What is life pattern hand analysis? Can you accelerate your path to fulfillment by understanding your hand's blueprint?
MEET Brent Bruning
I am a Master Hand Analyst from the International Institute of Hand Analysis. I’ve researched over 20,000 hands to help people understand their talents and work together. This is a profound tool to understand the talents of the board of directors and company managers like I did for Generali Insurance.
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Chris McDonald: This is Holistic Counseling, the podcast for mental health therapists who want to deepen their knowledge of holistic modalities and build their practice with confidence. I'm your host, Chris McDonald, licensed therapist. I am so glad you're here for the journey.
Welcome to today's episode of the Holistic Counseling Podcast. I'm your host, Chris McDonald. Did you know your hands are the compass to your true life calling. In this episode, you learn how your life can be transformed through the power of hand analysis. Brett Bruning is a master hand analyst from the International Institute of Hand Analysis.
He has researched over 20,000 hands. He helps people get clarity, find their true joy, and reconnect with their purpose. Welcome to the podcast,
Brett Bruning: Brent. Thank you, Chris. It's great to be interviewed on this. Subject that I'm so fascinated about and to be able to share this wisdom to readers. I think this is a great audience for this topic and privileged to be able to open this to other people.
Can you tell my
Chris McDonald: a little bit more about yourself
Brett Bruning: and your work? Sure. So, uh, I am a graduate of the International Institute of Hand Analysis. And that's a group that studies people's hands and life patterns in the same way that we study twins separated from birth, that we all are living a life pattern.
And the closer that your hand resembles the patterns of someone else's hands, Because of the way that the nervous system develops, you can see that the same architecture and the same life patterns are shared. And so that has been a foundation of the work from Richard Unger, who has personally read 70,000 People's Hands.
And I was a. Uh, understudy of him for many years, for 14 years, and I was on a mission to try to understand how is he doing this By, uh, getting people that I thought were very remarkable and then putting a hand in front of him and one of his teachers, uh, Pascal Dissel and just to understand, uh, is this real?
And they were able to guess not only that they had a film director, but the kind of films that they were making from the fingerprints and the lines. , and that sounds absurd from somebody who doesn't know what I know, but Right. Yeah. You understand that there's, there is a system to your nervous system and there's a system of the way that you are satisfied and that is broadcast through your nervous system.
And the hands show your nervous system in a very beautiful way. That it's a real, it's a real thing. And I'm not a fortune teller. I, so I'm not a palmist. I know. That's what
Chris McDonald: I, we talked about initially. You looked at my palms and my fingertips and all that. It's like, I was like, well, I don't know. Is this really real?
Or, but I'm so glad you brought that up. Cause I think a lot of people get that in their head. It's like fortune telling,
Brett Bruning: right? Yeah. And you know, there is something to understanding the trajectory of where you're going. Right? So your nervous system does that. So it's reasonable to see that you are, have a trend toward a certain type of life.
I am always of the approach that you can transform that pattern into a life you love. And that's why people are coming to their hands analyzed. It's not because they want their hands analyzed, they want. To transform their life into a life they love. And particularly, this is of interest to counselors and people in the therapeutic practices and coaches that they can see these patterns and then they can go directly to it and be able to go directly into the problem, the root cause of all of it, and then work from there into the underlying feeling.
Person doesn't like and then they can start to blossom in their life.
Chris McDonald: So how can our hands show like emotional and mental patterns? How does that
Brett Bruning: show up? Well, it shows up biologically through a hereditary ancestral pattern and. What happens is, is that we have both genetics and we have epigenetics, which is kind of the software overlying, uh, lifetime of experience that is then bidding, ingrained within our nervous system, and that ultimately gets embedded into us as we end into our offspring.
So when I'm reading your fingerprints, I'm actually looking. A history, a transgenerational history, including transgenerational trauma that is seen through certain fingerprint patterns that show, wow, there's something that was very difficult within this family and. There is a, a wave by the shape of the hand that I can see the person is having a, an approach to that problem and they're bringing in a certain level of skills.
And you'll see that overall. You'll start to recognize that these patterns are something of a soul pattern and they show something that we're here to do a life purpose, which sounds like fighting words if you are a scientist. More and more of the scientific community is becoming, getting on board that your neurological system is also a spiritual system and it is there to inform you of the right path that feels good for you.
and allows you to have fulfillment just by looking at the major channels that I see you're good at.
