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068 God Is Making A Way For You
Episode 68 โ€ข 5th September 2024 โ€ข A Changed Mind | Mindset That Matters โ€ข David Bayer
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In this episode of A Changed Mind, our host, David Bayer, delves into the profound concept of God as the ultimate way maker. He emphasizes the importance of faith and surrender, outlining how divine intervention can create paths where they don't seem to exist.

David encourages listeners to trust in a higher power to guide them through life's challenges. This episode serves as a reminder to let go of worry and embrace the unfolding miracles in our lives.


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What We Explored This Episode

01:02 Letting Go and Trusting the Process

08:11 David's Journey to Find Love

12:44 Carol's Influence and Divine Intervention

17:17 God's Personal Attention

20:19 Embracing Challenges as Growth Opportunities

22:52 Miracles and Divine Intervention

29:10 Community and Shared Growth

Memorable Quotes

"You must affirm to yourself that no matter what's going on in your life, a way is being made. God is the Author of your life and is constantly writing new stories for all of us, creating paths for you that He has never created before."
"God creates paths where there seems to be none. In Isaiah, it's written, 'Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing new things now. It springs up. Do you not see it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.' So God is always making a way where we think there is no way."
"Whatever decision you make, as long as you're making it from a place of knowing that your higher power is the way maker, and it's asking you to dream and desire and make choices, it will respond to those choices and reorganize the entire structure itself in order to make your way, opening up doors in dead ends and placing situations and circumstances in your life to guide you to the exit. It is a dynamic structure."

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David Bayer:

You must affirm to yourself that no matter what's going on in your life, a way is being made. God is the author of your life and is constantly writing new stories for all of us, opening new paths and creating paths for you that he has never created before. Just because you may not find an example of your miracle out there doesn't mean that your miracle will not occur. Because new stories are always being written. And he is using you to make your story. And he's writing your masterpiece right now. Because you are a masterpiece.

David Bayer:

Welcome to a changed mind. A journey into the topics that matter to you most. From the neuroscience and spirituality of mindset and personal growth, to groundbreaking strategies for health, wealth and relationships. To open and honest conversations about pressing global issues such as the environment, censorship, corporate capture, and democracy. Each and every episode reminds us of the certainty of the goodness of the future and provides the teachings, tools and timeless wisdom inspiring you to create real, lasting change in your life and in the world. If you've been desiring a sanctuary for your spirit, a place to go to tune out the distraction, negativity, and doom and gloom so that you can tap into the deep power, the vibrancy, and the potential you have inside, you're in the right place. Welcome to a changed mind.

David Bayer:

