The gang's back together Chad included and they are up to their necks in strangeness already. The earth is shaking and Dotty get's her dream tour of the Woodmore estates. It really is a weird day.
Strangers in the Pines is an actual play roleplaying podcast using the monster of the week rules, inspired by things like Gravity Falls, Stranger Things, and Twin Peaks.
Follow the exploited of 4 unusual high school students as they try to unravel the mysteries in the strange small town, Pineforge, Oregon.
Dust World RPG Podcast: Is a D20 post-apocalyptic sci-fi western actual play role-playing podcast, with crazy over the top anime action, set a few hundred years after a great war burned the earth and a virus called white horse dissolved most organic matter to dust creating the wastelands.
Together, the Boys, Gage Thane a dust casting sword monk, Clarence Wells a powerful kid psychic and Kevin Wolfkin a fox faced hunter bent on revenge, along with a slew of interesting allies seek to stop Red Earth a power-mad dictatorship bent on domination of the desolate remains of the world.
Dust World is inspired by Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 but is a unique d20 system different from the D&D game. Dust World is a D20 Tabletop Role-Playing game created by Paul Parnell. Setting created by Paul Parnell and Michael Yatskar.
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Like a panel with the Critshow host Rev, and Michael Sands the Creator of Monster of the Week.
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