Chris McDonald: No, I was fascinated when we went over my hand analysis and you were saying all these things that were so true of me. I was like, how does he know that , how is this really true? This is so cool. But yeah, cuz I know you, you mentioned some trauma in my background and how I really needed grounding growing up and, and that was just right on.
It's almost, Mind boggling how much you can see into the patterns on the
Brett Bruning: hands. Yeah. What from our hand analysis session, uh, we talked a lot about the fact that you have a fingerprint pattern. Yes. In of, of tented arches, which is a. Kind of an upside down T formation that you see in the index fingers and in the middle fingers.
And when you see people who have such a fingerprint pattern, there is a pattern that you notice that they are here to be wisdom leaders. And they need a lot of novelty and they need to understand more and more about new information coming in. So I wouldn't doubt for a second that a good, even though this is a very rare fingerprint, maybe only 1% of the uh, population has tented arches.
and you have three of them. Oh, wow. .
Chris McDonald: I'm
Brett Bruning: an individual. , yeah. Your unicorn criteria. But I would, I wouldn't doubt that many of your listeners have tinted arches. Yeah. And have to look at your middle of your, of your finger and see, well, is there, is there a line that comes in there and is it upside down? And that also.
Brings a whole level of understanding to how your nervous system works. Are you an anxious person? Are you more excited? Lieutenant Arch people definitely are. And so there's a need to grow up through needing more and more information and analysis just because of where that is and because yours happen to be in the area of directing and uh, which is the same system in your index finger.
Which is the area that you point to, which is a, as looking at areas that are 400 million years old, a body language that was carried through and said, I want that. I need to direct that. And that's before we develop language. So it's the same system and you have an excitement in that region. And so you can start to, uh, combine just those, that area and go, wow, this is somebody who is after the human potential.
And then you start to go deeper into the other fingerprints. You go, wow. You know, once some people have just waves all over their fingers. , and there you have a story about love. Well, you have 'em both. So your story is about emotional risk and wisdom, and now you can start to see that the way that I start describing your life pattern.
Has a soul pattern in it. And either you're living that pattern or you're not. And when people live the pattern that's shown in their fingerprints, they don't need any outside things to make them feel good. It's a natural way that your body shows, uh, health. And wellbeing, and it produces serotonin and dopamine naturally in the way that you find balance in what I show you is in your fingerprints, and then we look at the hands and we can see your gifts, and then when you combine that you have a beautiful life ahead of you.
Chris McDonald: that's wonderful. Yeah. And I know I never thought about, you know, when you said take the pictures of the hand and send 'em to you. That there were actual, those, those lines in our fingerprints actually are there for a reason and, and tells our story.
Brett Bruning: Yeah. So most people of are under a very false notion that was developed around in the seventies, sixties, that your hands and the lines that are in the, in their formed by crease markers not true, not.
So it is, these lines are developed as a mirror of your nervous system, and it's very easy to see this. Probably the most obvious notion is, you know, doctors today know this. If you look at a baby that's born and they have what is called a simian crease, where there's a horizontal line or there's two horizontal lines, if you look at, look at the bottom of your, uh, hand.
And you'll see that there's a vertical line going up, and then there's two horizontal lines up at the top of your. That's the, the top one is called the heartline, and the middle one is the headline. And when those get conjoined, you have a crease called the Simeon crease, and that means that there's radical thinking in that individual.
The heart and the way that the heart system, the emotional system, and the mental system as the baby was developed, were conjoined growing at the same time. And so you end up having 50% of them. Being in Down syndrome. That doesn't mean if you have that combination where they're conjoined, that you have Down syndrome, but 50% of Down Syndrome people have that semi increase, and the others just think of life in the tunnel.
And they just don't let go When they have a problem, they just go, go, go, go, and they, and they'll go through like a train through the mountain until they get to the other side. It's being used today, and so it's just not being used. It's being used in a very limited way. As a hand analyst, I've studied every square millimeter of your hand that can tell you exactly what every tiny little line is of an expression.
And the main thing that you. Are born with is those three main lines, and you have that heartline that shows a at the very top. The bigger that thing is, like yours goes, reaches all the way up to the index finger shows a very compassionate nature. Well, what happens if you're not in a story where you get to be compassionate?