Hey, it's David. Welcome back to a changed mind. A sanctuary for your spirit. A place where each and every episode I remind you of the certainty of the goodness of the future. I am your friend, your host, your guide, David Bayer. We all go through situations and circumstances where we feel stuck. And it oftentimes feels like there's no way forward. Sometimes when that happens, we feel hopeless and we give up. Oh, I'm never going to get out of this debt. I'm never going to feel good in my body again. I'm never going to get this relationship to work or this business off the ground. Or we keep pushing harder and harder and harder, trying to find a way to solve our challenges, and yet, nothing seems to work. And we make the mistake of thinking that we need to find a way. And we forget that God is the way maker. Now, your job is to imagine, to dream, to desire, and to allow God to make a way for you and to follow that path. God, the universe, Jesus, Allah. A higher power of your own understanding. It's the one power that governs all of creation. It's the system of intelligence that is functioning through you and around you, and it responds to every single one of your desires, and it's creating a way. Right now, the question is, are you open to it. See, most people block their own miracles. God has the ability to open paths in your life that you have never imagined. No matter what it is you desire, God can produce the outcome. That's why in Matthew it's written, ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be open to you, for everyone who asks will receive, and anyone who seeks will find. And the door will be open to those who knock. So everything you ask for will come in its due time if you allow God to make a way. See, some of your frustrations right now likely come from the fact that there's a particular route you expect God to follow. Meanwhile, God's trying to bring your attention elsewhere. You want to grow your business, and so you keep pushing and trying one marketing strategy in the next, complaining that nothing is working, getting frustrated that it seems to be working for other people, wondering if it's ever going to work for you. We get so busy trying to figure out how to get our way to work that we can't hear the quiet whispers of intuition, the new thoughts, the new ideas, or pay attention to the small synchronicities that are occurring all around us to encourage us down a different way, God's way. One big mistake that we make is that we want our outcome to be delivered through familiar paths, through the way we want it to happen, through the way we see it happening for others, through the way that we're used to experiencing it for ourselves. See, I don't understand. The doctor was able to cure someone else with the same chronic health condition I have. Why isn't it working for me? I've been to ten different doctors, all very good, but none of them are able to help me with my situation. I've experienced this kind of frustration and challenge in my own life, working with mystery health challenges, going from doctor to doctor. I've experienced the same thing in my business. I don't understand. I'm smart. My team is smart. These other people who are using this marketing strategy, we're implementing the same thing. We're smarter. Our stuff is better than that. Why is it working for them? Let me go to the next marketing consultant, let me work on the next magic pill strategy, only to realize that when I'm in those types of circumstances and situations, I'm putting in the energy and effort. I'm applying what I think is my best approach and my best approach is not working. And no one else is able to help me solve my problem. I've got to turn to the only one who can God. He is the way maker. And each and every time I've done so, he has provided me a new way. A way that I never thought of. A way that was even easier if I had just allowed it from the first place and stopped trying so hard, pushing so hard and complaining and doubting so often. It's happened so many times in my life. It's the foundation of my twelve step recovery. I tried for decades to quit drinking and smoking pot and looking at pornography and sexing every different approach.

David Bayer:

