want to start getting into talking to folks who are these, they call them DNA angels who are helping people find their families. And so Christine has her own wild family story, but she's now helping law enforcement.

uh, get trained to solve cases with DNA, which I think is just really fascinating. Um, she was wonderful to talk to. And then this one, I wasn't even sure if we'd be able to, um, get this interview because this was the, the subject, uh, was, you know, a best -selling book and a, you know, a high profile docu -series. But we were able to talk to a man who, um, searched for his birth father and.

Corey & Kendall Stulce (:

Realized that he may in fact be the Zodiac killer. Um, great, great, great guy to talk to. Yes. Uh, we were very curious to see whether Gary, uh, our guest was going to be able to, you know, talk about things that he talked about either at the book or on the docu -series and he was. So, um, you know, I, we appreciate his candor and his opening up to us.

And, uh, really, really was a very kind and warm guest. Absolutely. And, you know, I think what we've heard and we're not doing this for the, the thanks or anything like that, but a lot of our guests have, have thanked us just for doing this podcast because it's an outlet for not only them to tell their stories, but hopefully to like help others down this path and maybe help others with healing. And so I think, uh, Gary had only done one other interview post, um,

the docu -series and so very, very cool that he was willing to take a chance on us. Absolutely. And too, you know, he is another guest who, whose story isn't complete and you know, who we would like to reconnect with. Absolutely. And so as I mentioned earlier, I think we've already recorded, um, with five guests for season two so far, we've got several more lined up and.

We're also going to continue telling Kendall's story. We're really working on getting some of his family members who might've been a little reluctant to talk to us in the first season, just to let them know that, hey, this isn't a we're not doing a gotcha type show. It's really just trying to flush out this story. I think it'll be really interesting if we can get not only another one of my siblings on, but also cousins and...

my auntie and my uncle and, you know, I would love to have more people just so those of you who actually know me, um, you know, might really get a kick out of, of hearing the voices at least, if not seeing, you know, video of people that are in my biological family. Um, it still warms my heart and I hope it, I hope it speaks to a lot of you. And we are still actively looking for guests, but.

Corey & Kendall Stulce (:

If you know of somebody who has an interesting story, please, please share the podcast with them. Um, share our contact information. We'd love to hear from them. In fact, one of the folks or one of the sets of guests that we interviewed a couple of weeks ago just happened to find us while doing research on how to handle, um, a found family situation and stumbled upon stumbled upon family twist. And it's a great story too. So just, you know, I know that there are a lot of stories out there.

Uh, and we want to share as many of them as possible. So please reach out. Thanks. And thank you for listening, uh, to us. Uh, you know, you can probably tell by our starts and stops and pauses and ums and ahs that, you know, this is not scripted. Uh, that's not our intention. Our intention is to, to really just reach out and, and have people reach out to us. Absolutely. So again, uh, thanks for listening and, uh,

Let us know what you think as season 2 kicks off.

This is the Family Twist podcast hosted by Kendall and Corey Stulce with original music by Cosmic Afterthoughts and produced by Outpost Productions and presented by Savoir Faire Marketing Communications. Have a story you wanna share? Visit FamilyTwistPodcast .com. All our social media links are there as well.




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