You start to get very disconnected and that hurts you more than other people who may have a shorter heartline that ends below their middle finger. And there's a lot of variations in that. And the same thing, you can look at the headline, which is formed. Uh, the middle line is formed when you have your frontal cortex later on in the fetus development.
And if someone likes to be brainy and think about and research, that headline gets really long. And if that lifeline, that one that goes right around the thumb is really round. And you can see across the room where, what that line being very thick without any pit. Anything you just see as somebody who's super anchored in their body, that's the first line that develops before you even have tendons to bend your hand.
So these lines are mirroring your brain and they are showing how you think, feel, and be. And when you understand that you're looking at your entire operating system as well as why that creates a pattern. You happen to have a very short lifeline. And some people with that have a very spontaneous nature and they have like ants in their pants.
They wanna just go, go, go, go, go. But if you go into a gym and you look. All the people that have been there in that gym for a long time, they have, and they're just body focused. They have this big life lining that reaches all the way around to the bottom of the palm and you can see it across the room.
Those people are anchored and they're using the system of their body and using weight and feeling good, and the physical physiological response. That is being broadcast there, and they're constantly in tune with that, whereas some people don't think about their body until Saturday. So Right. that, that's, that is the how you process things, uh, physiologically.
And you can see, well, if there's bits and difficulties there and it's done in a sequence, you can actually see around that, the timing when you started develop those difficulties. So you can just easily pick up on the system and you can look at your client's. and you can see, well, okay, we do have an issue here around, and you start to develop a very advanced knowledge about what, what each of those pits mean.
Yeah. This is
Chris McDonald: all new to me cuz I hadn't heard of this institute where you learned all this and, and I'm just thinking about clients, like you said, I wonder. What's going on with their hands? like, it's like it brings up that curiosity. And, and I wonder if they're, you know, a lot of people are needing counseling cuz they're not on their sole path.
Right? They're not living their purpose and, and they feel that disconnect. And I'm sure that's what you've seen from some of the people you've helped as well. .
Brett Bruning: Yeah. So I use a system that Carl Young used, uh, called the shadow side, right? So I guess you know what the shadow is. Yeah, yeah. It's in, it's in the unconscious area as opposed to the conscious area.
Now, the way that I would try to explain this, so to, to answer your question about how people find soul fulfillment working through, uh, these processes here with me is that I want you to imagine your most amazing. So you, you, you were feeling relaxed, you're feeling nourishing. You're patient with your kids, , you're feeling a sense of order in your life.
You're questioning and you're enlightened. And so learning Day could write a, a novel from everything that happened around meaning that day, and you feel spiritually connected. You're in your heart, in your emotions, you're feeling romantic, even psychic and serendipity is happening in your. You're in a happy state of flow and you're feeling sharp and you're feeling like you're in action and engaged.
Right? So that that experience is what a lot of people have to wait until they go on vacation to find right. , and that is a feeling of your entire nervous system in the way that I I language it just now being turned on. Nothing's in the shadow there. You're just feeling good. That's a good day. Okay. And, and so gradually as we run into stressors in our life and roles that we play, uh, and trauma.
That begins to envelope the system, you gradually start to lose connection to the different aspects of your body, of your mind, of your spirit and your soul. And as you start to disassociate because of the painful experiences that happen, Then those areas are still there. They're still in your nervous system, but you are not accessing them simply because you don't like the feeling that you have when you go into that area.
And as a result, you get anxious and your brain is amazing in putting an electric fence around it. So as we get closer and closer to, for example, the areas of your family and you start to realize you have difficulties in that area, then. You start moving into the sympathetic system, or you start to get more agitated and then you go, well, this is not what I wanna do.
But that's usually because of a trauma, and that area then gets stored within your body, and as it does, you start to disassociate from that. And then you create a big story about why you're doing that, and now you've got a reason and you're waking up every day with a reason instead of feeling good. And so gradually people shut down.
And what happens is to the degree that they do that, you're now having to divert resources that are vital to your happiness. To your wellbeing that help fight disease, to help supply your immune system and your, your sense of glow on your face, all that gets diverted and you can see it on somebody's face.
