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Put Your Growth Mindset to Action
Episode 3719th September 2023 • Lead with Culture • Kate Volman
00:00:00 00:11:17

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How intentional are you about taking action on the things that you’ve learned?”

Enriching your mind is essential to growth. But are you actually doing anything with all the knowledge you acquire? So many people feel frustrated about how, despite all the books, podcasts, and talks they’ve consumed, they’re still feeling stuck.

In this episode of Lead with Culture, Kate Volman, CEO of Floyd Consulting, poses a challenge: Take that next step. Make a move. It might be uncomfortable, but it’ll be worth it. Listen to discover how falling forward might just be what you lack in your growth journey.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  1. When you feel like your growth has reached a plateau, it might mean you’re avoiding taking the next step
  2. No amount of educational content will replace real world experience
  3. Discomfort doesn’t mean something is bad for you - to expand your comfort zone, you need to step outside of it

Things to listen for:

[02:02] Why failure is both vital and compelling

[03:36] The Dream Manager personal rating system

[04:50] Kate’s personal story of growth

[06:36] Finding areas of your life to grow in

[08:41] Kate’s challenge for you


Connect with the Host & Floyd Coaching:



Of what's next. We're not quite sure what's on the other side, but that's where the growth happens. This is lead with culture. I'm Kate Vollman, and on this episode we're talking about having a growth mindset. Which is a great thing, having a growth mindset. We wanna grow and get better. You're listening to this podcast which means you have a growth mindset. You wanna continuously improve your leadership journey, which is amazing, but sometimes,

personal development can be a trap. And what I mean by that is that we can sometimes get so caught up and focused on always needing to learn more. Listening to the next podcast, the next video, reading the next book, that we forget, the most important part of our personal growth journey, which is taking action and what that means.

and how that's the only way that's gonna drive progress. And as human beings, that's what we love. We love making progress in our lives. And so that's what we talk about in this episode. I hope you enjoy it.

we're going to talk about how to challenge your growth mindset by taking action to unleash your full potential. Okay. What does that mean? You probably have a growth mindset. you are most likely someone who is. reading great books, listening to podcasts, you're learning, you're growing, you want to grow, you want to develop.

And that is a beautiful thing, Having that growth mindset where we want to continue to learn and grow is awesome. However, what happens is we can get so stuck in development and learning. we can watch all the YouTube videos, go to all the webinars, listen to all the podcasts and just consume, all of this information.

But if we're not doing anything with the information. What are we doing? We're stuck in that growth mindset instead of taking action. We actually have to take action on what we're learning. after we go to that webinar, after we watch that video, after we listen to that podcast, how intentional are you about taking action on the things that you've learned?

Are you implementing those ideas that you've learned? Cause it's one thing to have the knowledge in your head To know what we should be doing versus actually doing what we know we should be doing. Only by doing the work do we get the results. Only by doing the work do we really see that growth and improvement.

That's where we get stuck. I think so often in this personal development world, we are almost addicted to learning. We're addicted to reading the next great book, to listening to that great podcast, but then we get scared to actually implement. We don't want to fail. We don't want to look stupid.

We don't want to do it wrong. We don't want to mess up. We don't want to make a mistake, but It's in the doing that we learn, that we grow, that we really develop. this is why we love stories. This is why we love listening to other entrepreneurs and other business owners and other professionals that are out there that are doing great work.

We love listening to their stories. Why? Because they tell us the times that they fail. They tell us the times that they made a decision and it didn't work out, and it was so painful while they were going through the process, but they kept going. So that growth mindset is needed because the only way to keep going is to say, okay, this is where I am.

This is where I want to go. I need to learn something in order to get there. This is why having a coach, having someone in your life, having that roadmap is so important. And if we want to, achieve certain results. We should be looking for people that have achieved the things that we want to achieve and not only listen to them, but take action to do the work that we know that we need to do in order to move our life, our business, our career forward.

and this growth mindset applies in all different areas of our lives. We have to be intentional about what that looks like. And so I run a coaching company called Floyd Coaching. We certify dream managers. I'm also a dream manager.

So when I meet with my dreamers, one of the first things that I asked them to do at the beginning of each session is to rate themselves in four different areas. We have physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual, on a scale of green, yellow, and red.

So green is good to go. Yellow is, it's all right. I could probably use a little bit of improvement to get over to that green. And then red is. not good. Things are not that great. So we need to figure some things out on how to move forward. So that is how they rate themselves.

And so we get to do that on a regular basis. Every single day, we get to rate ourselves. Like, where am I feeling in these different areas of life? And then we got to see which of these areas do I want to improve? Which of these areas do I really want to build upon? Which of these areas might I be a little bit stuck, a little bit stagnant?

allowing myself to be in the mediocre, Because there's something about being in red that means we have to definitely move, forward, there's a lot going on and it might not be that great. But when we're in yellow, It might feel okay. things aren't that bad.

it's almost like it's harder to move from yellow to green because you're allowing yourself to just be okay with, where you are instead of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to really grow, to really develop. And I see this oftentimes with business owners,

if our business is going. Okay, then maybe we don't push forward as much as we should, maybe we don't take that next step. Why? Because we don't want to be uncomfortable. We don't like being uncomfortable. We don't like being in the messy middle, I call it, where we're just not quite sure.

