He's a WHORE, for PREP. A wonderful human offering responsible education about the use of PREP to prevent transmission of the HIV virus. He's not afraid to talk about it, the use of it, nor to talk about why he uses it. He's owning his sexual truth, sexual practices, and why feels freedom to be a man, a gay man, taking his daily dose of PREP. Damon L. Jacobs makes no bones about why he believes everyone should no about PREP - pre-exposure prophylaxis - and the good it brings into the world for the world and that's why he and I are address this topic for 40+ men, all men who should take note of how this type of medication for prevention is as important as any other type of medication your Dr. orders you to take.
About Damon
Damon L. Jacobs is a New York-based Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and HIV prevention specialist who focuses his work on sexual wellness, relationships, and harm-reduction. He is the author of two self-help books titled, "Absolutely Should-less" and "Rational Relating." He is best known for championing the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in The New York Times, USA Today, MSNBC, NPR, Vice News, and more. He has presented on clinical approaches to PrEP and Harm Reduction at The U.S. Conference on AIDS, CROI, The Harm Reduction Coalition Conference, The CDC National HIV Prevention Conference (NHPC), The International AIDS Society Conference (IAS), and more. He was honored to receive a Commissioner Special Recognition Award for his work through the New York State Department of Health in 2016.
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