My plan? New thoughts. A 30 day break. I'll just avoid the bars. I just won't look at my computer for the next seven days. None of it worked. My way never worked. And it was only until I got into a recovery program and started working a framework that included this awareness that I haven't been able to solve my own problem. I can't believing that there is some higher power, some greater intelligence that is working in benevolent ways in my life that it can. And then step three, allowing it. I'll stop doing my plan and see what shows up. But so often it's terrifying because we believe, wrongly, that the way that we are operating around this particular problem in our life is the way that we operated around other problems in our life when and we solve them. But it's misleading because you didn't achieve the level of success that you have because of your intelligence or your hard work or your a type personality. You didn't actually solve your previous health challenges by finding the perfect doctor. You didn't fill money into your bank account by working really hard in hustling and grinding. All of those things were simply a show that was taking place around the unfolding of something that you haven't been giving much credit to, which was God's way. It's very easy to take credit for our successes and then try to replicate those same mechanisms to produce the same results. It never works. You know, when I think about it, my podcast is really taken off. We have over a million listeners a month on the audio platforms on YouTube. Thank you for being here, by the way. It's such a pleasure and a joy to be building this with you. And you could say, well, Dave, look at the success that you've created. Every week since July of 2023, you've been recording an episode without fail, even when nobody was listening. You did the work and you produced the results. I think about it from the birds eye view that God must have. God must be laughing if we want to personify God, saying, it's cute that David thinks that he accomplished this. But I created YouTube. I, the way maker, created YouTube. I gave David these ideas. I had him born to his parents where he took on trauma and had to process it through his twelve step recovery. That has now given him the tools and the skills and the character and the knowledge to be able to share what he's learned with other people. See, we do very little to achieve the results that we have compared to all of the moving pieces that are part of creating the result. So it's important to understand that God is the way maker. I was single for ten years, and I had decided one day that I wanted to meet a beautiful colombian woman and make her my wife. I don't know why I made that decision. In hindsight, it was a very specific, yet seemingly random decision that I made as I was working on my New Year's resolutions in December of 2022. I had been single for a decade. I'd gone through my sex addiction recovery. I'd learned about myself. I felt ready to be in a relationship. I tried many times previous to be in a relationship to find the right woman. Date after date after date, wrong woman after wrong woman after wrong woman. Nothing seemed to be working. No matter what I did, no matter where I went to meet women, the harder I tried. It seemed like it was even more difficult to find somebody who I felt was aligned with the vision I had for this new relationship with this new David. And I had torn my shoulder at the gym, ran into a girl I used to date, mentioned to her that I had torn my shoulder. She said, there's a phenomenal healer. A couple of hours from here, you should go see if he can help you with his shoulder because I had already had surgery on the shoulder once before. So I drove the 2 hours to meet this guy, Zane Zinda, out of Sarasota, Florida, and I started seeing him every week. I drive back and forth the 2 hours from Orlando to Florida. Zane was working on my shoulder. We were making great progress. About six months into it, it was Zane's birthday, and this was at the time that I had made a decision that I was going to meet a beautiful colombian woman and make her my wife. That was the order that I had placed with my higher power. Two weeks after that, it's Zane's birthday. I'm there for a treatment. I decided to bring a buddy of mine who was also in my recovery program from Orlando since I was going to stay the weekend. So my buddy Ricardo came with me and we decided to take Zane out for dinner. So Ricardo, Zane and I roll up to some local restaurant. It's busy, so we have to wait. We're hanging out in the bar, Ricardo and I don't drink. And Ricardo makes a comment to me how uncomfortable he is being in an environment like this. I said, why? He said, well, number one, there's alcohol, and I'm not drinking. He said, which is fine, but number two. And what makes me even more uncomfortable is there's beautiful women here, and I want to go up and talk to them, but I feel too nervous to do it now. There were a couple of beautiful women I had actually noticed walking through the outdoor plaza where this restaurant is earlier that evening, and they happened to be in the bar. And I figured it was a fantastic opportunity to sort of one up my bro. Oh, man. Come on. It's no big deal. Let's go talk to these girls. Even though my whole life, I'd been terrified of talking to women. So I grabbed Ricardo by the wrist, walked across the bar, tapped the most beautiful woman on the shoulder, who I again noticed earlier that evening. And it was Carol, a beautiful colombian woman who I met two weeks after placing my order with God through a series of circumstances and synchronicities, God's way, that I could never have possibly achieved.

