Hello and welcome to number 119! This week I am joined by my partner Emma Hughes (again) as we wrap up our five-month backpacking trip from this year. We cover interrailing in Europe, our favourite coffee scene, the best activities etc and many more questions from social media. We also talk a bit about the anxiety of travelling and how that can affect your travels. It was great to talk about this amazing trip and summarise it all here for you. We finish off by discussing the next part of our trip which is our road trip across Canada then back via the USA. Thanks to everyone who submitted the questions via Instagram and if you have any questions about our trip, send them in!
Thanks to Laura Hammond for supporting this podcast, she does so by purchasing a membership every month on my Patreon. You can support too by checking out the details below!
Enjoy and be inspired!
Winging It Travel PodcastHost/Creator/Writer/Composer/Editor - James Hammond
Producer - James Hammond
Podcast Art Design - Swamp Soup Company - Harry Utton
Winging It Travel Podcast YouTube ChannelWant to watch my solo episodes? Then head to my YouTube channel below where I add photos and videos from my trip to the weekly solo episodes.
Podcast SupportPatreon - https://patreon.com/wingingittravelpodcast
Thanks for supporting the podcast! I don't believe in offering more stuff for people who can afford to pay so what I will offer however is a shout-out on my episodes and in my show notes too as thanks for supporting the podcast. I will even send you some trendy stickers to you (if you wish) via the post and you will get my digital travel planner by email as a PDF (it is editable). Thanks again for keeping this podcast alive! James
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Buy Me A Coffee - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/wingingit
Etsy StoreBuy my Digital Travel Planner - https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1220056512/digital-travel-planner?click_key=c580edd56767d7b03612dfae3b122f32e15fe1ec%3A1220056512&click_sum=80ff0159&ref=shop_home_recs_2
Stickers - https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1216492546/winging-it-travel-podcast-stickers?click_key=ed1139c660585f268a8192aa8c136a5915118968%3A1216492546&click_sum=b8a8a048&ref=shop_home_recs_1&frs=1
Contact me - jameshammondtravel@gmail.com or message me on my social media on the links below.
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YouTube - Winging It Travel Podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC173L0udkGL15RSkO3vIx5A
Instagram - wingingittravelpodcast - https://www.instagram.com/wingingittravelpodcast/
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