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S2E3 You are Slaves, Owned by the FED
Episode 327th January 2023 • The Constitution Commandos • Chris Williams and Patrick Williams

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 I Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation, under  God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.  

Hello everybody. This is the third episode three. We're about ready to crank it up. I, if you notice, but it looks like we got the attention of the censorship police means we're doing the right thing. Patrick is ready to go. My name is Chris. Are you listening to the Constitution Commandos. 

Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. I had to get my dang Bluetooth hooked up. But anyway, yeah. The C B D C is a bad thing and people really need to start preparing for that. It is definitely coming. 

what got me started doing this was the study on this C D V C with the Central Bank digital currency.

And I went back and started studying a Federal Reserve Act last night. And I don't understand legal jargon the way lawyers will tell you legal jargon is supposed to be understood, but to me, it's simple English. And in 1913, Woodrow Wilson pretty much told the country you just got took period.  And look, this is crazy stuff.

I don't know how much you know about what was going on back then, but in 1895 was the last time that our country leaned on a wealthy tycoon to bail this country out. Yeah. And that was JP Morgan. He was the last one to bail the country out, as an individual. But what boy, JP Morgan . Yeah.

He went and started back in 19, in 1910, I believe it was 1908, somewhere around in there that he got together with a bunch of other people, bankers, investment bankers, whatever you wanna call 'em, rich people. And they had these little secret meetings all over Europe, in the capital of every European country.

and has several meetings even here in the United States. And in those meetings, what they were doing was devising a plan for the Federal Reserve. And for those who might be confused, the Federal Reserve is not your friend. As a matter of fact, it's not even a government institution. Let's get better than that is not even really a federal reserve.

It is the central bank, the very one Putin doesn't want in his country. Very one we didn't have in this country up until 1913. We call it the Federal Reserve. Make it sound like First National Bank. That is a Federal Reserve bank. That's actually a central bank, which is not our friend. And I find out a lot of weird stuff about this thing, this institution.

Do you even know who the board members are? The Board of Governors? 

At the moment, I don't let us know that Yellen was appointed as a Fed. I don't, yeah. But I don't know who the board members are. I know they're all bankers. Yep. 

And if you ever hear about 'em, you may not have known that national settlement.

Yeah. If you hear about 'em, you don't know that's who they are because they're only gonna give you your first name. They don't want to be known. Yeah. Now see, that raises red flags for me already. If I can't know who you are, why do I want to do business with you? You don't have a choice. Yeah.

There's not a bank in this country that has a choice really, you. . And back in 1913 when Congress actually ratified this bill, or actually in 1912, all these investment bankers and wealthy rich folk who had been involved with all these meetings, secret meetings by the way,  they brought this bill to Congress, basically told Congress they would need, they needed to sign the thing. They didn't have to push too hard because a couple of other bankers were in Congress. Amazing. But basically, yeah, once the bill was signed, any bank that was operating at that time, had 90 days to apply and become a member of the federal banking system, or they lost their charter.

I didn't know that. There's no such, I'm saying, there's no such saying. It's banking at a bank that's not tied into the Federal Reserve. 

And see, this is another thing that people have to go back to the understanding of the purpose of the Central Bank and we got the Federal Reserve and but the Federal Reserve has Central Bank, that's what I'm saying.

Other countries have their central banks and they're not called the Federal Reserve, they're called whatever that country has deemed them. But the purpose of the central banks is control. What they do is they go in and they promise developing third world countries and even first world developed countries to either cover their debt or to build bridges, infrastructure, water production, facilities, things like that.

And. , then they attach such an ungodly interest rate. You'll never pay it back. That it could. Yeah, it can never be paid back. And the central bank is, what it doing is it is taking in collateral, the natural resources of that country. So to occlude 

it's people, 

right? So the purpose behind the central bank, and so my, why so many world leaders have rejected them is because the Central BR bank comes in, they enslave view.

That's what it's, look, if you go on the Federal Reserve website, okay, their website, this is on the website it says the official title, but if you look at the address bar, this is called their preamble. It's an act to provide for the establishment of Federal Reserve banks to furnish an elastic currency.

To afford means of re-discounting commercial paper to establish more effective supervision of banking in the United States and for other purposes. Now that is so wide open, I would never sign a contract like that. Yeah. It's too wide open. 

Yeah. And we don't even know who's running it. And then nobody does, but Right.

They're all in cahoots with each other. And that is the plan is to put all the citizens of all the nations of the world in servitude. And that's it. And 

which is exactly what started with the Rothchild, was Nathan Rothchild when he bought up he actually sold out all his stocks so that the stocks, all the stocks would go down.

And when they did, he said there are people allowed to buy up everything. Then he owned all the currency in England. That is why when you look at the royal family, they don't hold the power. They have no power whatsoever. No. The crown is actually in a glass case in the middle of London somewhere. That's where the power is, cuz it's owned by the Rothschilds.