David Bayer:

Now, I could be complaining about my torn shoulder, complaining about the fact that it was six months, complaining about the car ride, the 2 hours from Orlando to Sarasota. I was very busy. I was running my own business. I was in recovery. At the same time, I could have been complaining or focused on a lot of different things, focused on my plan, of how I was going to meet the woman of my dreams. But God was making a way the whole time. And so all of that complaining I had been doing or questioning the current method or pushing even harder was absolutely unnecessary, because God was making a way. And over the years, I've come to understand that God creates paths where there are no paths. I had a business that I had been wanting to get out of. I had a business partner. He was a bully. He threatened to sue me. And it was an odd situation where the relationship was that he owned a website URL. And I had the license to develop it, to build a business on it. So I had built this really big business on this website URL. And it was doing pretty well. You know, it was making me $20 to $30,000 a month. But the business, the owner of the domain, was making my life a nightmare, and he had been doing it for five years. I started dating Carol. She said, well, why don't you just get rid of the business? And I said, well, because it's making me $20 to $30,000 a month, and this is the money that I need in order to start building this coaching business that we're building together. She said, well, why don't you just sell the website? And I laughed and said, you don't understand how this works. I can't sell the website. He owns the domain. All I have is a license, and nobody would want to buy the license for some maniac who owns a domain. She said, well, why don't you just place the order with God? Let God work his way. So I was coachable, and I did. About three weeks later, I get a phone call from one of my former employees when the business I had was much bigger. And he said, hey, I was managing pay per click advertising campaigns for attorneys, but I got bored with it. I sold that book of business. I wondered, do you still have the license to that domain that we built a couple of years ago? I said, yes, I do. He said, would you be willing to sell it to me? This was the one guy in my company that got along with the other maniac business partner. And so a couple of weeks later, we came to terms. He paid me half a million dollars for that domain license, which was approved by the domain owner because they were buddies, and I was able to exit that relationship profitably, and that became the seed of the financial resources that I used to grow this business. So again, over the years, I've come to understand that God creates paths where there seems to be none. In Isaiah, in the Bible, it's written, forget the former things that do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing new things now. It springs up. Do you not see it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert. So God is always making a way where we think there is no way. And the reason why I share these scriptures with you is not because I necessarily consider myself to be christian. I'm not a religious person. I understand and study, study, and appreciate all the different spiritual teachings. But the Bible gives us laws. The Bible helps us understand how this loving system of intelligence functions, whether you want to call it Jesus or God, or, like I said, Allah or the universe or higher power. And the beautiful thing about this is not only is God creating a way right now for you, and not only is God able to create a way where there seems to be no way, but God is doing it with the understanding of what you want, God knows what you want. And you don't have to keep asking and asking. And in fact, sometimes your continued asking is part of the disruption that is disallowing you from hearing or seeing God's plan for you. Because think about it for a second. Continually asking is a sign that you don't believe. You know, when you go to a restaurant, say you go to a diner and you're sitting there in the booth and you look at the menu, at what you want, and you decide you want the pastrami sandwich and you order the pastrami sandwich, do you doubt whether or not the pastrami sandwich is going to end up coming out of the kitchen and back on your table? No, of course not. You trust the process. But the way that we treat the challenges in our life and wanting a solution, or the way that we treat our goals and dreams and the way that we ask for them or that we pray for them is that we ask the universe or we ask God. And then we ask again. And we ask again and we ask again. And we're impatient and we wonder why it hasn't shown up yet. But that would be the same as your server taking your order. And before he or she gets ten steps away from your table saying, excuse me, ma'am, excuse me, sir, is my pastrami sandwich coming out here? And they would look at you like, you're crazy. Of course it is. But you gotta let me get back to the kitchen. Okay? Yeah, got it. They take a few more steps. Excuse me, that pastrami sandwich, are you sure it's coming to see? Yes, I'm working on it. But if you would stop asking me, it would give me the time to get into the kitchen and to give it to the short order cook so they could prepare your meal a few more steps away. Ma'am, could you come back here? I'd like to have a conversation. I'm not sure. Why is this pastrami sandwich taking so long?

