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#305: Ignite New Passions this Summer: Your Guide to Life-Changing Summer Adventures
11th July 2024 • Inspirational & Motivational Stories of GRIT, GRACE, & INSPIRATION • Kevin Lowe, Inspirational Public Speaker
00:00:00 00:13:04

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Imagine discovering a passion you never knew existed, a passion that could change your life forever. Today’s episode is all about harnessing the unique power of summer adventures to uncover these hidden passions.

This episode is tailored for anyone feeling stuck in the monotony of daily life or yearning for a spark to reignite their excitement. If you're seeking ways to break free from routine and discover new interests, this episode is your perfect guide!

Episode At a Glance:

In this episode, Kevin Lowe invites you to embrace the slower, more relaxed summer days as an opportunity to explore new activities and discover hidden passions. He encourages stepping outside your comfort zone, trying adventurous pursuits, and reflecting on past interests to uncover what truly excites you. From signing up for a yoga class to reconnecting with childhood hobbies, Kevin provides actionable tips to make this summer equally unforgettable as transformative.

Some Key Takeaways:

  1. Embrace Adventure: Discover the power of stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new, adventurous activities that could lead to newfound passions.
  2. Reflect on Past Interests: Learn how reflecting on your past hobbies and interests can help you reconnect with what truly excites you and brings joy.
  3. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences: Understand the importance of being around enthusiastic, like-minded individuals to inspire and motivate your journey.

Don’t let this summer pass by without discovering something new about yourself. Play the episode now and embark on an adventure to find your hidden passions!

Mentioned Links & Resources:

  • Free Summer Coaching Call: CLICK HERE or Text Summer2024 to 33-777


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Hey, it's Kevin!

I hope you enjoyed today's episode! If there is ever anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to reach out. Below, you will find ALL the places and ALL the ways to connect!

Stay Awesome! Live Inspired!

© 2024 Grit, Grace, & Inspiration



0:00:31 - (Kevin Lowe): Welcome to episode 305. Yo.


0:01:01 - (Kevin Lowe): Hello. What is up my friend? Welcome back to the podcast for another edition of our summer series, helping you to make the most of this summer that you possibly can. Now, I want you to realize this, yeah, I get last week was 4 July. But don't be thinking that oh no, Summer, it's coming to a close. There's not much left because theres plenty of time left for us to soak up a little bit more sun, sand and surf.


0:02:05 - (Kevin Lowe): Because by the end of today's episode, I promise that I'm going to leave you a little bit more excited, a little bit more thrilled about the idea of doing something different and all of that in the hope that just maybe by you stepping outside of what is comfortable, by doing something that isn't normal, you discover a whole new passion that you never even knew existed, and yet it completely transformed your life from this day forward.


0:03:08 - (Kevin Lowe): Instead, you're just focused on keeping them alive, much less being sure that they're alive and doing their homework. It just moves at a slower pace, and therefore, it just makes it easier for us to try new things and to get out there and be adventurous. With that said, I'm going to encourage you to really make the most of what we have left this summer by doing some things that are different, maybe some things that you've thought about doing but you never have.


0:04:12 - (Kevin Lowe): Maybe this is your opportunity. The whole idea here is when we step outside of our comfort zone, that's when we open the door for us to possibly discover things that we never even thought we would like. We probably thought, no way, I'm not interested. And yet, if we throw ourselves into this uncomfortable situation, many times we come out thinking, wow, that was really pretty awesome. So I am going to encourage you to make a list of three things that you've always wanted to try.


0:05:22 - (Kevin Lowe): If you check off all three, then, baby, you are incredible. But at least check off one, and that will be so monumental. Now. Yeah, there's a chance that you try it and you realize, you know what? I don't like this. Matter of fact, I hate this. Well, you know what? Then you come away with a story to tell. And sometimes that's better than anything. Now, maybe you're the type who you don't really want to just dive right in to crazy, adventurous things, but instead you rather just kind of sit down, reflect, think about it.


0:06:34 - (Kevin Lowe): And we've just gone through life and we forgot all about the fact that as a child we absolutely loved building model cars or playing with baby dolls. I don't really know how playing with baby dolls is going to relate to this, but if it was building models, well, maybe explore that idea again. Maybe you were somebody who really loved as a kid riding a bicycle. Do you own a bicycle today? If not, why not go buy one and give it a shot? Get out there and ride and see if you still love it as much as you used to.


0:07:43 - (Kevin Lowe): Think all the way back to childhood. Think back to when times were easy, when you didnt have all the worries and the stresses of life. What were you into? What did you love? What was your favorite activities? Jot them down and then start to think, huh? How could I give this a shot? Could I try this again? Or am I too old and im not going to grab a skateboard and drop down from the half pipe. You can make that decision on your own, but I'm just talking about it in the fact of you getting real and looking back on life.


0:09:01 - (Kevin Lowe): Energy. It's electricity. We feel the energy from others and if you can get in the same room as the people who are putting off the vibe that you're wanting to jive with, well, then that is exactly what you need to do. So what does this look like? Well, maybe it's finding a community, going online and finding if there's any meetup groups where you live, people who are interested in the same things that you're into.


0:10:07 - (Kevin Lowe): My action item for this idea is for you to maybe even go a step smaller than what I just spoke about. Maybe just think about three different people, individual people who you really enjoy being around. Who they just make you smile, they light you up, who make you want to live a little bit bigger and better. Reach out to them and set up a lunch date, get around them, be in their circle. And that, I'm telling you, is going to make a big difference.


0:11:13 - (Kevin Lowe): Heck, we're already partway through summer. Go ahead and embrace the moment. Because the more that you embrace the single moment right now, it's like you're stopping time. Instead of worrying about what's ahead or thinking about the past. Instead, just focus on the present. And I'll leave you with this. If you would, like, help in your life and getting clear on what you really want out of life and figuring out how you're going to get there, well, book a free coaching call with me.


0:12:32 - (Kevin Lowe): Step outside of the norm. Get a little uncomfortable, embrace a little adventure, and discover a whole new side of you that you never even knew existed before with this new passion that you find.



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