Wow. You are not having a good day. Right? Well, your hands do the same thing and as, and you, they start to show patterns of shutdown. And as you are stuck in that area, the based on the hand type that you have, you begin to behave in a way, in a shadowy way or a thrown way. , and especially if you have the amygdala hijacking where you end up feeling so on fire and your fuse is broken, and then you act a certain way and people act differently when they're under a hijacked, victimized state.
But in either case, when you can, I can show you how you act and what is triggering it and how to transform that trigger, whether it's because. The narcissist relationship that you're in, or you can't say no, or you're worrying about money or you're feeling isolated, all those things. When you can see that in that, after a while, this starts to get ingrained in your hand, and I can show you how to go back into that system and open it up, you get your life back or you stay in.
If you don't shift out of it, and that's called the shadow pattern. And you go into that for years of psychotherapy and you talk about it and you try to fix yourself and you take classes and research and all of that, and that's doing not a lot because of the way that that trauma is stored. It's not in your brain and it's not in your story, and no new distinctions are going to be able to get you out.
It's out of a deep, deep wounding that goes within the ssro and fosia tissue. And when you can, I can show you how to access it, how to feel it, and how to break through it. Then you'll see that these people that go through that process look amazing afterwards. And it's like they just had got back from Hawaii.
and this is only happening within about four hours. And so there's a, you're accelerating an incredible amount of healing just by knowing the map and your
Chris McDonald: blueprint. And I love the pictures that you have that you showed me with, um, all the different people before and then after the shift that you do.
It's just phenomenal.
Brett Bruning: Yeah. Most of those people were o in just one. There was just a couple that I showed you that were from another, and so I'm working with these transformations month to month to month, and it looks like they're growing about seven to 10 years younger. And I don't wanna make any statements because I haven't done enough testing around de Methylization and, and, and about, you know, the age whether I'm actually seeing that, but Totally.
I'm seeing that people. Are saying, and they're seeing in themselves a younger version of who they are, and the way that you can explain that is that stress ages you. and the longer that you're in a stress pattern, you start to accelerate your age. Well, the reverse is true. When I can show you what stresses you out, specifically what is your trigger, and then have you stand on top of that trigger until you're no longer stressed out.
and you find that it's safe still, and that means that I can just show you and that how to go through the process so you don't get triggered anymore. Then you're gonna be relieving an immense amount of the difficulty and suffering you're having in your life. You don't need the drugs, you don't need to reup, uptake, whatever, you know, antidepressants.
You don't need any of that in order to find your place. And that's fighting words for a lot of people, especially in the business, uh, of, uh, delivering, um, uh, a fast medication for somebody because you don't know about trauma that. Many, many people who come to me have such a difficulty and they kick it the next day.
And so there are people that don't have any medical issues. They're just doing it because they want to find the best version of themselves. They wanna find their life purpose. They wanna know what their life lesson is, that if they restore a sense of virtue in that area, their life feels so much. And then their relationships get better.
So those before, after photos are people that, for the most part have only gone through a four hour process with me, and they are already seeing, oh my God, that feels like nirvana here. Uh, I can see the same triggers and I can see everything that's happened using a process of a trauma board and uh, a shadow board of outlining the imagery that is around that particular area so that you can process it.
And when you push through, Then what opens is. And you feel, oh, I got my soul back, got my feel. I can feel again. I, I, I feel on fire. I'm so motivated. I'm feeling creative. I'm feeling good in my body. Again, I don't need the back pain medication. And what I am seeing now that I've been working with this process for now, six years since we started this shift process, is that these patterns that you're having and these difficulties are inherited patterns.
And when you can see these pattern. Going all the way upstream from grandma and grandpa. You'll see that a lot of what's happening was even before you were born and you are being born into a biological river, going downstream. Anyone born in your family will have a lot of this anxiousness or difficulty.
And when I can show you that and show you exactly where that's showing in the hand and how to feel, Then feelings are meant to flow, and then you, you'll flow through that area instead of blocking it with your mind, and your mind's amazing at protecting yourself. And so when you can flow through that, then you're letting go of the mind's answer for everything and moving into a more trusting state of flow.
And that causes a lot of nourishment for your body, mind, and. And that's what causes people to then go in and have a whole new lease on life. And there's people that, yeah. Sounds like healing.
