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How to Know if You're Being 'Resilience Victim Blamed'
Episode 1456th December 2022 • You Are Not A Frog • Dr Rachel Morris
00:00:00 00:14:17

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What is your first thought when you think of the word ‘resilience’? For many professionals and organisations, this means becoming superhuman — someone who can do anything despite the stress, heavy workload, and emotions. Not only is this perspective wrong, but it’s also impossible!

We’re all human. So why do we expect perfection?

In this episode, Rachel dives into the concept of resilience victim blaming and how you’re led to think it’s your fault when you can’t perform superhuman standards. Resilience is about choices and shifting how you respond to situations. You have a choice, even if you don’t think so now. In fact, you may even need to make tough decisions for the sake of your well-being.

If you want to know how to become more resilient and prioritise choices for your welfare, stay tuned to this episode.

3 reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Understand the true meaning of resilience.
  2. Discover how to thrive in your workplace and take back control of your life.
  3. Overcome learned helplessness by choosing for yourself.

Episode Highlights

[00:29] How Time Affects Well-Being 

[03:39] You Can’t Wait Around for Systemic Change

[04:52] How to Thrive in the Workplace

[07:00] The Choice to Overcome Learned Helplessness 

[11:06] How to Prioritise


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Have any questions? Contact Rachel through these platforms:

LinkedIn: @Dr-Rachel-Morris 

Twitter: @DrRachelMorris


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Mentioned in this episode:

The Work Well Programme for Healthcare staff
Help everyone in your organisation beat burnout with resources that really work.




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