David Bayer:

If we treated the day to day circumstances of our life like this, we would look like insane people. But we're acting in insane ways with Goddesse. Because God works the same way. In Jeremiah, the Bible tells us for, I know the plans I have for you. He knows the plans he has for you. Plans to prosper you and not harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. So God hears you. God knows you. God is making a way for you. There's another line, I don't remember where it's from, which says something like, before they even ask. I hear them right before you even ask. God knows what you want and is making a way. And the incredible thing about this is that God has individual attention for you, as if you were the only soul created. And this is one of the great mysteries of the christian faith, that a God who is infinitely great can also be infinitely small, that he can be the creator of heaven and earth, and at the same time be completely present for a single human being and grant you what it is that you want, no matter how mundane or menial it seems to be. While this same intelligence is holding the cosmos together, is informing all of the cellular function in your body, is orchestrating trillions of decisions that produce well being, and is moving civilization forward in the same way. So God is everything, and yet God is very personal. And many people worry about making the right decision about things. You want something, you have your ask. You're looking for your miracle. You're trying to solve your problem, whatever it may be, to feel better, to have more money, to overcome some relationship challenge that you're experiencing, to have more clarity around your purpose, to make some decisions around investments, or which job you take or business you pursue. Many people worry about making the wrong decision, as if you're standing in a maze at a crossroads. You have to choose left. You have to choose right. Which way will be a dead end and which way will get me out? We obsess over making the right decision and worry about making the wrong one. But what we feel to understand is that God has a bird's eye view. The system itself is expressing itself through you and through all human beings, and is intimately connected in a oneness structure. So this thing that we're calling God or higher power or intelligence, is able to see all pieces at once and can rearrange the maze whenever it chooses. So you're not making decisions in a fixed environment. You're making decisions in a living structure. And so whatever decision you make, as long as you're making it from a place of knowing that your higher power is the way maker, and it's asking you to dream and desire and make choices, it will respond to those choices and reorganize the entire structure itself in order to make your way, opening up doors in dead ends and placing situations and circumstances in your life to guide you to the exit. It is a dynamic structure. It is a dynamic God, constantly reorganizing all of life on this planet. The decisions people are making on a moment by moment basis, the places they go and when they get there, to line up all the required components for your way to be made. If you let it. And that's amazing. Everything is actually working for your greatest growth, your greatest benefit, and your greatest evolution. Now, that doesn't mean that we don't experience challenges. But the problem is when we call those challenges problems and we believe that they are not part of God's way, then we start to exert our own will and our own ego in trying to change a structure that's not meant to be changed. It's meant to grow you. It's meant to redirect you. It's meant to help you, even though it may be difficult and challenging. The greatest growth and the greatest redirections of my life came from the biggest challenges. My addiction helped me become who I am today. My health challenges has helped me go deeper into my faith than anything else that I've ever experienced. My business challenges has helped me become a better marketer and a better strategist in order for me to get my message out there. Every challenge that you experience is a challenge by design. And when you can embrace it as part of the way and part of the plan, you can navigate it a lot more gracefully and a lot more easily. Because worry and fear prevent you from participating in God's plan, and they don't easily disappear. And this is why this episode is so important, because you must know that God is your way maker. You must affirm to yourself that no matter what happens, you believe a way is being made.