Chris McDonald: Yeah. It's a big healing. Yeah. So it's like trusting the flow. I like that visual too, of like a river flowing and we all get these blocks and, and you said, would you say electric fence around some of these difficult emotions and.
Brett Bruning: Yeah, the, the mind is creating a story, it's a meaning-making machine, right? That is, that is only a recent development. They, as you know, you've got the mid-brain, the limbic system that is producing, you know, it has a penal gland that's producing serotonin, dopamine, and melatonin. And then you have the amygdala and that's like, A very stimulated area to get switched on and alert.
And when either one of those guys gets too much, they go, if you, if you go too much into the parasympathetic system or you go too much in the sympathetic and amygdala hijacking. So these areas get, uh, ultimately, uh, start, guide, get, get into a code. It's almost like your body starts to do things. That are rote.
That are habitual because if you do anything for 28 days, then it becomes a habit. So these areas, these stress responses are habitual, which means that all I have to do is just trigger you and you're off to the races. So if I can show you how much that is creating a habit in you, and then show you the how to feel it, instead of going off to the races, then something very deeply compassionate begins to transform the entire system.
And you're back to a place of not being a cartoon version of. or being, you know, hijacked, you're just in a place of fullness, so you're not a personality type when you're in a full. You are when you are triggered, when anytime you're in a type of something, you're in a shadow state. So there's a lot of, um, disagreement I have around the psychometric tests and, and the things that characterize us as human beings that we all seem to be.
And if we just take a, a online questionnaire, Give or take, that's us. But I would say that's you when you're under stress. But when you are in a place of creativity, fun, joy, love, there's no type there. You're just having experience and so is everyone else of love and joy, and that is in, that is a place you can access.
And when you get to put a number to that, then you can. . All right. That's the place. I'm there, there on the weekends, but not a lot in the relationship I'm in. And so you can say, well then how much is that of your life? Well, I'd say I've been there 20% rest. I've been on like autopilot because I'm using the au.
I'm just going autopilot, running through the same system over and over and over. It gets rote and so, and the deep grooves in the brain. Right, exactly. and then they just, then you're just running unconscious patterns, and so that area could be running your life 80% of the time, and in that case, you're not getting a lot of fulfillment.
You're in a fixed mindset, and so that means that no amount of meaning is happening to you when you're in that place and. So when you're in a place where you're doing things over and over and you've been in a relationship for 15 years, you're not growing. You're still dealing with the same difficulties in yourself that what you had seven years ago or 15 years ago, that's all that ingrained.
Area when you can put a percentage to that and say, wow, I've been there 80%. Well then it's not going to be magical thinking to see that you're probably gonna be there 80% more next week or the next 10 years until you do something about it. And that's the part that people don't like to see. Of course, and I'm not trying to be Debbie Downer here, but I'm trying to tell you.
It's a, it's just a natural thing that the body does. It stores these responses. Now, there's nothing wrong with, its automatic way of functioning, right? So most automatic behaviors that you have are bringing you eventually toward closeness and connection and fun. But when you have a trauma, It brings you away from connection, so you have a lot of automatic patterns that make you isolated, that make you feel frustrated, that give you, bring you back more closer to laziness or restriction or over rationalization.
Or impulsivity or chaos, awkwardness or helplessness, or ultimately a monotonous place, and those are how you suffer. And then you do need the drugs. If you don't know how to shift this, then you do look for things outside to find a way to medicate yourself. But if I was to show you how to break through this system in just a very short.
You would, you would sell all the self-help books that you have and all of the therapy and all the rightness about the different approaches. Not to say that they're not valid for people that are already in the shadow, but I can tell you there's a root cause that's seen in the hands. But when you find it, you'll find that you're living a life.
That feels so fulfilling and you just go closer to a place of, I would say enlightenment, but I'm not trying to create a fantasy for you. You're still doing your taxes here. You're still engaging in life. , you're just feeling good about it. And that is a system that when you're 80% in your vision, rather in your shadow, you're in a growth mindset, you're on fire and you know you don't have to go to Hawaii to have that.
You can just understand the system,
Chris McDonald: right? Mm-hmm. , I know you talked about H shape, that there's different kinds of H shapes, so can you talk a little bit about that and what that reveals about people?
Brett Bruning: Yeah, so if you look at your kids' hands at around, you know, at birth, you'll see that most kids have roughly the same type of.
