The Formula for Knowing God’s Will
Mike Snyder
Everyone comes to a moment in life where they are at a cross roads. They know they need to do “something.” They are just not sure what that something is.
It could be a career choice. It could be to leave one job and take another. It could be about who to marry or not to marry. It could be a life changing decision that will impact you for the rest of your life!
At times like that, we often here believers talk about, “knowing God’s Will.” You will hear things like, “I’m seeking God’s will in this matter…” or “I’m waiting to hear from God on what I should do…”
Wouldn’t it be great to know… and yes, I’m going to say this word… a “FORMULA” to help you determine and to KNOW God’s Will for your life? Of course it would!
But, did you know it’s not very hard to discover the “formula” to “know God’s Will?” Amen!
Our guest today has released a new book that will help us to do just that! Glory to God!
Mike Snyder is our guest today. He is a retired Marine Corps Lt. Colonel, a graduate of the Marine Corps Command and Staff College, a graduate of the U.S. Space Command in Space Operations. He is currently with Raptor USA, a strategic marketing and consulting firm that works with middle-market principles and their teams nationwide. He is also a managing partner at RSM Marketing, a leader in providing outsourced marketing department resources to entrepreneurial, middle market growth companies nationally. He is also the author of two books, ‘The Great Marketing Lie” which he coauthored with Bruce Rowley and “The Formula for Knowing God’s Will for Christians, Agnostics and Atheists,” which has just been released. Amen!
Today, we will be discussing, of course – “The Formula for Knowing God’s Will.”
Help me welcome to the program, Mike Snyder!
Mike, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to join us today. I do appreciate it.
The first question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Mike Snyder?”
I want to cover something in your background. I know you were working in the Public Affairs Office for the Pentagon, the Marine Corps, etc., during the time of 9-11. I worked as a Public Affairs officer for the state police department I was in. My major incidents were usually traffic fatalities, police involved shootings, things like that – and that was hectic enough! I knew I could not provide information to the public until I had verified the sources and the information I had and then had to get that cleared from above for release. How chaotic was it to try and provide verifiable information amidst all of that was happening on 9-11? Because you had to deal with information that the Joint Chiefs were needing and feeding that information to the President? Just give us a glimpse of what true chaos is like in that environment…
Why do people struggle to know God’s Will in the first place?
You share there are some “common threads” that support your conclusion that a “formula for life” works. You say it is “by design.” So if we implement these formulas, we will get standardized results? Is that what you are saying?
And this works for any person?
We know the devil’s plan is to keep us confused and not fulfilling God’s will for our life. So what are some obstacles that people probably run into as they seek to discover and implement God’s will for their lives – especially using this plan or formula?
How can they overcome these said obstacles.
Now, I want to get into the nitty gritty… Can you share with us the “formula” for discovering and knowing God’s Will?
I know you have already received some testimonies to the power of this book and what it teaches. As we get ready to close, can you share just a few examples with us really quick?
Mike, this is so interesting… and so needful – in this day and time! Praise God! Why do think these formulas were, more or less, “hidden” and not discovered before?
How can someone order a copy of your book, “The Formula for Knowing God’s Will?” Is it on Amazon?
If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question or possibly to do an interview such as this… How can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.
Folks, wasn’t that interesting? Praise God! I know I’m looking forward to reading more of Mike Snyder’s book, “The Formula for Knowing God’s Will.” You need to drop down into the show notes, right now – and order your own copy. Get it now, while you are thinking about it.
In fact, as this is interview is released, it is Christmas time! Praise God! This book would make an excellent gift for just about anyone on your Christmas list. This would be a huge blessing to your pastor, too! So be sure to order several copies and sow them into someone’s life that you care about. Amen!
Just drop down into the show notes and click the links right there to order your copies of “Knowing God’s Will” and also to reach out Mike Snyder. Amen!
Mike, it was an absolute blessing to have you on the program today. I want to thank you again for taking the time to come on and share all about this fabulous book that the Lord had you put together to be a blessing in these last days. I appreciate it, brother!

Book: “The Formula for Knowing God’s Will for Christians, Agnostics and Atheists” – on Amazon
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