Every now and again, they'd let the queen wear the crown every now and again.


Not anymore. She's dead. She's dead. But I'm just saying that I hadn't seen 

Prince Charles, well, King Charles, whatever he is now, he ain't worn it yet, I don't think, has he? 

No, I don't think so. But yeah, when they talk about the City of London, that is also a corporation. It's not. That's right. It's not even a country, but it is one of the big threes that run the world.


right. See that's when I found out that England had already turned in all of their paper currency in exchange for this polymer digital currency, when, that happened a couple of months ago. They had a deadline to turn theirs in. A lot of people didn't believe me when I was selling them.

I That was actually pretty widely known on any news channel really. But people didn't believe that. They don't even believe that the Queen didn't hold power. She is, the royal family is powerless to do anything without the Crown, which is two separate entities altogether, which makes sense why our country's been running like it has been since 1913 because we've basically been under, we've been under British rules pretty much ever since the founding of the country.

yeah. Ever since Revolutionary War.  

And. That's why all this other information that I started learning recently about how we are under interstate commerce rules or interstate commerce law didn't make any sense to me because the government wants us to believe we're still under the constitution, but ever since 1913 That's right.

We have been operating in this country, just like England operates its country because we've been under their authority ever since the founding of the country. So That's 

right. Hence the bar, the British Accredited Registry. That's right. I Everything is dictated by British Authority. Yeah.


authority. That's it. And you know, we can go a little deeper than that too. All of the media outlets in this country before were all completely controlled by five people. Literally five people. 

Huh? Four six. But that's, it's five. It's five or six.

Yeah. Yeah. But if 

you're watching the news, you're watching what belongs to five or six different individuals and they're all buddies in these secret meetings that keep happening. And guess what? They're all implanted, with somebody from British Intel. That's who controls your information. And the CIA's pretty much under British Intel rule.

Yeah. So really doesn't matter.  You know in that book The Conspirators Hierarchy, I had no idea Ed Sullivan was anything more than a guy that brought people like "Pelvis Freshley" and the Beatles and the doors on his show when really he was the one that went and met The Beatles to figure out how to package and market the Beatles to come over here so that the CIA and the FBI could actually start handing out acid and bring drugs into the United States, lemme, lemme give you another one. Do you know who Bob Woodward is?


Or do you know what he was before he became a reporter at the Washington Post?

He was British intel, wasn't he?

Naval Intelligence. And do you know how he got moved to the Washington Post? Do you know what event happened?


I don't know that Whitewater with Nixon.

That makes sense. Watergate. Yeah. Yep. He was the one that ran the first story in the Washington Post about Watergate.

And, the break-in at the Watergate office building or hotel. Do you know who the five perpetrators were? 

Yeah, they were foreign nationals, but they were also, they were CIA assets. They are CIA agents.

Yeah... Yeah. They were all CIA assets.

Uhhuh, Naval Intelligence works closely with CIA. Everything in this country is a show and it is all social engineering at the basics.

 And it's all done to manipulate and to direct us where they want us to be and how they want us to be. That's right. 

That is exactly right. And that's, that's, let's go one step further. Lemme go ahead and step up, into my little conspiracy theory. Everybody keeps telling me I need to shut up for years. They tell me, you need to shut up about this. You need to shut up about this John F. Kennedy assassination. That was so enriched.  with CIA, assets, and planning. British Intel was in on that too. And George Bush was right there overseeing the dad-gum thing.

And JFK, and you gotta think of it this way too, one of the big things that he was trying to do was abolish the CIA. Which is why he established the Special Forces. Yeah. 

But the CIA couldn't have him abolish it, they couldn't work anymore if he did that. 

Yeah. So he was actually grabbing a bigger bull by much bigger horns, I think than even he realized. 

Of course, he did, but he did right by forming the special operations.

He knew there was a lion behind the bars. He just didn't know the appetite of the lion. That's right. He knew what was there. He just didn't know what was there. caused it, the secret group, the secret organizations, that desire to rule the world. Yeah. That was I'm, I would imagine that was the extent of even his knowledge, and for people who think that the president of the United States is the most powerful man in the world.

You can hang that idea up. 

Yeah. He's presented as the most powerful man in the world, which once again is social engineering. It's a farce. They're giving you a perception of what they want you to think. 

It's a, it's the illusion of safety. Yeah, that's exactly what that is.  And look, how many times have we talked about Ron Reagan?

I've always said my favorite president I wasn't even old enough to vote for. And sadly when he took office, he didn't even appoint his own cabinet, which I didn't know. That's what's scary to me to find out. Ron Reagan didn't even get to appoint his own cabinet. It was appointed for him, and he was presented with a list of instructions on what he could or could not do as president.

Now, if the president of the United States is supposed to be the most powerful man in the world, I would think he could stomp on the floor in the earth a crack. 

You would think that he sure as hell wouldn't need to ask permission. No. 

