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The Seventh Age of the Church – TS Wright pt 2
Episode 134714th September 2023 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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The Seventh Age of the Church

TS Wright pt 2

The Book of the Revelation, for some, bring ominous warnings and invokes fear. For believers, the opposite is true (at least for true believers…).

The hope that the soon return of Jesus is about to happen!  We can see signs from the Book of the Revelation all around us today. We are living what the Bible depicts as the “end of days.” We are living it!  Right now!

As I said, for believers – we should be getting excited!  We also need to get busy! We need to be witnessing like never before! We need to sound the alarm as never before! We need to be warning everyone that the “end is near!”

Now, I would not go as far as to hold up a sign that says that on a city street corner (unless that is what he Lord has told you to do) – but we should be sharing the Gospel and relating it to end time events in an effort to show the world that the Bible is true and we are about to witness something spectacular!

Well, Scott Wright is back with us today. Scott has been teaching us about the different ages of the Church and significant things the Bible and history has to say about them.

If you missed any of the preceding episodes where we covered the Church Ages One through Six, go back to the archives and find them. You will be amazed at the information Scott Wright has been sharing with us thus far. Amen!

Scott is helping us to understand each of the different ages of the Church and why they are so significant – especially as we look at the modern day church age with all the societal problems we are facing today.

Today, we are going to be looking at the Seventh Age of the Church, as depicted in Revelation Chapter Three.  This is part TWO of what turned out to be a THREE part interview!

The start of the Seventh Age of the Church really started with the shift from an agrarian society to the Industrial Age and living in urban environments?

Let’s be clear, Jesus is not returning during this Seventh Age of the Church – but immediately AFTER?

We talked about the “beginning” of the Seventh Age of the Church. What happens as it proceeds?

The “Industrial Age” actually helped WWI and WWII to happen. Every time a nation creates a “new weapon,” they want to use them.

WWI starts the shift from the “gentiles” back to the focus on the Jews.  The signal is the “Balfour Declaration,” which gives land back to Israel.

The political destruction of the monarchies happened – to be followed by the “roaring twenties!” When political power started to shift to the people (creating “Communism” and “Fascism” instead of monarchies. That brings us to the cause of WWII.

God worked to get Harry Truman into a position where God could use him to make two decisions that change the landscape forever of the world:

  1. Dropping the first atom bomb and
  2. Recognizing the Nation of Israel.

With the advent of technology, the spread of the Gospel starts to rapidly go around the world.

Folks, there is no doubt that we are living in what Jesus and historical Christian scholars have called, “The End Times.” We are working our way through each of the Church Ages in order to give you a more thorough understanding of how all this fits into what we are witnessing, right  now, all around us.

I urge you drop down into the show notes and click the links right there. Order his book and be sure to subscribe to his podcast, too. Amen!




Book:  “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.”  - on Amazon

Podcast:  The God Centered Concept

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