The first episode of Season 3 focuses on what authors can do to utilize cross-promotion and reach a larger audience for their work. Stephanie Landsem and Rachel McMillan – two fiction authors with years of experience in the publishing industry – define cross-promotion and its benefits, outline the different forms of cross-promotion, provide examples of how they have used it for their own work, and describe the ways it can increase an author’s online presence. Both Stephanie and Rachel emphasize the importance of building a community of support, rather than competition, with other authors. During the episode, Stephanie and Rachel also share:
- About themselves and their work in the world.
- The definition of cross-promotion and its benefits.
- Why there is no competition amongst authors, unlike many industries.
- What cross-promotion looks like in its simplest and most complex forms.
- Examples of how they have invested in cross-promotion with other authors.
- The online growth an author might see when they cross-promote with other authors.
- The benefits and limitations of more formalized opportunities for cross-promotion.
- Potential downsides to promoting the work of other authors.
- How an author can tell when their cross-promotion efforts are working.
For our show notes, including action steps, and resources, visit:
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