This next step in the series will explore Energetic Neutrality. First things first though, energetic neutrality is NOT acting like you don’t care. It’s not about being icy or rude, or pretending you don’t give a shit. Energetic neutrality is the way you stop the back-and-forth.
When was the last time you felt really good? Not manic, happy, drunk, stoned, just centered and content. Write down every detail you can think of about that day. Now, what happened the day before that day? From here, you can do a classic Venn diagram of those 48 hours. The similarities become your “middle way.” Your job is to make that baseline the foundation of your life.
When you live in that neutral way, surprise stressors won’t bother you that much anymore. If you’re secure in yourself, your life is good and full, and you’re able to listen to your intuition that much easier.
You are in charge of you. You are in charge of your state when you’re firm in your middle. Don’t let the dopamine hit make you think that a relationship is better than it is.
After you’ve written out your happy vibes notes, start looking around your environment. Does your environment support your happy vibes? Go live your life!
You are the prize! You do you and see if this guy, who’s just a guy, brings something to the plate.
There’s some advice for the married crowd too. Being able to stay neutral and logical in conflict, you can then learn how to not take things personally. There will be so much less unnecessary mental spiraling when you do. In part 3 we’ll go in deeper detail!
Ready to have Stephanie help you uncover who you are so you can find YOUR OWN "Good Love"? Reach out to her here:
Tik Tok: @goodloveco
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Song Credit: Chill and Dream by Pink Marble, Stockholm by Revel Day
A Podcast Launch Bestie Production