David Bayer:

Again, if God triggers you, then the universe or mathematics or nature. But the system of intelligence that is so infinite in both within and beyond who we are, as the Hindus described it, the great shining body of radiance that has no beginning and no end. You must affirm to yourself that no matter what's going on in your life, a way is being made. God is the author of your life and is constantly writing new stories for all of us. The story of humanity, new stories for you, opening new paths and creating paths for you that he has never created before. So it's important to understand this. Just because you may not find an example of your miracle out there doesn't mean that your miracle will not occur. Because new stories are always being written. And he is using you to make your story. And his story is a masterpiece. Story. Every story that God writes is a masterpiece. And he's writing your masterpiece right now because you are a masterpiece. And when you feel hopeless and helpless, that's fine. Just try to remember as quickly as possible that right now, whether you can see it or sense it or not, a way is being made. Psalm. 34. It says, the righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all. It's really important to understand this. It doesn't say, the Lord delivers them from some of them. Right? The Lord delivers them from some, but not others. But the Lord delivers him from them all. Whether you believe the Bible to be historically accurate or not, the stories are illustrative of these points. When the Israelites were facing the Red Sea, remember that God did not provide them with a cargo ship or a boat. No one expected the instructions he gave to Moses. Moses, outstretched your hand and open it upon the sea. He parted the waters and allowed the Israelites to cross on dry ground instead of navigating. Think about that for a moment. A miracle. Might have been a bunch of boats show up to shepherd the Israelites across the Red Sea. God's like, I can do better than that. I will do what I have never done before. I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert. I'm going to make this part of the incredible unfolding of the masterpiece story, my masterpiece story, as God, your masterpiece story. As one of my creations, I'm not just going to send you boats, which would be a miraculous ending to this pursuit of the Israelites into the Red Sea. I'm going to just go ahead and part the seas through Moses humility and willingness to be a part of my way. So God is still in the business of making roads in the sea. And I want you to know that you cannot predict God. Right? Isaiah says, for my thoughts are not your thoughts. Neither are my ways. Your ways. As the heaven is higher than the earth, so are my thoughts higher than your thoughts. So these are different ways, different thoughts, different means than what we have the capacity to understand. That's why we call them miracles. But worry and fear have the ability to make you forget that God is making a way. Worry will make you want to predict God. Just notice this worry will make you want to predict God, right? To start informing God of how it needs to work or how it should work. And therefore that's where your attention goes. And therefore you missed God's movement in your life. So once we know that God is the way maker and a way is being made, and that any way can be made, even if it's a new way, regardless of your ask, and God has heard your ask, and you don't have to keep asking, what do we do? Instead of the worry, the doubt and the fear that has been our chronic habit, the answer is we relax into our lives. We enjoy the fruits of our lives. We bring our attention. We bring our bodies. We bring our minds. We bring our spirit to work on something we're passionate about. We spend time with loved ones. We go and be in service of others. We go for a walk in nature. You enjoy your favorite cup of coffee. You listen to an uplifting audio or watch something that activates inspiration inside of you. The alternative is to continue to entangle with the problem, thinking your way is the way and disallowing the way from actually being made. So when you step away from the problem, you move into the frequency of the solution. You allow God to renew you and to continue to unfold his way. You will have new ideas. You will take new action, in alignment with the way that is being made for you. But you must be willing to step away from the problem for just a little while. You cannot find the way in worry and fear. That's why Einstein said you cannot solve a problem from the same level of energy or frequency or consciousness that created it. Matthew gives us this instruction. Matthew tells us, therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. So let go of the troubles of your life and let God, whatever your understanding of God is, because God is making a way for you right now. And all you need to do is make yourself available to it by dropping your resistance. Stop hustling, stop grinding, stop pushing, stop talking, stop complaining, stop worrying, and let the miracle of your own red Sea unfold. And give God a little bit of time, would you? God works miracles quickly, sometimes overnight, but not always. So stop checking in on your miracle. I had a friend who was so living in fear of financial insecurity, even though he had what anyone else would consider to be financial prosperity and abundance, his life was miserable. He was obsessively checking his stock account 20, 30, 40 times a day. That'll make you crazy, because if you check your stock account 20, 30, 40 times a day, you're going to notice every time the stock went down, but it goes up, it goes down. Things change. We're living in a dynamic environment. But ultimately, over time, you're going to get your returns. Stop checking and go live your life. So stop checking in on your miracle. God has his own timing. Oh, but David, it's been so long. Yes, but have you been working your way or seeking God's way? When you truly trust and let go and let God, and you develop that faith over time, in short time, your miracle will occur. What's a year? What's two years in the scheme of your life, and oftentimes it's so much shorter. In the meantime, go on with your life because you know what? As you're waiting for your miracle, you're missing the miracle of your life right now. Go live your life. There's so much to love about your life. Don't worry about the small things that you need fixed, no matter how big they may seem. Go and honor all of those things that were once problems because they didn't exist in your life. But then they materialized. They became miracles. Your children, your career, where you live, nature itself, they became miracles in your life. All of those things that you could go be grateful for right now and spend time with as a result of the great way maker. And more of those things will blossom into your life if you go and spend time with them and let God do his thing. Be grateful. There was so much working for you. Let God work on this problem and when you hear his commands, take action. But until then, rest. Relax. Love, joy, express yourself. That's what you're asked to do. Because in the meantime, God is making a way for you. So I hope this was the message you needed to hear today. I'm sure it is. That's how this found its way to you, because God is always making a way for you and making a way for us. I love you so much. I appreciate you being here. If you were inspired by this message and you want to inspire someone else, please share it. If you're listening on the audio platforms, please, please, please give me a review. It's the way we get this work out to more people. If you're joining me on YouTube, subscribe hit the bell icon. Leave me some comments. I want to know what you think. And thank you for allowing me to share this with you today. Because you know what? As much as this may be a reminder for you, it's a reminder for me, too. Because every day is an opportunity to remember that I don't have to be the way maker, that there's a great way maker making a way for all of us, not just in our individual lives, but God's moving us forward in really powerful ways as a family together. So I love you and I'll see you in the next episode.

David Bayer:

Hey, it's David. One more thing. If you want to go even deeper on everything we've talked about on today's episode, don't forget to jump over to you can find the link in the show notes and subscribe to our newsletter a couple of times a week, I'm going to be sending you the latest episodes that we've released, along with additional free trainings. You'll get immediate access to my free Mind Hack eBook and go even deeper into all the tools, the technologies, and the frameworks that have helped tens of thousands of people established a changed mind. Don't forget to jump on over to the site and I will see you in the next episode.




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