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Season 2 Wrap Up
Episode 13Bonus Episode21st May 2024 • Bones of the Storie • Mistie Maskil
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As the curtain falls on this chapter, Mistie and Jenn rank their the books of Season 2. But the stage is set for a season three, did you catch all those hints, that promises even more gripping narratives to sink our teeth into.

Content Highlights

  • Discussing DNF's
  • Ranking order of S2



hello listeners, welcome to the season two wrap-up. We made it, Jenn and I are here, you ready yep do you remember what the season two, what our season wrap-up is? Or do we need a refresher, a?

refresher would probably be good yeah, I feel like we did. I feel like we did that really well. So, on season one wrap-up, we just talked about our dnfs and why we didn't finish them, and then we ranked all the books we read for season one. So this one is going to be fairly easy, because we didn't have any dnfs for season two. Yeah, yeah, we shuffled some books, you know to like season three in the four lineup, but there hasn't been anything that we both started reading and we're like just no.


So yeah I don't know if we just got lucky with a better selection um, our tastes have improved, or it could be the complete opposite of the spectrum our tastes have completely declined well, and I feel like with this season, like the first season, was a lot of the jar books, you know, and those, those are a lot of first-time authors, or or at least I think there were or at least first time for us yeah, first time for us, so we're like this one.

These are tried and true authors that, like we've, either one of us had read and really liked, or what I don't know. Do we have any jar books on this season?


uh, yeah, no one has to know oh, that's right yeah, I think the others were pulled from that list that you shared okay because the ones that we shuffled were jar books to make room, but then also some of them were just like books that some of them were books that you had previously read and then you needed somebody to read them so we can discuss, and or it had been things that had new releases that came out that we needed to discuss as well, and then sometimes it was just a book that one of us read for a book club and we're like, hey, I read this book, let's, let's talk about it let's talk about it so, like all the things, so I feel like this wrap-up is going to be very hard for you, because I think the first thing that we need to determine is in the ranking is the sarah j moss are we doing like?

are we doing like each individual book? Are we doing it as a series?


god, if we did each individual book like, we would be here for 20 years, like we both have to retire and just talk about the ranking of Sarah J Maas's individual books for the rest of our lives because, I feel like you and I would go round and round yeah, we would.


So we're going to do Crescent City Akatar Throne of Glass.


Yes, this is going to be so hard. I don't like this.


So technically for this we have, because we did have some ones where we just had discussions- so, we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 books, Because I'm just going to do the Bridge Kingdom as a duet to rank. Yeah 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 5, 6, 7, 8.


No 11.


to rank yeah, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, five, six, seven eight no 11.

Okay, hold on bridge. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Okay, no 10. I counted wrong. It's too early. It's too early. You're trying to be count. I had to use my fingers. My dad would be very proud of me. Oh, I love you. Oh, my gosh, I'm so done. I'm so done. Okay, I know, I think I need to write some of these down, okay, well, I know what my number 10 is, as she's told, right, actually, no, that wasn't my number 10, you what?


that wasn't my number 10.


All right, I guess we're gonna keep it Okay so I'm assuming that's your number, Den yeah.




Yeah, I totally forgot about it. Maybe I should change it. Okay, hold on, I think I'm going to write mine out really quick and then look, and you're going to go first and then I'm going to go.


Okay, it's really tough. Oh my gosh, okay, yeah, this is really hard okay, yeah, I think I'm gonna change.


Okay, let me start it. What's my number one? That might be easier? Man, that's gonna be a tough one. You know what? I'm just kind of winging it. I'm going with what I feel and I'm not thinking about it okay, yep are you already done? Yep shit okay, hold on. I started from one and went down instead of 10 to go up because I felt like that was easier, and now I'm stuck yeah, that's um.


Yeah, I actually ended up switching. I actually went in a different ranking than I thought I would well, fuck, okay.


so I guess I'm gonna have to put this here, even though I don't want to Fuck, fuck. Which ones am I missing? 1, 2, 3.