Exactly. So the commander-in-chief is just like every one of his subordinates who will say sometimes it's better to ask forgiveness and to wait for permission.

I think that was Trump's ideology. , 

I do believe so. A lot of people got really pissed off at Trump for that too. Yeah. And I'm not gonna lie, he made me nervous when he did it but that was because he went outside the purview of safety, or what we presume to be safe.

And I'm glad he did, to be honest with you, because I think that opened the country's eyes to a lot of things. 

I know it did. I think it did more than just open the country's eyes. I think it opened the world's eyes. Cause I think a lot of the, I don't want to even really say rebellion. A lot of the world's, people of the world's stance and arguments nowadays is that they see the government doing things that go directly against them.

Exactly. And I don't think that would've happened if it, sure there's always been nations where the people had revoked it against the powers to be, but 

Not in the way it has been lately. Yeah. 

Not like this. So I think Trump did a lot more than just open the eyes of Americans.

I think he really stimulated an eye-opening ordeal worldwide about this powerful cabal that intends to dominate the world and lead all of the people of the world into servitude. I think he really showed everybody 

. Oh, he did that Indeed. And. I, it's just, it's really scary what's happening right now and.

And anybody who's listening who doesn't know what scary is or thinks, you know what scary is? Lemme put it that way. If you think, he's to be scared. You ain't got a clue. Fixing to find out though. Fixing to find out. Yeah, and all the things, for instance, I'll say this, all the people who told me to shut up about conspiracy theories that I've had about J F K, I didn't just derive these theories because I didn't like the fact that JFK got assassinated.

I did a lot of research on JFK's assassination, starting with the Warren Commission, and be advised the Warren Commission is not even worth toilet paper value. Really? It's garbage. Gerald Ford sat on that commission. Did you know that?

I did.

And that was the sole reason he was enough. He was the first president that was not elected to anything other than Congress or Senate.

Then that's something Congress, yeah. He was installed. Hence Bob Woodward. Hence the CIA. Because JFK was gonna abolish the CIA. The Warren Commission, they were all about the cabal per se. That was their whole thing. That was their whole agenda. Yeah. And that's why that son of a gun got appointed.

 the dang presidents. He was the only person offered... 

Oh, and look, check this out. This is another name that I have grown to just about one puke, every time I hear his name. And he was actually one of our Secretaries of State, the name Henry Kissinger rings a bell, doesn't it?

Oh my gosh.

I guess who was appointed as chair to oversee the investigations of 9 1 1.

Yeah. There you go. And he was immediate not immediately, he was immediately appointed as chair by George Bush, by the way. And soon thereafter was had he had to be removed as a chair because of the stink that so many people raised about here. New Kissinger. But bear in mind now, Henry Kissinger pretty much singlehandedly. assassinated two world leaders. . 

Yeah. And, 

but nobody knows about that dude and these people, even the 388 legislatures that were on that. Brunson case that was listed as defendants in the Brunson case includes, by the way, vice President Kamala Harris, president President Joe Biden, and ex-vice President Mike Pence, who by the way, is buying the presidency in 2024.

And it's looking like he's gonna be guaranteed a presidency because of his work with the cabal. 

These people, I don't know if we can say he would be guaranteed the presidency. We can't 

be He in his world, in his eyes. In his eyes. He will, he was pretty much promised that he would get all the electoral votes he'd need to be president if he did not kick the votes back to the States for a recount.

And what'd he do? He certified the votes. Yeah. Now he's been telling. He's been telling the nation everywhere he goes, that he did what he thought was constitutionally right. Unfortunately, some people do read the Constitution. Mr. Pence, you messed up. You didn't go when you have a, yeah. When you have a hundred congressmen come up and say point blank, that and that.

They had evidence of, I don't care how flimsy the evidence was. And the only reason I say flimsy is because these were, most of the investigations were done by private citizens more than the government because the government didn't want to touch it. 

And the evidence can be as flimsy as you wanna call it, but most of it came from what?


From affidavit. That, yeah, the sworn affidavits under the threat of perjury. So a sworn affidavit. Is as good as hard physical evidence. That's right. And because there were a hundred congressmen that came and a mixture of congressmen and senators that said no, there was election interference, whether it be called fraud or what.

There was election interference by Constitution. They had to investigate, at least send 

it back. That's right. And that is in the Constitution. But those of you who have never read the Constitution, go read it. It's there. And you might wanna read it for as long as it counts for anything because pretty soon it won't count for anything at all.

I've got multiple copies of the Constitution. I maintain my copies, and for the rest of my days, I'm gonna live by the Constitution. That's right. I don't care about anything else. Cause any law made or passed that goes against the Constitution is, no, it's not a law.  

and the Constitution does say that too.

And in very plain, however old English it may be, is very plainly stipulated that anything written that violates the Constitution as it stands, it's like it doesn't count. It's outta...



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