They're big square and pudgy. Not always. There's usually some, some advanced work there, but most kids have a, a very soft hand and it's square. and they're putting everything in their mouth and they're just sensing the world. And some people stay there for a lifetime, , and they, they end up having these big square hands and they're very basic and support other people and accepting, and they're very kinesthetic and they're tactile.
We call those earth hands cuz they're very down to earth people. They tend to have a very square, heavier body and they tend to think more from their. And they, they follow their gut instincts. So no matter what I tell 'em about hand analysis, if their gut says it's the right thing to do, that's why they sign up.
In another group, you'll have some people with really, really long fingers in the long palm, right? So if you imagine the hand sh uh, fitting in a shoe box, those people, which are, by the way I should mention this best hand is probably developed around, uh, four to six years old, and it doesn't really change that much throughout your.
It can, but it doesn't, unless you do like a hormone replacement therapy like Caitlin Jenner, you know, your hand's not gonna change that much because you're, it's a, it's a replication of the part of your brain that you're using the most. So the people that are really cerebral, And like to be right and like to be teachers and in higher education, just look at their hands.
You're gonna see very, very long fingers, long palm. You can have of course crosses between those. So you can have like a broader version of that. And that makes more of an expert in that field because they like to have evidence, earthy evidence. As opposed to air intellectual. So we, we begin to start making, uh, combinations that way until we arrive at 16 main types.
Right? The other types that I'm not mentioning are the fire and water fire people have, some people have a lot of crazy lines on their hands and. They don't bend their hands more than a farmer does. They're just more, uh, neurotic and excitable and intense and creative. And they have, they tend to have short fingers and crazier lines, uh, tend to evoke an irregular handshake.
And these people have a much more individualistic nature, right? So you take somebody like Snoop Dogg who has a fiery hand, and there's, it looks like a cob. Electricity went all. . And in fact, it's not so far from the truth. If you take somebody who has a normal hand, like a air hand with soft hands, and you take 'em through three months of electric shock therapy, you're gonna find Snoop Dogg's hand, right?
Temporarily anyway. And so there's a, uh, the person who has a lot of crazy, uh, lines tends to have a lot of craziness in their life. And there you can also locate that craziness in the different regions of the palm. Uh, that's another story. Moving on over to the slender hands. Well, Models and people that are on every magazine cover tend to have very slender hands if you look at 'em.
And they, they're very soft and they're, they're getting their needs met by being beautiful and just showing up, not by their wit, not by their, uh, what they can do for you, like their earth guys, and practical. And they're not necessarily intensely creative. Just soft, beautiful, great at modeling, great at going into being perfume sailing and connecting with people and having relationships, and so that that brings out a more feminine nature.
So just by that notion, you're already starting to see some people are more in their soul. Some people are highly spirited, some people are more in their body, and some people are more in their mind. And when you combine these. Four main H shapes like I do in my book, the Power in Your Hands, and I show you what does it look like when you have a fire water hand, meaning somebody with that has a hand that's shaped like Snoop Dogg with really short fingers and an irregular hand, but is super soft.
We have somebody who is. Really spontaneous, like, uh, uh, Gwen Gwen Stefani that are very individualistic, but they're also emotional. So there's, Gwen Stefani is not like Kendall Jenner, who's purely water based. Right. You have somebody who is a lot more assertive because of her fire, and now you take somebody with short fingers with a broad palm, well, you have somebody like who's got a fiery nature but is very down to earth and and basic, right?
So now you have somebody like Donald Trump or Vladimir Putin, or Hugo Chavez. Hillary Clinton, you know, they all have this one thing in common, right? They, they like to stay in control and so, but they, they, you start to see just from the handshake, the basic needs and powers that they have, you know, and you take somebody like Heath Ledger and you know, somebody who has a very long or David Bowie and you have long fingers and they're starting to get more feminine in their nature, then they're gonna be great at acting and great at songwriting, and they're much more express.
So they have a different power. I just
Chris McDonald: wonder, do the handshake of therapists, is that gonna be similar to each other? I wonder if we're similar.
Brett Bruning: Totally. Yeah. Therapists all are all long fingers, long palms, and they're, they love new ideas and they tend to have some crazy lines all over their hands. That's a fire they, so they need to have, um, A lot, they have hot ideas, right?