I did say 10, right 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Yeah, that's what I have 1, 2, 3.


Oh, okay, 1, 2, 3. Okay, I think this is going to be really weird. I'm allowed to change my order, right? Yeah, okay, I got my ranking done. You go first. What's your number 10?


Oh, we're going to start at the bottom.


Yeah, I think we should start with 10 and then work our way up.


Okay, my number 10 ended up being no one has to know I'm changing my order okay, I changed my mind. You can't change your order, it was just boring. I had you have it was just boring.


Okay, I'm changing two of mine. I'm making my number 10. No one has to know too, you're such a brat, such a brat. Well, no, so the last three I was really confused on and I just threw them down. But no, I'm lying. Okay, I'm going to go with my original order. My number 10 is her soul to take, mm, that's my number 10.


That's interesting. I just why? Because the heroine was so stupid yes, that's fair.


I can't stand stupid main female characters yeah, that's fair. So that's my number 10. I'm sticking with it this time. I'm gonna erase my arrow, okay all right, so what's your number? Nine still beating mine, too, so maybe I should go first that's funny.


Yeah, yeah, again stupid.


Yeah, like I feel like if, if the author would have made her a stronger. I mean, obviously she is. She has strength in some things because she survived and overcame and it just took time, but that doesn't make up for the stupidity at the beginning or the middle. Like I needed her to be that way the whole time. Yeah, okay, my number eight. No one has to know she wasn't that far off. Yeah, yeah, my number eight. No one has to know she wasn't that far off.


Yeah yeah, my number eight is as she's Told.


Okay, no explanation needed for that one.




I have, as she's Told, is number seven.


That's where I have her soul to take. Oh, interesting, because I liked it when I read it, like it was good-ish yeah, I think I would enjoy book three more than than book one.


We might just have to read the whole series and then come back and talk about it as a whole yeah since it has three storylines happening at the same time and the other two women see way more smarter and not stupid.


So yeah, agreed, okay, so my number. What is this? Six, six a soul to keep oh crescent city because, I only like the first book yeah, I don't know, there were pegasuses in book three and their resand was in book two, so like, okay, so my, what number are we on? Five?


uh, sea of ruin for me okay, I put ACOTAR dagger to the heart and I thinking because I'm thinking of all the books that I have before I would probably reread or get into the world more than ACOTAR, and the only reason why I read ACOTAR is for you, Jenn, Aww. I hurt you.


I also hit myself really hard, are you?


okay, where's Mike? Can he kiss you to make it better?


Ow, where's mike? Can he kiss it and make it better? So not only did it hurt metaphysically, it actually hurt physically. It actually hurt physically. Yes, oh, that breaks my heart, but I understand okay. So what's your number four?


a soul to keep. Now I see you like looking at what everything is.


Okay, I don't like this. There is no way you can hate how that book ended and rank it above ACOTAR. I mean, it's your ranking, so yeah, you can. You're allowed, it's fine.


I'm just saying In my mind I'm thinking in this moment, obviously because I've only read book one that I would go on to read other books in the series, if definitely not only book six, because it's different, because he's already a ghost Akatar. I'm only rereading it when you tell me I need to reread it. That is not something that I would go out of my way to like. Oh, let me go ahead and read A Court of Thorn and Roses. The day that that happens, I'm going to message you and be like I've been abducted by aliens. There's been a body of the invasion snappers. I just don't see me going out of my way to pick it up. Not that it's bad. Obviously check out our sarah j moss discussion episodes, but it's just I don't like I don't there's.

Just check out the episode and you'll know yeah but a soul to keep falls in line with more with the things that I enjoy with like the monster and the darkness, and besides the last 20, everything else about it was great, like yeah and I'm hoping that if I were to read the second book it's not going to be a continuous where she kills the main love interest every fucking book. But who knows she might, and then I'm really gonna be pissed. But it was a great concept. New world, I don't know, that's how I'm feeling it's valid wait, what was your number five?

no, number four right I didn't write down your number five and I can't remember what you said, so will you repeat it please?


yeah, see you ruin.


