Debbie Arcangeles is the host of The Offbeat Life Podcast which helps people live their best life and become location independent. She interviews inspiring individuals who ditched the norm in order to live their adventure.
Quotes To Remember:
“It’s not just about travelling. It’s about living a life that you truly want to live.”
“Instead of saying you don’t have the time, you have to say “I’m not prioritizing it.”
“If you are afraid to do it, do it a little bit at a time instead of doing everything at once.”
“The more beautiful it looks, the harder these people actually work.”
“Take your time. See what you really want to do.”
What You’ll Learn:
- Being a Location-Independent Freelancer
- How to be Comfortable at Ditching the Norm
- What Does it Mean to Live Your Adventure
- Letting Go of the Fear and Being Fearless
- Prioritizing the Things that Really Matter
Key Links From The Show:
Debbie’s Site
The Offbeat Life by Debbie Arcangeles
Breakthrough Success Facebook Group
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