They're ideas because of the long poems, but they got crazy lines because they love transformation. They love changing and seeing the result of their work is not just knowledge, but they're seeing an impact and a transformation in their clients.
Chris McDonald: And I love how you said that. Mine shows a strong body intuition.
Because that's not something I've always tuned into since I became certified in yoga, which is more about changing the nervous system. It's not fit yoga that I've really developed that and helped clients to tune into bodily sensations as well. So from what you said, it sounds like those lines on your hands can change over time based on
Brett Bruning: experiences.
Yeah. So that's where, as I was mentioning, you can look at trauma and you can see where the Perth were a very big difficulty as well. Not everything's traumatic in the hand. You, you, some people are very goal oriented and I can see, wow, you know, early on you were the best figure skater. You know, may I see figure skating, but I can see, wow, you're really ambitious.
And then another ambition and another line of ambition because you're using the, uh, the as the energy and the vertical lines, pretty much all the vertical lines are forward energy. And so each one of those fingers, uh, has a root. Different experiences channel into different areas of your hand, and so you can think of it in simply simple terms that you have the sympathetic system going more toward the index finger and the thumb and the parasympathetic and the vagus nerve going more to the ring finger and the pinky.
And so when you're looking at the lines underneath there, you're really looking, looking at a different expression between a relaxed state versus a more conscious state. And then you start to go deeper within the hand into the area under the palm, and you start to get into the rest and digest area. And then that's the unconscious area.
And then you go toward the outside of, uh, the palm, the karate chop portion of that, and you. People that need to go into a subjective, reflective world. And so I wouldn't doubt that a lot of the people listening right now have a really nice region in that area. The, the Greeks called that the moon region.
It's when you go into the theta state where you go into access the a, a deeper picture and you're one with everything as opposed to the index finger. On this opposite side, which shows I need to direct and to express your desire because we as a baby, you do that naturally. You point with the index finger.
You don't point with your ring finger or your pinky, you point with the index, you manipulate with your thumb and index finger, and the thumb is about control and opposition. And so you're looking at a different set of, uh, neurochemical responses that are channeling up there than, than you are the pinky, which is more about connect.
And the ring finger all about creativity. And the middle finger who's, who's balancing both the parasympathetic and sympathetic it's regulating. And so that's the Saturn finger is what the Greeks called it today, area of regulation time structure. And so that area, uh, is creating a sense of balance and some people don't have a lot of taste for that area anymore than they like paying their taxes and.
You know, eating Brussels sprouts, that's an area that they just don't have a taste for, and as a result they get a compression and or difficulties and boxes in the lines in the hand, or they even have a compressed fingerprint in that
Chris McDonald: area. That's also fascinating. I'm like looking at my hand too as you're talking, so I was like, huh, I wonder my karate chop area is that, do I have a lot of lines there?
That's so cool.
Brett Bruning: Yeah, you, you have a, you have some horizontal lines there, which means that you're escaping in that area. You're going in a lot of reflect. Yes. Nothing's necessarily wrong with that. But if I take the client that I just had, um, um, a minute before this podcast, it was, I'm looking at somebody highly addictive.
And so what happens is that, and next to the thumb, let's go back to the sympathetic system, next to the thumb and the index finger where you hold a hammer. They, the Greeks called that region, the Mars region. Aristotle was writing about. And that is an area where you have a lot of, uh, lines come out of that, uh, region.
And that means you're a human being. Welcome is stressful on earth sometimes. Yes. And so definitely that is the cortisol response. That's the adrenaline response. Right. In her case though, I mean, you look at it and you could see that her hands was just riddled. Challenge markers from that area. So, wow. Why, why is she so frustrated in wrestling with herself?
And then you see and look on the opposite side, and you see, uh, a big line, a big horizontal line that is as thicker than the heart line, and it's just a big horizontal line. You can't bend your hands in, in that area. So what what she's doing is she's going into escape. An escape, escape, escape. Oh. , and so here's somebody super challenged and then she escapes and then super challenged and escapes so.
as soon as she's out of the moon region, out of the subconscious, either she did that with drugs and then she goes back to life. It's just a big amount of aggravation and difficulties. And then I look in the fingerprint and go, what's triggering you? Oh, this the area of regulation in the middle finger.