Of what's next. We're not quite sure what's on the other side, but that's where the growth happens. That's where we get to grow and become the best version of ourselves. And so we've got to think about that in all of those different areas. Where do you want to see some growth?

So I'll share this example from my life. Health and fitness has been a big part of my life. For as long as I can remember, I'm a huge fan. I think the body is incredible what we can do with it. It's amazing. And so for as long as I can remember, I've been waking up super early and getting my work in and before the start of the day, I've done all different types of routines, workouts, mobility, exercises, yoga, lifting all the things.

And, over the past couple of months, what I realized is I feel really strong. And I. read, Dr. Peter Attia's book, Outlive, and I got a little bit more into his content. And I was watching some of his videos his interviews with different people. And during one of the interviews, he was talking about different exercises that we should all be able to do.

through this journey, I realized that I can't do a pull up, but I feellike I should be able to do a pull up. I feel like I have been in the fitness space for long enough that I should like know how to do a pull up, but I couldn't do one, So

instead of getting frustrated and just sitting there I. went over to YouTube and I decided I was going to figure out what I needed to do to be able to do a pull up. And so I found, of course, gazillions of videos and different articles that talk you through a plan of what you need to start doing in order to get to the level where you could do a pull up.

And so I started doing these different exercises to like prepare me to do a pull up. And so it's. A fun journey to be on. It's uncomfortable. I don't like it. I'm using very different muscles than I'm used to using, even though I'm working my back, doing a pull up is very different.

And so I have to like retrain my body, retrain my mind. And so I'm pushing myself out of my comfort zone to achieve this result I share that example to you because it's just one thing that I've recognized over the past couple months. But what does that look like for you? what is one area of your life that you feel like maybe you're just a little stagnant?

I don't need to be able to do a pull up, but it is cool to have that as a dream of mine. And now to be able to achieve that dream, I'm very close. I'm not quite there yet. But I look at that especially in people's creative pursuits in their businesses. Why don't we do certain things?

We don't do them because we're scared, because we're fearful, because we have all of these ideas of maybe it won't work. Maybe we'll fail. when we get out of that mindset We need to take action.

We need to develop. We need to grow. But the only way to do that, it's not just by consuming content. It's not just by reading more articles. It's not just by going to the next webinar. It's by trying, it's by doing, it's by taking action. John Maxwell has a book called failing forward. It's reminding me of that book.

It's like failing forward. Even if you haven't read the book, the title alone means something because you're like, yes, I can fail forward. I can take the next step. I can do the next right thing. And then you get to reach out to other people. And so I think that's such an important thing with anyone that has that growth mindset attitude.

We have to remember that, yes, that growth mindset is important, but that growth mindset coupled with taking action, coupled with doing the things that we're learning and also. Getting that support and help from someone who's done it before. that is my challenge for you today

think about the area of your life where maybe you feel a little bit stagnant.

Maybe you feel like there's an opportunity for growth and maybe that's something that you've been reading and researching and studying and listening to all the podcasts and everything, but you just haven't taken the next step. What is the simplest thing that you can do? Right now, today, not tomorrow, not a week from now, today, what is the next right step that you can take to move that dream forward just a little bit, to not care about whether or not it's going to work, to not care if this is the right move, to just take that next step.

And when you take that next step. You get more data, you get more feedback, you get more learning, you get more growth, And all of that just trickles down. And that's when we start to see that real massive growth in ourselves and our lives and the dreams that we want to achieve.

And so I'm excited for you. I hope that this has inspired you in some way to take that next step to take action to stop thinking about the reasons to not do something and instead think about all the reasons to do something to take that next step towards your dreams.

thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you need some help with your dreams, if you need some help taking action on whatever dream you've been thinking about. maybe one of those dreams that you've been thinking about for far too long and you are finally ready to stop just reading about it or researching about it, and you're finally ready to do something about it, but you're, feeling a little stuck.

You're feeling a little fearful. You're maybe overthinking it. Well, we would love to talk to you about what that would look like. To have a coach to help you through that, because that's what a coach does, A coach helps you take all of the information, all the knowledge that you have, ask you really great questions, and then hold you accountable to doing the work that you know that you really need to do.

But sometimes we procrastinate. We put off for all the different reasons in our lives. We make lots of excuses as to why we're not doing the things that we say we really want. And so having a coach pushes you, challenges you, encourages you. Helps push you forward and make such an impact in your life. So if you are interested in learning more about what that would look like to have a coach in your life, maybe it's a dream manager, maybe it's a business coach, whatever area you really feel like you need to improve the most this year, we would love to have that conversation with you.

So you can go to floyd and one of our coaches will contact you, have that conversation and see if that might be the next right step for you. thank you again for listening. Until next time, lead with culture.





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