Oh okay, thank you okay, and now you're number four um crescent city.


Oh okay, so we're not too far off yeah, no, I mean it's. It's definitely my least favorite series of sjm's books. I just, I feel like you don't, you don't get the the well, yeah, but you just go listen to the episodes yeah, anything for sarah j moss.


Just go listen to the episodes because it's multiple yeah, we talked about it for like two hours okay, so we're at number three yep you want to go first, you want me to go first?


I think I know what yours is gonna be do you want to take a guess?


wait, hold three you're not gonna guess.


No sea of ruin okay, I like this, okay, okay, okay, I like this. You only like it because you know what's at the top two now? This is the only reason why yeah, pretty much, but I feel like the rankings totally make sense for who we are as people oh, yeah, absolutely 100 yeah, my number three is thrown a glass okay.


so I'm really curious about your two and one, because I'm I don't know which one is one and which one is two. So my two which I think is going to surprise you is Throne of Glass, and then Bridge Kingdom is one, and Bridge Kingdom is one for me.


I love it.


Do you want to know how I came up with that logic?




Because Rowan is trash. No, because one. I liked the how they didn't give in to each other very easily Like they held true to. No, I can't be with you and all the things that we talked about in the episode, but also because Bridge Kingdom is shorter than Throwing Glass. It's two books it's easier for me to pick up two books and read that in one setting than it is seven, especially because I gotta fucking get through a ton of trash. Yeah, I know. Anyways, listen to the episodes, you'll understand Jenn's response to that.

So you'll understand Jenn's response to that, so I'm waiting with bated breath this is so hard. How did you rank them?


if it were up to me, I would never rank them against each other, but Akatar edged out Bridge Kingdom just a little bit. Oh, but like that's only because it is a season wrap up and I have to do this in my real life, like ACOTAR and Bridge Kingdom, like if I had to like make somebody read a series, it would be those two and I would honestly probably make them read Bridge Kingdom first so then, how did Akatar inch its way to number one?

because Akatar just has such a special place in my heart. It's like your first love, like you never forget your first love you never forget. Like that high school sweetheart that you spent a year with and, like taught you what love is and taught you like what heartbreak is and how to move on and all the things. It's ecotard for me in my reading world. It's just, it's my first. Is it a little inexperienced? Yeah, is it lovely also?


yes, I love that comparison so much yeah, it's just it's.


Yeah, it's just high stakes enough that like you're invested in like their winning and like their triumphs. But it's so sweet and romantic that like you kick your feet and giddy giggle all the time, because that's who I am at heart.


I love that so much. I feel like that's a good. I think you were right. You were spot on that. The lineup reflects who we, who yes even though we had, like some say or like a few off, like our general premises of what's at the bottom and what's at the top is pretty normalized for us anyways yeah, for sure.


okay, did you all read all of the books from this season and if so, we would love to know your rankings of these books? And if you've read just akatar and bridge kingdom, what would you put first and why? Because now I want to know your rankings of these books and if you've read just Akatar and Bridge Kingdom, what would you put first and why?


Because now I want to know.


Thank you for joining us on the journey into the shadows of love, where dark romance stories come to life. We hope you enjoyed this episode of Bones of the Story as much as we did. If you did, don't forget to subscribe and leave a review. Your feedback means the world to us.


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We'd also love to hear from you, Share your thoughts, ideas or even your own dark romance stories with us. Drop us a line at bonesofthestoryatgmailcom.


Remember our next tantalizing episode is just around the corner, so keep your hearts open and your senses sharp.


Until then, embrace the darkness and let the stories continue to stir your deepest desires.


This is Mistie and Jenn signing off from Bones of the Storie.

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