You have a compressed fingerprint there that says I'm not enough to be valued to be. Have security, so you've got so much insecurity in this area. And you'd feel like in this case that she wanted to rescue her partner all the time and never, nobody could really respect and honor her. And, uh, you just go back and go, where was your need for safety?
What was your relationship to responsibility and accountability? And then you can see there that at that start of her headline and lifeline at the at where the thumb starts, you can see a lot of bubbles. And bubbles are trouble. And I can start to see, okay, the trouble there is because of this pattern there.
And that's when she developed it. And that's when she started wrestling with addiction. Now, did I break her through? You bet. You totally break her through that. It just
Chris McDonald: reminds me of a whole new world, right, that I never thought , just from hand analysis. All that you can see, and I really appreciate.
Everything you've been sharing today is just so much underlying stuff that I think therapists listening are just gonna be like, wow, this is awesome.
Brett Bruning: Yeah. It's a, it's a world. It's a world. That's a little bit, yeah. Uh, then demoted to the scientific eye because how dare I read a hand? Yeah. Well, you know, I had to go through this for years.
I don't go through it, but when I first started, it's like you're reading hands and you've read 20,000 hands and you what a waste of time. To me, I've un unlocked, you know, or rather illustrated mm-hmm. a pattern that has been known by half a million people. And that means that those half a million people have gone through the institute of hand now and seen this pattern that I've taken more of a take, uh, of how to transform it.
And that's been my mission over the last 14.
Chris McDonald: What's the best way for listeners to find more about you and to learn more about what you're
Brett Bruning: doing? Yeah, so the easiest thing is just get your hands analyzed, right? So it's only a two, four process and, and so you would go to my site, the power in your hands.com, the power in your hands.com, and you'll see that there's, you can sign up for a family hand reading or you can just a partner or.
and in two hours we would discuss, obviously your fingerprints. We'd talk about what your soul wants. We'd like look at what your, how you are in a relationship, what is uh, what are some of the characteristically big talents you must express for you to feel alive, touched, movement, inspired. And then how does this combine into a really amazing.
and then what is blocking you from that? What do you hear to learn? So there we're moving into the more shadow. Of, you know, the areas where you are traditionally neglecting based on what I see in the hand, you're not, you know, you're not Jesus. So you're gonna have some things that are, you're gonna traditionally avoid, whether it's relationship topic or a confrontation, or being the feminine person or working out, tell mean, all those things are, are, are seen in a very precise way in the.
So I would show you that area, and then I would also have you look at what would it be if you were to break through.
Chris McDonald: And you got a discount code too, right?
Brett Bruning: Yes. Uh, for, we set this up for your listeners that, uh, if you used the word holistic, so when you book, you can type in H O L I S T I C, holistic,
Chris McDonald: and we'll put that in the show notes as well.
Brett Bruning: And just, you just apply this coupon code, or I think it's called the promo. , and then you're, you're off to the races. What you do is you, when you book, you're gonna get access to my calendar, and then you'll have two hours with me. And before that, just to show you that I'm not researching you or anything, you send me photos of your hands, I create a diagram and I send it to you before the reading.
That way you can look at it and you can see. All right, now I have to explain and justify it. So I'll be referring to my book, the Power in Your Hands, and we'll be going page by page of some remarkable people who share your hands so that you can identify and celebrate yourself and to hopefully have a big upright just from that session.
Chris McDonald: Perfect. Well, thank you so much for coming on to the Holistic Counseling Podcast,
Brett Bruning: Brent. Well, it was great reading your hands. Thank you. And I appreciate all the people. Uh, wanna know what, what, uh, Kris's big talent, obviously is the area of fascinating and illuminating people. Why? Because she has long fingers and a slightly broader palm though.
So that's the natural body wisdom. So she's illuminating people with body wisdom, and she has a compassionate heart and a really kind way of connecting people and opening their.
Chris McDonald: Oh, and I appreciate that. And I wanna thank my listeners for tuning in today. Have you gotten my free nine part email course yet called Becoming a Holistic Counselor?
If not, go to holistic counseling podcast.com today and sign up. You don't wanna miss out. And this is Chris McDonald's sending each one of you much light in love. Till next time, take care. Thank you for listening and supporting the Holistic Counseling podcast. Are you ready to take the next step to create a holistic practice?
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